19804272? ago

Ashton was in a creepy movie with a scene where as a kid he and sister were being pthotographed or filmed suggesting CP.

19804049? ago

Didn't Aston speak before congress about his efforts to design software that tracked child trafficking? Could he of meant software for (((them))) to keep inventory?

19804043? ago

GHWB (Bush I) "Thousand Points of Light" speech.

19802972? ago


“Bloodlines of the Illuminati”

“p. 205) and his speeches Fritz Springmeier cites a secret castle situated near the village of Muno in Belgium. This castle according to Springmeier, is a center of the occult and has a cathedral with a dome containing 1000 lights. The castle is referred to as the Mothers-of-Darkness castle and Monarch programming is supposedly performed on children there

19803538? ago

? Tom Steyer timeline......PANIC!!!! https://voat.co/v/QRV/3323918 Account Deleted By User (pizzagate) https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2323966/11543971 A law firm in New York State called E&E Legal has a massive dossier on Tom Steyer, Margie Sullivan and the Steyer accounts.

19802887? ago

Here's a video of here doing a podcast - taken from here website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnkD2MbuUnw Here's the website: http://mothermodelmanagement.com/

19803568? ago

Someone once said footage comes up of Demi Moore literally making out with a 12 year old boy SICK! The forum or blog also had look at John McCain, The McCain institute, Aston Krutcher and THORN

19802873? ago

Have you heard about so called mothers of darkness ?

19806682? ago

You can find an accurate if veiled description of the mothers of darkness in Frank Herbert’s “Dune” (the Bene Gesserit are an analogy for the Mothers).

They are selectively breeding humans to bring about the second coming of Christ (the Kwizatz Haderach, sp?, in Dune). They want Christ to be a monarch slave.

They use sex to enslave (a bit more literally in Dune, in our world it is just blackmail after visits to places like Epstein island). They marry their way into the power structure of the world (follow the wives, who are they?).

19803625? ago

The babylon religion? Theistic Satanism, Luciferianism, Masonic Eastern Star, Durukti, Mahishi (demoness), Naamah, Succubi, the tranny shemale Baphomet, Lilith

19802548? ago

dont dox urself

19802320? ago

Eh. Anon, I think you’re on the mark with the Ashton being sketchy, as the other response pointed out he’s involved with McCain.

Funny enough my ex girlfriend was in contact with Mother for a while but we broke up and i don’t know what came of it. Nothing noteworthy though.

I modeled for a few years in Manhattan and the two photos don’t necessarily alarm me, but the photo of the guy pisses me off. Why? Because I walked away from the modeling world because of shit like that. I’m a guy, but I’m a fuckin MAN. I have a classic all American look to me but I have muscle, I’m masculine. And that’s exactly why I left, that world doesn’t want me. They want these fuckin soft twinks with that disassociated look in their eye staring off in the distance trying to find where they lost their soul before their agent butt fucked them while it was filmed. I can’t be apart of that shit and I didn’t wanna be photographed in a way that made me look feminine or gay. Fuck that.

But I digress. I’m not seeing what you’re seeing but I get your point. That whole industry needs to fuckin get revamped. Chandler needs to go and all her fuckin wretched, sickly “models” need to go to rehab, a shrink and probably an emergency room.

19804616? ago

Did you consider that it was probably Mother who took that ass away from you ?

19802893? ago

Don't forget that Ashton is EXTREMELY VOCAL about child trafficking... unused to think he was a good guy because 70s show and him "helping the kids", but now his child foundation he runs scares me... I don't think he's a good guy now that I know what evil is in this world...

19802671? ago

What are the odds that someone claiming to have some personal knowledge of this company immediately appears to say everything is normal there.

We are goats not “anons.”

19802585? ago

We are going to need pics of your ex for...verification purposes.

19802073? ago

That look is called "dissociation". The original personality "goes away" to escape the torture that is happening, and another empty shell of a person is there to receive new programming as a "sex kitten", assassin, school shooter, preacher, or whatever.

There can be any number of these shells programmed with many personalities (alters).

I have seen this look in real life, in person. It was extremely unsettling.

I believe they show the "models" this way to indicate that they are suitable and ready for programming at the buyer's pleasure.

19803295? ago


19802553? ago

It looked to me as if they were bragging about kills with the pictures, but it makes more sense as an advertisement for financial gain.. sickening all the same..

19806576? ago

Keep in mind, US dollars are nothing to the cabal. They have a printing press for those. This is a spiritual war, that's what they do this for. And they've had the upper hand until now.

19807342? ago

Can you please elaborate on this point? The spiritual side is the hardest to grasp for me due to all the disinformation and perversion of literature relating to the spiritual aspect, in addition to the fact it's not physical and therefore not logically inferrable in the physical world.

It seems to me the spiritual aspect would be conquered through the torture phase, where the future ownership or sale of the disaccociated individual wouldn't implicate any spiritual gain as they would still be in forced servitude regardless of if they were sold or retained by the torturer.. it seems to me the sale is either financial in nature, or a control mechanism over the purchaser, though the requisite blackmail likely existed prior to ownership transfer, nullifying its necessity..

19807960? ago

I'll try to explain in secular... but it's hard without the biblical context.

Long story short, these people are luciferians; they worship satan.

Your Girl Hillary & Her Satanic Cross

Your Girl Chelsea & Her Satanic Cross

Symbolism Will Be Their DownFall

Q Link

So what does this have to do with the pedo crap Leviticus 18:21: Do not give any of your children to be sacrificed to Molek, for you must not profane the name of your God. I am the LORD.

Molek is an Old testament god that required child sacrifice. The Isrealites were tempted by this religion time and time again:

Who Is Molech?

With more digging, you will see links between Molech, Baal, Lucifer...

With even more digging, you will find the worship of these idols still prevalent today

James Gunn

Rainn Wilson

Go to QMAP.PUB and just do a search on Satan... it's ugly

God bless WWG1WGA

19807959? ago

Yes, this is not easy... breaking through deception is the nature of this whole game! And Q+ is throwing it in their faces with his 5D chess... truly a spectacular show.

I don't propose to understand all of this in the ultimate "WHY" sense - that's what we're all here to learn. But I think I get a lot of the machinery. I will speak to this from having studied the following: Shamanism, The Bible (+Books of Enoch), Q, and the monetary system.

First of all you have to consider human beings as separate from spiritual forces that may be controlling them (like a puppet). Humans are who Q is trying to save, liberating us from these forces.

I am trained in traditional medicine (not quite to a professional level yet) and this is what we do: a person comes to us for help and we can see that this person is hurting and sick because of bad stuff that is in the psyche - it controls the body, makes them say and do bad things, and ultimately turns the body against itself causing chronic illness. We know how to interact with these spirits and get them to leave. We can help the person see these things and make themselves no longer hospitable to such things.

Negative spiritual forces may include: bad ideas, emotional trauma, or in the extreme, possession by one or more entities.

And there are good spirits too, the human is a good spirit which is in a body for now, and also has let's call it an "other self", a higher-self or guide, that lives in the non-physical realm.

Plants, stones, water, are all tools and helpers that we can work with too. You could take a "spirit maximalist" view if you like, which is to say that everywhere there is perception, there is a spirit at work.

The goal of evil is to take control of as many humans as possible and to maximize suffering. When a person hurts (in both the passive and the transitive sense of that verb) they are literally feeding these dark forces.

These monsters need to eat, and suffering is their food.

So to that end, they have constructed a whole system with countless vectors to get into the psyche, including but not limited to propaganda, physical harm (from spanking to torture), harsh words, children being nasty to each other, and in the extreme, adults abusing children.

The way you start to unravel this is through forgiveness and repentance, and also physically cleansing the body (all-organic food for starters, plus cut out alcohol, marijuana, pork).

When I say repentance I'm not talking self-flagellation, I mean rethinking one's values and really changing things at that level, that is, coming out of agreement with the views and choices that got us into trouble.

Any time we are hanging on to repressed anger, resentment, hatred, sorrow, these wounds are like an invitation for demons to get in and take control. If you can see this and pay attention to what is happening, you will see that the demons are just a symptom of something you need to heal inside.

And this leads us into the bigger picture of how we individually are really responsible for what we see "out there" (think mirror).

So I wanted to weave some thoughts about money into this but it has already turned into a pretty long answer and I gotta stop somewhere. I hope this has been interesting.

19809165? ago

I agree with most of your thoughts, though still have a hard time seeing a lack of monetary motivation when the tortured individual is left in a negative mental state regardless to retention by original tortuer or sale thus maintaining a victory in the spiritual aspect over God..

19809837? ago

alright so the smaller players involved in this, yes they want houses and yachts and fame. They trade their eternal souls for these trinkets which Lucifer passes out like they are nothing.

But lets look further up the pyramid, let's bring the Fed (central bank) into the picture, which I suppose to be pretty close to the top of this hierarchy, at least what we know of on earth.

At that level, you do not make money by providing goods and services. You "make" money ex nihilo by typing numbers into your computer which everyone is forced by law to recognize as having value. In fact it's not money at all, it is IOUs or credit-units. And then you pass these credit-units out to your friends and they work their way down through the deep state cabal hierarchy (gov, wall st, universities etc) greasing all the wheels everywhere throughout the system.

So this whole deep-state organization, if you view it sort of like one corporation, doesn't make money the way a manufacturer or farmer or whatever does. It is really in the business of destroying money... constantly inflating dollars into existence and then doling them out to the people who do all this satanic shit, all down the hierarchy. (I will point out there are other ways USD are created, beyond the Fed proper - there is fractional reserve, and then money-market leveraging perhaps being the most mind-blowing of monetary frauds).

So, then we look at the longer term goal, where was all this going with Hillary and the NK/Iran nukes and whatever that plan was going to be... it looks to me like they were working toward total annihilation of this planet.

Now, a person who works for money does not wish to destroy his own existence, right. He wishes exist, and to have his money so he can spend it. Maybe save some for the future, invest it etc. He is working because he wants to LIVE.

But an organization which issues fake currency (destroying money) does not produce things, does not work in order to earn value in return through voluntary trade. It wishes to destroy money and the whole business of earning it... it wishes to really destroy all of existence. That was the goal it has been funding all along, for the US to destroy itself and in turn the planet. And there we get into the connection between these communists and the ideals of nihilism... I think they go hand in hand, it is really a war on all of existence.

19801432? ago


Know a man by the company he keeps.

19801836? ago

Came here to post the video of ashton and mccain exchange in congress. This is way better.