19742914? ago

Related info.. Esther Rantzen was a mouthpiece for a childrens charity in the UK. She was a good friend of Jimmy Savile.

19740694? ago

When did Vanderbilt arrive in this country? that how far back this goes

19739635? ago

Seize the Vanderbilt estate...phoenix fire the place, and turn it into a sanctuary-healing place for people recovering from contact with this 'family.'

19739597? ago

Ohhhh....buh-bye, Anderson. Did you sacrifice/murder your own Abel, Cain?

19739575? ago

Smh...runs so deep

19739033? ago

They cared far more about (1) their own public image, and (2) constructing a smoke screen, than they ever cared about some stranger's kids. They knew a society that was largely structured around biblical precepts of morality wasn't going to suspect such magnanimous donors and board members of any Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.

... just like up until recently, the public wasn't suspicious of government CPS either. But they should have been.

19739449? ago

I mentioned state-sponsored kidnapping through CPS to a relative and he was absolutely offended at the idea because he has a one friend who works for CPS and would "never do something like that!"

Oh okay, pal.

19738726? ago

The NYSPCC may be the oldest US foundation. It could be the paradigm for subsequent child abuse through "charitable" foundations. Of course the Clinton Foundation is coming to increasing awareness and then there is the Red Cross. Currently there are 18 Q-posts where the Red Cross is mentioned. Q-post #392 specifically mentions Haiti and the Red Cross while discussing an operation where 3000 children were saved in Saudi Arabia and the closure trafficking lanes.

19738619? ago

Quite the cover for an evil organization. Carrying out the exact thing they claim to prevent.

19739769? ago

They project everything.

19739359? ago

This is a common theme of many organizations.

19754088? ago

...Many perverted organizations.

19756318? ago

Many, if not most, organizations function in ways that directly contradict their official purpose, not merely ones devoted.to sexual exploitation.

19791585? ago

Well, that would be a perversion of their stated purpose.

Those who pervert one thing will pervert all things.

19738518? ago

I appreciate the sentiment OPanon, but I humbly offer some perspective. The 1870's is only way back when considering the current players lineups. The Sun worship sacrifice gang goes back 1000's of years, not 100's.

Thanks for the post fren.

19743262? ago

You're right, but the best way to wake people up is tracing back from the present in tiny bites of history.

[ Anderson Cooper>CNN>CIA>Vanderbilt ] provides a PERFECT opportunity for normies to see the Big Picture.

19738639? ago

Where can I read more on that cult? I always thought it was King Solomon era black magic. I know HRC and BC were involved with voodoo bigtime in Haiti.

19739826? ago

Google Bill Cooper and secret societies. Secret ancient religions of Babylon continue their existence today thru secret societies. They all lead to the same god. Skull and bones, Freemasons, Holy See, on and on and on. Illuminati of course. They all travel eastward toward the sun which is the illumination of Lucifer, the bright morning star. All relate back to king Solomon’s temple. They do more than just gladfist each other at the local lodge.

19739412? ago

"Cult of Baal" map - search for this

19738781? ago

Baskin and Robbins has 33 (masonic much? kek) flavors, but its all still ice cream.

The cult has many flavors, but its all astro theology.

Start here: astro-theology

This rabbit hole is very deep, so I offer a guide mark. At the point you realize what the "Dawning of the Age of Aquarius" song is all about, you'll know you've gone down farther than 99% of the world's population ever has. Then keep going.

Godspeed fren.

19739187? ago

It suddenly occurred to me that it's silly to worry about climate change or fossil fuels if you are a true believer in the Age of Aquarius. All that stuff is so Piscean.

19738803? ago


19738547? ago

I Agree. POTUS is literally fighting a 6000 years old Death Cult. I was just pointing out just the Vanderbilt family ties to the foundation.

19738627? ago

That's because you are wise to the ancient ways of evil anon. And I got your original point exactly, and it is a great one. I simply wanted to make the point for newbs.

19741919? ago

You can always immediately spot the real anons. Love you guys. This is wild AF eh?

19738353? ago

It is MUCH deeper than Gloria. www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-04-06/operation-gladio-unholy-alliance-between-vatican-cia-mafia

19737775? ago

Sadly they don't see raping children as cruel. They believe they are showing them "love" because they don't understand the meaning of the word or the emotion.

19738358? ago

Fucking kids doesn't matter when you're worth billions. Don't suppress the needs of the filthy rich you poor ass peasants. It's like a vast majority of the population can barely make ends meet which keeps them controlled.............

19737975? ago

Rape, Torture, Cannibalism of them.

19737744? ago

It goes back hundreds of years, all the Churches, the Organizations, the Temples ... its all a front to hide the real belief

19737848? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3333736 It's been going on more than 100 yrs ... sometimes in the past they would have different name, use different spelling....Richard Berman was appointed by?

19737544? ago

The most cruel to children start a foundation to abuse them further.......