19741469? ago

Thats a damn big nose you have there grandma....

19737543? ago

not trying to grammar fag, but man oh man I am so weary and annoyed by the misue of this word as an emphatic particle by the leftist. "OMG I literally died last night when that cute guy tweened me on my GlobalTeens account!" and the infamous "Trump is Literally Hitler."

If epstein connects back to comet ping pong or its lesser well known sister site in NYC then yes at that point it would LITERALLY be pizzagate

19736516? ago

"Pedophiles, pimps and abusers of women." this guy gets it.

19736465? ago

Perhaps they're finally resigning themselves to the new order.

19735987? ago

In Reality...

The ENTIRE WORLD the Elites have rigged for humankind is PIZZAGATE.


19735942? ago

Is there any connection with comet pizza and epstein?

19737092? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3329167/19691536 They weren't trafficking kids out of a pizza shop. They were trafficking them off of an island.

19735763? ago

The motivation behind this is to appear righteous while thinking the Epstein situation is going to harm Trump. These people are stupid.

19735225? ago



19734982? ago

They ended that segment saying "thank god for the free press". The same free press that buried the stories, called people conspiracy theorists and reporting on how these online posts about this exact topic are anti-Semitic.

The free press my ass. Thank god that even though they are trying, they haven't 100% regulated the internet yet. Calling yourselves the free press when you are forced to report on topics you tried to make disappear. Get the fuck out of here.

19736914? ago

who told you the truth about 9/11 ?

thats my litmus test

what do you believe about 9/11

and where did you get those beliefs ?

19738819? ago

Nobody has told me the truth about 9/11. I'm just guessing it was Israel along with what I guess everything else is.

19734750? ago

MSM has gone TILT. Acosta is being portrayed as a more vicious human being than Pedo Epstein. Why? Acosta doesn’t rape underage women. But Acosta was appointed by Trump and is a Trump Cabinet Minister.

So by the Associated Properties of Trump Derangement Syndrome:


  • Acosta prosecuted a case against a pedo fifteen years ago.

  • Acosta is a high profile target for TDS in Trump’s Cabinet.

  • Acosta must be attacked more harshly than the pedo he tried to prosecute fifteen years ago because of his ties to Trump.


  • Acosta resigns which is seen as a win for the Left so they can now fundraise on taking down a Trump Cabinet Minister.

Left 1 - Trump 0

(Plus Acosta resigning gives the MSM a FF cover for Mueller not testifying this Wednesday.)

19734666? ago

Oy vey goyim, this just started under the trump admin. Obummer and clinton dindu nuffins!

19734477? ago

Another example of Stable Genius. Trump appoints Alexander Acosta, knowing full well that he was the guy who was forced to drop the federal charges on Epstein, leaving only the state to prosecute the creep. Now, the media goes after Trump, trying to make him look bad for appointing Costa to be the Labor Secretary. Acosta is expendable and not critical to The Plan. He gives his resignation, but will stay in office the rest of this week, allowing the media to hammer him. Meanwhile, the outrage that they attempt to generate toward Trump because of it simply spreads the story of Pizzagate, Pedo Island, and Lolita Express to the normies. POTUS is insulated and Acosta goes away in a week. What normies are left with is a growing suspicion that Clinton and Epstein are linked. It will be an interesting week.

19737017? ago


“She told me that I couldn’t just leave,” said Tai. “She said that this man is important, that he is a friend of President Clinton.”