19730314? ago

Epstein is a Jew. The temple on his island is a technically a synagogue. I can’t wait for Q to finally name the synagogue of Satan, aka Israel, aka mossad, aka ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews.

It will be the boomer equivalent of liberals finding out the clintons are evil.

19724955? ago

Patriots, spread this all over your social media

Let's start using their tactics against them.

Fuckers are going to roast in hell when we're through.

19726594? ago

The wages of sin are death. Other than Enoch, the Grim Reaper is undefeated.

19727207? ago

Guess you have never met my Father.

Let's make a bet, shall we.

Humanity if we win.

If you lose, you leave this planet forever.

Never to return. Deal?

19727297? ago

Romans 6:23 King James Version (KJV) 23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

19723971? ago

Oh gee, validation from the exopolitics/secret alien Antarctica slave colonies crew. Now my life is complete.

19737109? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3328935 FakeDoor, entrance a tunnel below ... before the Solomon temple and Herod there was a Temple of Molech Baal and Mason Stone Cutter, groups returning to the Levant from Babylon under the Achaemenid

19723451? ago

Satanists, not Jews.

19722837? ago

Epstein arrests support local journalism. FTFY.

19722145? ago

Maybe the deep state was also conditioning the public, like Q has been. A decade ago everyone would have been up in arms over the abortion bills. But they've been gradually increasing the craziness, gradually increasing the length of pregnancy allowing infanticide, until now...and there has been hardly a peep. (plus the msm silence). As of today the outcry over epstein seems mostly lip service. As in, they have to show SOME outrage given the ages and me too movement. But it really doesn't seem so terribly shocking that young teens were used for sex. I pray that the whole truth is revealed to the whole world, and that they DONT have the choice to know. I know there is a fine line with cognitive dissonance, but there has to be enough horror to stir the average citizen into action.

19750679? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3331947 Even before the crime, blackmail, island .... some of these people were know for the weird events?

19721959? ago

Q brought this out for all of us to be further red pilled. But most in all governments all over the world knew this has been going on for decades and did nothing about it. The elite all over the world have the wealth and the power to keep it under wraps. Until now.

I believe that all of this started with Operation Paperclip. Not only aerospace scientists came to bolster our space program, heinous scientists were also part of the thousands that were incorporated into our society. These were the inhuman experimenters doing horrible things to jews, gypsy's and the mentally ill, etc. This evolved into a satanic cult in mind control creating honeypots and assassins among other things - MK Ultra. Our military since the end of WWII was heavily involved in this cult and what can be done to the human mind.

Jeffrey Epstein and Mad Scientists - Amazing Polly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5iYJqxRJPY

19721343? ago

His scientific investments (brain-mapping, AI, and general transhumanism) concur with this title. Check out Amazing Polly's great research on this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5iYJqxRJPY&t=466s

19720851? ago

The arrest of epstein was just the beginning of a very large scale war which can go on for a very long time and reveal very very damning information which is of the utmost importance to humanity

Arresting him was one thing, prosecuting him and winning is another

Godspeed patriots

19721715? ago

Jabulon, Demiurge, Saturn, Nimrod, Baal, Molech, Babylon, Masons, Shriner JewOccult...connected ...other fallen angels like him, that 1/3 of heavenly host that was cast down to earth along with him. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3329989

19720695? ago

The thing is, I still don't think people realize just how big this is, or the level of elite participation in this stuff.

You guys remember a couple of years back when Randy Quaid was going off on the illuminati, saying he had been targeted?

Kat Williams?

Dave Chappelle?

There have been people talking about this shit for many years, and nobody paid attention. They were just written off as crazy/drunk/high/pilled ramblings.

The shock wave from this shit is going to reverberate for DECADES.

19726245? ago

The star whackers got Randy Quaid too. I hope Randy is ok.

You noticed how they put a crazy video of Randy and his wife on youtube? Totally out of character. They would not do that.

19721704? ago

US Virgin Islands Little St. James....had been to Little St. James as part of Epstein's circle, the Maxwell woman, Woody Harrelson, Duke of York, Saudi Prince Solman, Maria Shriver, Kevin Spacey https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3325779/19656680

One conspiracy says ... there is a lot of evidence that eptsien is a masonic mossad agent.

and that eptsien's entire child trafficking for sex, the trafficking among elites, and murder is part of Masonry or an Israeli military operation to extort US and global elite.

19721253? ago

Assuming we're ever told the whole truth. The amount if shit these people have done will probably not all be laid out for the public to see, and what is laid out will be done so gradually as to groom the public to accept it. I just don't see the public being told they've consumed human meat from children when eating at their favorite fast food chain, or that they've been within dozens of feet of child rapes, murders, and cannibalization when they took their kids to certain amusement parks.

19721589? ago

This is where "the choice, to know, will be yours".

19720636? ago

Problem is, as soon as the MSM throws the word 'blackmailing' in there, it garners sympathy FOR the political elites.

One must remember that those elites DID THE DEED IN THE FIRST PLACE.

One can not remove the mark of the beast once taken. Only God can if his justice deems so.

19720325? ago

Every single cunt that killed a child is in DEEP DEEP SHIT.... the world will hate you and want justice like never before. Money is only one pillar of life - these people fucked up so bad, I would be scared to death if I'm about to be exposed as a child sacrifiing motherfucker. It would certainly explain why Q mentions SUICIDE WEEKEND.

God speed to justice.

19724824? ago

Agree. If this is all true, there won’t be anywhere on this planet where these vermin will be safe from the mob that will come after them. No amount of money or power will save them. Island retreats and fortified bunkers won’t save them. Justice will be served.

19726579? ago

That's true, but also not the worst of it. Nothing escapes God's notice. Those who would rather rule in Hell than serve in Heaven will be serving in Hell. It's how Satan rolls.

19720312? ago

Re: the square berms on epstein island with single entrance

Might this be a shooting range?

19720420? ago

One of many? They would all have gutters to wash out the human viscera.

19720491? ago

I wonder how much sacrificing or killing they do above ground and within earshot of boats.

I am just thinking on the purpose of the berms. I have been to similar looking shooting ranges... though there are no benches or targets or anything so perhaps not

19720031? ago

yeah baby dump that can of worms let them all squirm...feel the pain

19719784? ago

Not just political elites, but elites crossing every possible group.

20513425? ago

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19721877? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3326836 That Maxwell woman and Who is Jean-Luc Brunel?

19720205? ago

If you wrote it in fiction, they would say it was too crazy a conspiracy https://www.vidlii.com/watch?v=m7oRqmJE5bs

19726539? ago

As the saying goes, "Truth is stranger than fiction." Whoever came up with that one nailed it.

19719882? ago

Rich degenerate faggots love hanging out with rich degenerate faggots.

19720172? ago

Black empty souls. Miserable people doing the devils work. Hope all the temporary fame and money was worth it because God wins (always).

19726531? ago

Since we're allegedly anon here, I can say my own "father" is as evil a person as I've ever known. Praise God that I "favor" my Mother's side, and I have the world's best Mom so I turned out with a strong conscience. I guess I got THAT from "dad" after all though, because he has none at all.

19719778? ago

Finally some accurate reporting on Q! Good article!

19721692? ago

FakeDoor, entrance a tunnel below ... before the Solomon temple and Herod there was a Temple of Molech Baal and Mason Stone Cutter, groups returning to the Levant from Babylon under the Achaemenid https://voat.co/v/QRV/3328935/19689716 Since there's no dome anymore, I assume this pic was taken after Epstein filled in the underground areas?

19719561? ago

Epstein Arrest Supports Q Anon Claims of Global Satanic Cult blackmailing Political Elites WRITTEN BY DR MICHAEL SALLA ON JULY 10, 2019. POSTED IN FEATURED, US POLITICS

The arrest of billionaire financier Jeffrey Epstein on child sex trafficking charges threatens to unmask a far deeper layer of crimes that involved the ritualistic abuse of children on Epstein’s private island, and the many political elites that were flown there to participate. The arrest directly supports repeated claims made by the military intelligence group Q Anon that Epstein was part of a global Satanic cult that blackmailed political elites who were compromised at Epstein’s island through the sexual exploitation of children, and more serious physical abuses.

As US Federal prosecutors investigate the full extent of the crimes committed by Epstein through his child sex trafficking ring, the sinister activities that occurred on his island will receive closer scrutiny, as will the involvement of those elites that participated.

News of Epstein’s arrest was first broken by the Daily Beast, which revealed that he was to be formally charged with sex trafficking of children. On Monday, July 8, Epstein’s sealed indictment was unsealed and publicly released. It states:

[rest of story at above link]

19721679? ago

Even before the crime, blackmail, island .... some of these people were know for the weird events? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3331947/19720566 Kubrick was trying to tell us

19726559? ago

I always wondered about that movie but the PREVIEWS ALONE creeped me out too much.