19747772? ago

Epstein is the Saville of the West in general, not just the US. Europeans were involved with him too.

19748339? ago

They are both connected to the same person - Marc Rich

19748357? ago

The guy Clinton pardoned? Interesting!

19748453? ago

Yes and it also explains Hillary's unhealthy interest in money & minerals.

19748327? ago

The common link is Mark Rich he is tied to both. Now who is Marc Rich tied to?

19747696? ago

EVERY FUKING THING ... without even realiizing what the fuk they are doing

It's spelled "fuck" fyi.

19747321? ago

Harvey Weinstein was the Saville of USA honestly. Epstein is in a class all of his own. Literally Epstein and Rothschild and Bronfman were the JEWS that were controlling the clintons and they are all getting fucked over right now. This is unprecedented really. We are talking TRILLIONAIRES here people.

19747438? ago

Let's not think about the money.

Let's think about the lives they destroyed.

The children being bred for slaughter.

Money is the last thing on my mind right now.

And it should be every patriot's focus.

We all need to focus on evil.

19752649? ago

You need to have a listen to a song. “When the Children Cry.”

You’d never guess who sings it.

19749198? ago

Yes but OP is just saying that justice will no longer be blind to criminals with money who always got let off the hook before.

19748300? ago

Weve been trying for years but they always bought their way out of it. It is a signifigant marker that these people, no matter how much money, cannot buy this system. This means there is power to STOP their evil.

19748726? ago

The really really nice thing about all of this is one simple thing.

They are beyond stupid. I mean borderline shit in your pants stupid.

Little did they figure that we built the internet. They merely use it.

19748783? ago

They thought they could pressure every uncontrolled website offline.. But make no mistake hey almost did it. Its a miracle that any dissenting sites like 8ch 4ch (comped) voat still allow actual free speech. You can guarantee a Hillary administrstion would have shut it all down with te Christchurch shooting and the voat connected Qanon shooter.

19749245? ago

From today I can no longer post links in comments box here (need 5 ccp's message) ? Don't know what's going on with voat/qrv last few days. Tried to link pic of Jimmy Sa vile wearing inverted cross but qrv said no !?

19749267? ago

u are too new go over to /greatawakening board and post some good shit.

19750608? ago

Here since beginning of QRV. Posting links no prob until today, Looks like new restrictive rule/s,

19750618? ago

damn i didnt know the site is fucking up so bad today. hope its not permanently gonna be this way

19750722? ago

Weirdness ?

No links on QRV without ccp from today

QResearch on 8ch anons migrating due to 'new changes'

WeAreTheNews site unable to upload due to 'new changes'

19750743? ago

are we fucked or is this just another battle.

19750784? ago

don't know yet...

19747738? ago

One can focus on evil while acknowledging that Epstein was a global player, and ergo a much bigger deal, while Saville was a regional player.

19746782? ago

One of many.

19750724? ago

What is the Temple about? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3329989 Jabulon, Demiurge, Saturn, Nimrod, Baal, Molech, Babylon, Masons, Shriner JewOccult...connected ...other fallen angels like him, that 1/3 of heavenly host that was cast down to earth along with him.

19746620? ago

Week to remember? You'll never ever forget this Week.

Q never said this week will be a week to remember.

19746656? ago

You really do have to have a soul to play here.

Please, go out, find one, come back.

Then we can talk.

They probably have room on their side of the argument.

19747013? ago

Somebody who interprets an ambiguous message different than you doesn't have a soul? Lol.

19747214? ago

Let's talk.

First of all, you can plainly see this is a discussion board called QRV.

It is for like minded individuals with a soul and a drive to rid the world of Evil

You come in here with the goal of shitting right in the middle of each room and leaving.

You're a bot. No matter if your organic or electronic you're still a fuking bot.

Spewing what you are told to spew to turn an argument this way or that way depending on what your programmers want you to say.

"buuut "m huooman" No you're not, not if you don't have free will and free thought. Your thought is being cotroled by those that control YOU.

Therefore, asshat, you mean nothing to me or my world. And this is my world bot, seriously I own it.

Get the fuck off of this board, and this planet.

Gals and Guys, give this thing a nice send-off.

Really nice, like need a new computer nice.

19751185? ago

Bro, it's a shill. Just downvoat them.

When it happens, and IT WILL, those shills will find something else to attack us with. They're not here to discuss, they're here to create division and misdirection.

19751426? ago

Yes I know.

Doing just fine thanks though

19755290? ago

Yeh you doing good. You have a lot of patience!

19747814? ago

Hillary will be Arrested in November 2017! Mark your calendar Patriots!

19748223? ago

Bot. We are coming for you.

You do feel the walls closing in on your ability to sway the masses don't you?

Ya, that's me. The world is waking up to you. We invented you. We can control you as well.

Would you like that bot? Be our slave for a tiny bit of time?

19748245? ago

Military Tribunals WILL start in January 2019 once Trump’s EO goes into effect!

19747494? ago

You're a bot

Wrong again. You're a moronic, epistemologically challenged child, more or less. Learn to think critically and act like an adult.