20253704? ago

What is Bronfman family?

Because some voat user mentioned it here,


why so?

19775721? ago

Bill Cooper WAS RIGHT AGAIN... 20 years ago. Bill brought us together, Jones divides us. A Rothschild, Zionist puppet.

19774054? ago

Great thread. It shows how just research into one person leads to so much more information

19773872? ago

What if it is actually Q WHO IS MOSSAD while Alex Jones is the patriot?

Yes, Alex Jones does not call out Israel nearly enough - but he is on record on calling out Israel way more than Q ever has!

Further, if Alex is Mossad, why did they ban him from everywhere except his own website, cutting his audience by some 70% in the process?

I am agnostic on this question. But I will say that after having watched Jones for over a decade, I would find it hard to believe that he is a traitor to America. Compromised by money, greed and threats on his life? Okay, I can buy that. But an all out traitor? No way.

19774362? ago

Alex Jones acts crazy and calls out Israel so when normies look at crazy conspiracy Alex Jones they don't believe him. He has also LIED in the past about TRUE stories. normally that would not be bad but since he is funded by Mossad and is a disinformation agent for another country that is when it becomes a problem. this also brings another problem however... the enemy here is not necessarily Israel but the wealthy and manipulative families/illuminati/intelligence agencies. these are psychological tactics so people put blame on a country when the enemy is more of an entity. every country has it's own deep state. one could argue the real enemy is the Vatican. Alex Jones is an actor. Q calls out the enemy as the old guard and there are some references to Israel but it's important not to get confused. what Jones does is mix in truths with fake information on behalf of Mossad with ties to Bronfman family. think about how Ilhan Omar acts and the wild accusations she makes. she is an actress. that's what these people do. what they do to NORMAL news which is mostly fake and repeats same anti-trump message without talking about actual news is just as bad. just shows they cover all bases... Twitter using Jones (Mossad) as an excuse to ban conservatives/conspiracy is an operation not a coincidence and is psychological warfare as many do not know it is all related.

19773796? ago

I’m curious why Trump invited Alex Jones to the next social meria Summit it Alex is mossad

19774406? ago

same reason he invited Louis Farrakhan. he's Trump. sometimes it's fun to play along. then you can have Mossad agent fake complain about being shadowbanned by his own bosses. makes for good tv.

19773637? ago

This is all very interesting. But still, I just can't believe that Jones is a spook. I don't think it's humanly possible to maintain his level of fiery passion (supposedly fake) for decades. The human mind cannot conjure constantly flowing rants, every day for decades, if the material is all lies. His passion is real, and it's obvious he does truly care about this country. It seems to me (just a guess) that Jones was willing to integrate with a compromising source (Mossad) with the intention of using them (as they use him) to further get the word out about the serious threats to our country.

19780717? ago

apparently, you haven't watched enough tv/theater/drama training!

19782194? ago

Apparently you haven't realized that theater performances don't last for a constant 25 years.

19774573? ago

check this link if yo udidn't see another posted below https://twitter.com/_00111111_/status/1037415603135492098/photo/1

19774524? ago

no one is that passionate about it to the point he starts crying. the information is there who owns his company and who the lawyer is for the company. those are facts. take it for what it is don't have to believe it lol. some of the stuff he's said is true but his overacting to sell it is to throw off scent. for instance he says Sandy Hook is staged..which is true.. then goes on CNN (Mossad) and does a special about a form of psychosis led him to believe it was staged. now they have a piece on showing a 'crazy' person believing something that cannot be true. a normal CNN viewer would interpret that as so you're crazy if you think it's staged. but are you?

19773768? ago

No, he probably is. Just make sure if you’re going to listen to AJ, be skeptical. Something’s not right there.

19773512? ago

Wow - it is like reading real article from a real journalist. Leaves fake news Jurnos in the sewer.

19773316? ago

the thread linked to was copied from this guys original content. it is better, more stuff.


19774558? ago

wait i can't forgot is in link haha. well awesome thanks

19774548? ago

cool i'll update it

19772745? ago

Good stuff. Thanks for organizing in one place.

19772852? ago

was just an old link someone else put together but seeing current events some is a little easier to piece together now. you are welcome.

19772597? ago

The map images that shows that Jones was at the Stratfor office do not match. They are similar but not the same...

19772839? ago

could be a diff map? either way the ties to stratfor are in plain sight via Maroney i'm not too worried about a diff map possibly taken diff time. Obvious disinformation shill is why Twitter singled him out to start ban of conspiracy/conservatives. it is what it is.

19772235? ago

Bill Cooper saw through Jones from the start and when Q outed him and Corsi I left them both. One more thing i am not 100% sure on is Steve Piecznick who a lot of people think is a great patriot and he may be but what put a big red flag for me was a video i saw on Alex Jones just before Trump won the election where Steve was his guest and he proceeded to call Obama a good guy who turned the economy around and Valerie Jarrett was a reasonable woman who could talk to Obama. I could not believe my ears and i had to comment on that video that Steve sounded like someone working for Obama and not on the patriots side for Obama's job was weakening America which he did quite well. All i am saying is i don't trust him and he also said he was the one giving info to Wikileaks and we know that was a lie.

19772444? ago

Amen. Bill Cooper was a true hero. Too bad he is dead.

19780648? ago

Bill Cooper, and Bill Hicks!

19772353? ago

yeah crazy Prosebiac got a job at OANN when you know what he's up to. it's semi funny though he doesn't shill as much anymore but it's already too late. never heard of Steve guy but yeah it's hard to tell.. anyone that says obama or valerie are good are dead to me no take backs. it is kind of a genius idea to have these 'crazy conspiracy' people to tell half truths though so no one knows what to believe. however lying to the American public intentionally for a foreign government i think is a form of treason or something pretty serious.

on that note this all reminded me of this funny pic i found during this time Q posted.

father and son? lol jk. ish.
