19770474? ago

Invaluable hint, helper anon. Just knowing the word kufic helps anons dig and dig some more. Thank you!

19771863? ago

I found this: Islamic Cultural center N.Y. the kufic design is also where they pray, take a look at this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_Lreii1HuE

19771699? ago

You're welcome!

19769676? ago

Maybe Pseudo-Kufic was chosen by a designer?

Pseudo-Kufic, or Kufesque, also sometimes Pseudo-Arabic, is a style of decoration used during the Middle Ages or the Renaissance, consisting of imitations of the Arabic Kufic script, or sometimes Arabic cursive script, made in a non-Arabic context


19767010? ago

post exact picture. I have mosque neighbors who can read it. and translate

19766355? ago

So Epstein has some kind of ancient middle eastern symbols around his island temple, and a middle eastern (Saudi Arabian) passport hidden in a vault.

If it looks like an ancient pagan cult, and it walks like an ancient pagan cult, and it talks like an ancient pagan cult, it must be an ancient pagan cult.

19767124? ago

Yes, and it goes back to ancient times - ancient Greece and Rome, maybe earlier. Look up the "Cult of Dionysus" sometime and it's relationship to the Bacchus. Next look at some of the pictures of the front of Epstein's townhouse...find the keystone of the main entrance...it is a sculpture of the wickedest Bacchus I've seen. Remove the keystone and the arch collapses...my guess Epstein, or what they found inside, was the/a keystone to the whole operation. Then watch "Eyes Wide Shut" again.... I would guess that behind Epstein and the Island are the people we refer to as "They," as in "They control the markets," " They control the politicians," " They start wars," etc.

19767949? ago

I belive that right about now, would be a good time for us Q ("Qultists") to start hammering that point all over the internet.

"EPSTEIN IS A CULT LEADER! Prove me wrong. "

19765743? ago

God Bless Our Anons. Lead them in the right directions. Open their understanding and give them the discernment that needs. AMEN.

19772069? ago


19765564? ago

Kufic is the oldest calligraphic form of the various Arabic scripts and consists of a modified form of the old Nabataean script. Kufic developed around the end of the 7th century in Kufa, Iraq, from which it takes its name, and other centres. Until about the 11th century it was the main script used to copy Qur'ans. Remember, Epstein has a passport with his picture on it, a different name, and claiming he was from Saudi.

19765622? ago

You are right! and thanks for info

19765236? ago

Can someone pls check for a matching font in word? On mobile now...

19765152? ago

You made Notables on 8ch. Great job, Anon.

19765211? ago

Thank you

19765134? ago

Tile's Epstein Island

Check the image, i picked it up from last anons researching when Q dropped Epstein island last year.

19765193? ago

Well there you have it then - I haven't seen that, so thanks. I can add that YHWH must have a double meaning - like Yahweh as I see it

19771883? ago

The God in the bible sounds more like a demon than an actual proper God.

It doesn't like me typing this at all but I don't give a fuck....

19772554? ago

This is Luciferian dogma. The God of the bible is evil and Lucifer is the righteous hero.

19773057? ago

The greatest deception of all is that they are the one and the same thing.

Two sides of the same coin....

19775474? ago

I've cast my lot in with the God of the bible. We'll see how it plays out.

19765576? ago

Kufic has nothing to do with Hebrew. Kufic is the oldest calligraphic form of the various Arabic scripts and consists of a modified form of the old Nabataean script. Kufic developed around the end of the 7th century in Kufa, Iraq, from which it takes its name, and other centres. Until about the 11th century it was the main script used to copy Qur'ans.

19765251? ago

Not an expert, and not sure of correct, just picked it up and shared to be of help, as always, use own descernment!

19765110? ago

Looks like a QR code

19765083? ago

Great! But still I don't know how to decifpher, we need someone with arabic skills to come foreward

19765123? ago

Look at this one, it has English letters. The problem now would be knowing where each of the Kufic letters stop and start. http://www.sakkal.com/instrctn/sq_kufi_alphabet.html

19765194? ago

However, there are so many variations, and each one might stand for 2 or 3 different letters. This is difficult. It is not a waste of time. It's like a puzzle. I think many of them are praises to Allah. I have some friends on FB that I could ask.

19765206? ago


19765018? ago

Interesting idea, but after (re)-looking at the actual markings on the island, none of them match up to Kufic script. The markings might have meaning, but none of them correspond to this alphabet. (http://www.sakkal.com/instrctn/images/sq_kufi_alphabet03.jpg)

If each marking is a letter (in another alphabet), then the words spelled out are palindromes, because the layout of the markings is symmetrical.

<end of two cents>

19771872? ago

I found this: Islamic Cultural center N.Y. the kufic design is also where they pray, take a look at this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_Lreii1HuE It is the same patterns as in St. James

19767183? ago

Hand 90% of humanity a pen and this kind of design will come out of most of them

19771999? ago

Do you think these symbols have been laced thru time along with witchcraft and violence that it is sort of subconsciously imprinted on us ? Much like shame is , Adam and the leaves , the leaves where not taught or needed but where they a response to darkness maybe produced by witchcraft ? Or an encounter with darkness which carried shame was picked up and internalize by Adam and Eve ? Or where would I find out ? Where do we go with these spiritual questions ?

19772093? ago

I think you are looking to hard at this particular example, at least. I am not sure exactly the connection to Adam and Eve that you are drawing but I can answer your last two questions. The Bible, specifically Genesis although I didn't even have to tell you that because if you start at "In the beginning" you will get to A&E in no time. I have been listening to a podcast called basic bible 101 and it explains a lot in a very simple way.

19771750? ago

Where in Africa did you see that? Or in Papua New Guinea?

It presupposes a mathematical mind and precision, measurement, I.e. Planning,

19772076? ago

think of a child drawing a coiled snake or a snail's shell

19767256? ago

I thought it was only me

19770480? ago

Have you tried an exorcism?

19771438? ago

Your freaking me out ! Especially these days . There should be a place ya can go .... Hey check me .... Lol but really really not funny !
I pray that discernment every day .
As far as drawing , we have had so many spells on air , land, food .... Any person who can pick up anything it will be in their subconscious .

19765099? ago

Well I do not disagree, because I actually do not know - I am just trying to figure it out

19766038? ago

I'm on your side, and I appreciate your research. There very well could be a meaning to those symbols (they don't look 'purely' decorative)...but I don't think you found the correct 'decoding alphabet'. Keep looking...

19765010? ago

You wasted an hour of your life.

19764699? ago

OP. Good thinking. Forget about the shill commie-faggots with the negativity

Get the drone footage. It’s the best pics of the writing. Try deciphering from different directions.

19764612? ago

Castle? Temple you mean.

19764902? ago

Yep - my bad

19764569? ago

Jesus what an incredible waste of time

19764530? ago

Haha! You are a genius! Is this on 8ch?

19764558? ago

Nope, I do not post in there - I did this on my own - will you help me put it there?

19765605? ago

Go to this page: https://8ch.net/qresearch/catalog.html

Search q research general

Find the thread with the highest number (at this time its #9037). There's going to be a few of them, find the thread with highest R (replies).

Click it to go into it

Then you see a form. Just post your message.

DONT put in your name, email, or subject [not needed!]

Once message is done, click New Reply.

See https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/7061509.html#7063380

19765653? ago

I am in there every day, but I cannot find out how to post - everybody makes it seem so easy, it might be, its just me

19767754? ago

Yes the captcha makes it difficult.

If you followed my instructions, the post is on the top of the page, just put your message in only and click New Reply. Dont fill in any other details such as name, email, subject. Just fill in your message only.

19766407? ago

It's intentionally difficult to post on there. It serves a purpose. Here's a guide youtu.be/QXNNX61zILU

19767776? ago


19773332? ago

Sorry the link isn't complete and working. You'll have to copy and paste. For some reason the ops here on voat have been making big changes that are making it harder for new accounts to fully participate. Over the past 5 days I have lost the ability to upvote and post links. We are being attacked. Chans too.

19774659? ago

What link are you referring to? My account is not new, so I'm not sure what you're talking about. Please advise, and let's figure it out

19775264? ago

The YouTube link I posted above. I had to make it incomplete because coat no longer allows me to post links with this new account. I have another account that I created over a year ago and am able to upvote/downvote and post links. But ever since a few days ago it no longer allows me to post a link with this account that I'm using. Says I need more points. This is a new change as I have posted links with this new account recently.

Voat has been down a bunch lately as well and they are saying its because of the update. Which is weird because it was happening at the same exact time as the attacks on Qresearch 8ch.

19775898? ago

Ahh ok - well I already saw the link, and apreciate it

19764501? ago

They’ve been matched to a mosque in Aleppo.

19764587? ago

I know, but I went further, wanted to find out what they were exactly - I suppose I am going to find out what exactly is spelled out there on the tiles, I do not think it is just a pattern. So I found out it is a caligraphic alfabet called Kufic

19770423? ago

I've been looking at photos of mosques in Aleppo for half an hour and haven't found the one the other post was showing. I'm inclined to agree with one comment who says the picture is CGI. Possible another shill throwing us disinfo. From afar, the shapes might look alike but that's basic 2D geometric shapes. When you get to look at large sized pictures, they are no longer a match. I did fouind it strange the OP didn't give the precise name of the mosque either. So I'm keeping on looking at photos of mosques in Aleppo, in case the match appears..

19771777? ago

Great mosque of aleppo has a courtyard with the same type of tiles. Whether it means anything, I have not yet found out.

19772628? ago

Linking what I replied on the other thread:


So not convinced about the Great mosque and Epstein temple, the patterns of the tiles are just sorta the same style. Now, for the private house, the architect designer could get some digging into.

19764709? ago

They are just geometric tiling shapes. The arabs developed tiling and maths. "A Penrose tiling is an example of non-periodic tiling generated by an aperiodic set of prototiles". Penrose tilings are named after mathematician and physicist Roger Penrose, who investigated these sets in the 1970s. However a solution to an unsolved mathematical problem he posed was found on a wall that was built in the 16th century. Epstein liked maths (when he was not thinking about having sex and molesting & raping underage girls).

19764894? ago

Look here: https://www.slideshare.net/razlan/firestarter-kufi-squares it looks like the barcodes we scan with smart phones - and they do have a meaning

19766425? ago

Did you 'scan' with the app?

It is a code, code for space pedos to know where to land to fuck all the white chicks they want.

19764853? ago

No they are not. Wtf are you talking about? Penrose tilings are fractals. This is an actual language, did you even read OPs post or are you just a blatant shill?

19766791? ago

Anyone who says "Just" followed by "Geometry" is a shill or a fool.

19764642? ago

It spells out: Trust the Plan

19766377? ago

On the other side it says a riddle, how are cats and niggers alike?? Both hate water.

19764731? ago

It spells out sbbh is for gay boys.

19764755? ago

It spells out MAGA is for FAGAs

19764856? ago

It spells out "sbbh says MIGA we are gay"