19754677? ago

We lost our connection here in NZ as well - spent the day blaming Google lol.

19750133? ago

Maintenance you fucking retard.

19758070? ago

that was a great contributing comment.....dbag

19749508? ago

Same here in Las Vegas

19749506? ago

Same here - Voat was down.

19749297? ago

"Everyone KNOWS" it's just "maintenance" (because voat says so in a sticky). Have you people learned nothing from Q? Question EVERYTHING! How often does "maintenance" require taking down the boards? Is it really a "coincidence" that now, when things are heating up, is when it conveniently begins? Could this have waited for a slow week?

Even if the mods are being legit about THIER reasons, does that mean it's still unrelated? Couldn't this be the result of shill activity (The "need" for maintenance now?)? Could shills force maintenance more often with bulk activities on all of voat? "This is bigger than anyone can imagine"~Q Think bigger, or don't, the end is not for everyone, how long can you hang?

19748702? ago

Still going down off and on. The new voat. Way worse than the old voat apparently

19747935? ago

Same, couple of hours ago

19747836? ago

If SpaceMonkey can read this, your BoatsforVoat app is not working. Would you please do an update to eliminate the app error that renders it unuseable?

19747764? ago

My iPhone app didn’t load. I logged in to the website and it said I have to Enable Adult (NSFW) Content in the settings. Then the app loaded immediately.

I don’t know if I had it enabled before or if this is a new feature?

19747629? ago

A goat was chewing on their cables.

19747597? ago

Four days for maintenance sounds fishy to me.

19747374? ago

Crackers, niggers, kikes, spics, gooks, wops, they're to blame.

19747349? ago

I can't get to Serial Brain 2's posts...any suggestions?

19747272? ago

Me too, fuckin jews lol

19747271? ago

They're is internal maintenance, and I'm sure attacks are constant.

19747219? ago

Trump did it

19747093? ago

I was off for 2 or more hours-

19746917? ago

Russian bots

19748206? ago

I was thinking the same thing, those Chernobyl mother fuckers.

19746618? ago


19747166? ago

I just saw six grays fly over my house!

They may have hypnotized me and probed me anally, but I can't be too sure about that.

19749720? ago

Put your glasses on those were Herons .

19750099? ago

Birds in my butt?

19747306? ago

that what they do, so you can be pretty sure

19747390? ago

I just farted and it blew out a transformer across the street.


19748145? ago

Lucky! I didn't get any super powers. Just a prolapsed.....uhhhhh....nevermind

19746586? ago

I have a strong feeling they are nailing the holes shut.

Bots were getting creative.

19746549? ago

19747240? ago

Hah, Putt covering for the Deep Space Reptilian Cabal, huh?

Next he'll tell us that the Bearnsteinberg Bears were actually the Bearnsteinberg Koalas.

Not buying it, @puttitout

19748760? ago

roflmao at that, my sister's books changed!!!

19746543? ago

Yup. Only get on successfully once every hour or so. DDOS attack perhaps?

19746627? ago

No, not yes, you fucking moron.

19747083? ago


19747437? ago

You're retarded.

19746407? ago

If only there were some kind of sticky...

19746574? ago

There was a sticky but it didn't show in QRV - possibly a bug that was introduced during the update.

Visit https://voat.co/ and you'll see the sticky.

19747277? ago


19747289? ago

You chose not to use a sarcasm tag, so fuck you.

19747360? ago

if only is practically a sarcasm meme at this point.

Requiring the "/s" is like training wheels on a bike: I don't make fun of you for them, unless you never move past them.