19743734? ago

FF , be safe

19743352? ago

Let's pray that the radioactive fumes go west by southwest (not the airline) and irradiate the entire liberal toilets of the Left Coast. Radioactive Beaners and queers!!!

19748250? ago

You realize all the produce you eat daily comes from CA?

Entire country is bout to get a side of radioactive Avocados too.

19748349? ago

All produce I and my Woman eat comes from my farm garden. No pesticides, dolphin-friendly, non-GMO, fair-trade, harvested by a White Man and his white family. Irrigation from fresh spring water from a 200+ year old artesian spring. Etc. I'm self sufficient and I have guns and ammo. Lots of ammo.

19745422? ago

I live in the northwest and there are many patriots here, despite what you may hear.

19743129? ago

Sounds potentially false flaggy.. Could the fire compromise the stored nuclear waste.? If so, could irradiated material get into the air and travel? What direction is the prevailing wind travelling?

19743536? ago

Not without a lot of preparation to comprise containers.

19743568? ago

I'd imagine the containers would be designed to be very fire proof.. Never know in their desperation though..

19743683? ago

The ones for spent fuel are the most secure.

19744269? ago

The ones I saw being constructed were made of a metal, they claimed was better than Titanium. They cost $100,000 each are are a square meter/per volume each. they are then to be stacked on top of each other, (by the thousands), and were to be buried at Yucca Mountain. Regardless, I can "almost" assure the waste is safe from a fire event.

19748477? ago

The material that is within the mountain is safe from a fire, but not the stuff that is en-route....There was a lot of shit surrounding this site too, Obama Admin gave this project hell.

19742682? ago

You should post this on another Voat subverse because it's going to get lost here.

19742653? ago

Not sure if related to Q

Oh yeah... It's related to Epstein too..


Isaac Kappy and Camp Navajo Military Base

Los Alamos National Laboratory (Los Alamos or LANL for short) is a United States Department of Energy national laboratory initially organized during World War II for the design of nuclear weapons as part of the Manhattan Project. It is located a short distance northwest of Santa Fe, New Mexico in the southwestern United States.

Los Alamos was selected as the top secret location for bomb design in late 1942, and officially commissioned the next year. At the time it was known as Project Y, one of a series of laboratories located across the United States given letter names to maintain their secrecy. Los Alamos was the center for design and overall coordination, while the other labs, today known as Oak Ridge and Hanford, concentrated on the production of uranium and plutonium bomb fuels. Los Alamos was the heart of the project, collecting together some of the world's most famous scientists, among them numerous Nobel Prize winners. The site was known variously as Project Y, Los Alamos Laboratory, and Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory through this period.

and Digging deeper into Keith Raniere's "Global Technologies Inc" reveals truly global links and maybe, government agencies connections. This needs more eyes...

There is much more..needs its own post..

Secret Cities, 75 Years Later: Bechtel Highlights Future of Los Alamos, Hanford, Oak Ridge - https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/secret-cities-75-years-later-bechtel-highlights-future-of-los-alamos-hanford-oak-ridge-300642418.html

A museum exhibit profiling a largely untold aspect of a turning point of the 20th century opened today in the U.S. capital, sponsored in part by Bechtel, a global leader in engineering, procurement, and construction. The new exhibit, called Secret Cities: The Architecture and Planning of the Manhattan Project, examines the innovative design and construction of Oak Ridge, Tennessee, Hanford, Washington, and Los Alamos, New Mexico; looks at daily lives within the cities, and addresses each city's development since the conclusion of the Project...

..."We believe there is another untold story of Hanford, Los Alamos, and Oak Ridge, the story of contemporary cities driving American scientific progress," said Barbara Rusinko, president of Bechtel's Nuclear, Security, & Environmental global business unit. "At Hanford, thousands of workers are cleaning up the environment from those decades of nuclear defense activities. And Los Alamos and Oak Ridge are still going strong, making contributions in breakthrough discoveries and national security science. They're modernizing their infrastructure with sustainable practices for the next 75 years and Bechtel teams are proud to be part of that future."

Part 2, Inside World War II’s Secret Cities - https://www.bechtel.com/blog/sustainability/april-2018/part-2-inside-wwii-secret-cities/ (archived:

19744322? ago

I have been to most all of them. Hanford, Los Alamos, Sandia, Brookhaven, Oakridge, Y-12, "BERKLEY", Nellis Air Force base, etc..., (off the top of my head). Hanford "Facility", (as it is called), covers 500 square miles and rests next to a small town by a river, (forget name). Los Alamos, same thing, (small town), Oakridge, Y-12 same. Just sayin, is all.

19745093? ago

Interesting. Thank you.

19745063? ago

Thanks. It's little details like that can be very useful.

19746008? ago

You got me. I'm already of the file, so...

19746048? ago

I was being serious. People on the ground giving feedback is very important and sometimes helps to think of research directions..

19743694? ago

Department of Energy? Fires? Just how much truth did Stranger Things show us? LOL

19742557? ago

First of all, enriched uranium isn't flammable. Second, reactors are always placed near a water source, because it takes a huge amount of water to keep them cool. Third, why are they building them, when they never come in on budget, nor profitable, if they ever open?

19742491? ago

Gravitational waves you say?

Above my level of comprehension but this looks really interesting: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LIGO

IIRC David Wilcock proposed in the "Source Field investigation" that gravitational waves were a sort of spiritual communication medium.

19744356? ago

Starting to think there is more to this "Sound, Frequency and Vibration" as Tesla pointed out, than first imagined.

19745080? ago

Absolutely... if you aren't too "airy fairy" about it... I mean, there are people who know nothing about physics who will say things like "everything is energy" or that perpetual motion is as simple as using your imagination or whatever.

I don't think it's like that but there is a sort of spiritual ether that is everywhere - information, entities and maybe even matter can pass through it, and there are people who know how to work with it. Shamans for example work with helpers in this realm, they enlist the help of spirits to move things around, tell them what is happening in another time or place, remove illnesses and so on. And there are bad guys too of course.

I think there are people who know how it works on a scientific level, but although I'm just a computer guy, I am not at that level of physics understanding myself so I am careful not to suppose that I really know how it works.

19742451? ago

Would be a great false flag. Hanford stores a lot of radioactive waste in old underground tanks, where some have leaked. Could a fire compromise these tanks? Hanford processed Plutonium.