19718623? ago

Maybe? Look are latest drone footage, the same area has tire tracks all over it doing circles (doughnuts).

Not that I don't know that Google alters images and censors what they don't want us to see, but with the money this guy had, it's not unprobable that he alters his private island constantly. Oh, and Fuck you Google

19721841? ago

very strange news... that temple? https://voat.co/v/AskAnon/3322554/19721835

19718264? ago

Just like they replace white fathers with niggers in family pictures.

19718081? ago

I just looked on Google maps and see the tennis court, but the striped building that everyone is calling an elevator shaft still has the gold dome on it as well. I don't know if there is any significance to that.

19718637? ago

Google maps, at least the ones showing around me, seem three, possibly four years out of date. My neighbors house still does not show up, and it's been quite some time since it was built.

19718055? ago

I can't find it quickly, but there was a link on 8chan a couple days ago of a drone recently flying over that area as well as around the "temple." The drone footage is pretty recent because the statues & dome have been removed. It showed that area as a plain grass basin now.

19717764? ago

is this the place where the temple is actually located? i cant find the temple dome anywhere on googles map of the island.

19717745? ago

a tennis court on a hill, hahahaha, this is soooo stupid!

19718441? ago

comes to mind; where was the landing strip for that lolitaexpress on this island

19718956? ago

lolita express doesnt land on little james but on st.thomas from where they take a helicopter or whatsoever to get to the little island.

19718674? ago

They didn't land on this island. Little St. John island is very close to St. Thomas island. They would land there and take a boat to this island. That is why there are flight logs. They are required by the government when flying into an airstrip. They never thought they would get caught though, otherwise they could have flown from a private strip to a private strip and had no paper trail.

19718890? ago

AHA, thanks

19717530? ago

I believe there was a very similar thing found at the Vatican- there's speculation that it could be a missile silo

19717289? ago

When pizzagate started happening, lots of people speculated this was actually a launchpad for firing missiles.

19717126? ago

architect fag here. I noticed the angle was wrong on the striping right away. it is either painted on concrete or printed on a fabric wrap over a steel frame. another thing to consider is excavation work create A LOT of soil volume, where did all get dumped? It could not be dumped on an island that small without changing the topography, which would get washed away during the first hurricane. If it was dumped on the shoreline or dumped at sea they would need an army core of engineers section 405(?) permit. this would create a paper trail unless it done secretly/illegally.

another thing is the 16 video channel are NOT of the tunnel system. the architecture looks more consistant with either the ranch in the new mexico or the mansion in NY.

My guess is that the islands are used for hunting human parties, there is no chance of accidental escape like the black forest rothschild manor or the vanderbuilt biltmore estate. In this case the uninhabited island nearby is the hunting ground.

19932497? ago

My guess is that the islands are used for hunting human parties, there is no chance of accidental escape like the black forest rothschild manor or the vanderbuilt biltmore estate. In this case the uninhabited island nearby is the hunting ground.

My thought as well. For me to even consider this is sickening. I hope we are wrong. For anyone to actually do this, is beyond evil.

19718541? ago

That earthen berm around the “tennis court” could have absorbed a fair amount of excavated material

19729007? ago

that berm looks like about the amount it would take to drill the vertical shaft under the temple

19716678? ago

Remember that the real story is what is not being talked about.

The timing of Epstein arrest is no accident. This ‘major’ story is nothing compared to whatever unrelated operation is happening under cover while all eyes and headlines are on Jeffrey.

Think about it.

19756003? ago

Are you guys archiving all the Maxwell woman's event pix? Especially after the conviction sentencing (2008-11) ... Why would people still go and network with these creeps? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3331826

19721733? ago

Report: Jeffrey Epstein 'Entered Partnership Worth Millions' With Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak in 2015 https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3331590/19715866 Netanyahu was tweeting about this earlier. I fully believe this is true.

19716586? ago

I saw this specific image over year ago - this alone doesn't show they're doing anything differently now. What does make the manipulation obvious, imo, is the way the image search results have been scrubbed of pictures of Clinton when you search "Epstein Clinton" and how the first 2 results are actually pictures of Trump w/ Epstein.

19716416? ago

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19716412? ago

No way.......

19716384? ago

Maps come from different image sources taken at different times that plus 3d topology means that they will look different. I've seen photos taken from a boat that showed the tennis court floodlights

19716280? ago

And then there's Great St. James Island

19716108? ago

WTF. Why hide that spot? What is it? Altar?

19716438? ago

weed plants.

19716050? ago

Wouldn't it be great if a team of former operators went to the island to take a look-see? I can think of a few that would love that retirement mission.

19721743? ago

So they are Masons or Jewish Occultists? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3331620 You gotta check drudgereport front page right now! Currently massive photo and headline: “EPSTEIN’S TEMPLE OF SEX”

So this is it huh? Normie wake up time finally starting. Dang.

All these years. All that shilling. They called us crazy, HA! It’s finally going wide. Wow. Big day!

19715861? ago

We gotta do something about these people and they don't seem open to any dialogue, its either their way or you're a racist

19715795? ago


19715655? ago

Look at the drone footage of the island as well, no tennis court. We discovered this almost 2 years ago

19716118? ago

But what is it 🤷‍♂️

19715328? ago

KikePhotoShop Ver 3.0. Mos#ad overlay at its finest. :) A bit sloppy on the stretch of the Court, but otherwise ok.

19717668? ago

Always Muh Jooooos

19715169? ago

Got it. Recent drone video shows no tennis court whatsoever.


19718867? ago

Any chance that is a grass court that the fence got taken out in Irma so they let it grow in? Apple maps Is ore Irma due to the gold dome still there. What is google?

19718800? ago

Interesting. Apple Maps on my phone shows tennis courts.

19718888? ago

They are pre Irma on Apple maps since gold dome is there. Maybe Irma decimated tennis court and was a grass court. Just something to make sure isn’t the case before we claim it’s an absolute fake.

19932565? ago

I was under the impression that that area was disguised to appear to have been tennis courts by a covering such as a tarp or canopy which had a tennis court painted(?) on top which would allow the activities going on under the canopy to take place hidden from view.

19717739? ago

an illegal work force? we hear nothing from the people who built the tunnels https://files.catbox.moe/t4izmg.jpg

19717507? ago

This island looks like a decommissioned missile silo. Would explain how the tunnels were built, maybe.

19720770? ago

That was my first thought as well. I have a small collection of pic's that are suspected silo's, camo'd to look like different things but all have several common distinctive features which I immediately recognized in this photo. Really made me wonder.

19716302? ago

That rock at 12 is structured so that if one were to, say, pour some liquid on it (or sacrifice a living creature, maybe), it would run down toward the clock. Someone took time to find that stone. https://i.postimg.cc/4xS8zrhG/Screenshot-2019-07-13-00-32-20.png

19718704? ago

And all the benches around the clock are for what purpose.... to watch the sacrifice on the scooped rock at XII? I was wondering about the benches and didn't even notice the rock, so thank you.

19718185? ago

That type of rock has a name which escapes me at the moment, but it is used in occultism for ritual because it has the line through it. I’ve never seen one so big before. As a pagan I have a small black rock with the line through it I use.

19716424? ago

I dig the theory but wouldnt the clock be dirtier?red?

I cant ID the material so shrugs

19718684? ago


19721269? ago

dunno, might work.. the channel does appear to be for funnelling something fluid down, maybe its symbolic or a map, what if this isnt the only island like this?

19715006? ago

I was thinking it was an area for maybe outdoor rituals.

The berm built up around it would make them hidden.

19716049? ago

That berm area reminds me of the Mayan arena from the movie Apocalypto where the captured were forced to run while they tried to kill them..plus the sound of gun shots...screaming... would be near impossible to hear on the main land from within the berm area as the sound would be directed upwards... What a great place to dump any bodies if needed...in the ocean with no worries of anyone witnessing..

19717718? ago

23 holes dug in the ground....what the hell happened? https://files.catbox.moe/z8fxqq.jpg

19718473? ago

Ya those are pretty much where this "tennis court" was.

And the "temple" is gone.

Where is this image from? Or is it an older image?

19715209? ago

When this was first discovered one of the theories is that it's a missile launch area. There are other missile launch areas that look similar.

Interestingly now it looks like they've covered the surface up with dirt.

19714982? ago

Classified photos from Gurgel earth will never be public. Why would they?

19714952? ago

Looks like a giant shade sail painted to look like a tennis court, the posts on the edges seem to hold it up.

19717684? ago

Is he praying to a parrot or Mesoamerican mythology the game is an important element in the story https://files.catbox.moe/bt958k.png something cut off? a foretaste of what would become common practice for players unfortunate enough to lose a game. the Quetzalcoatl Mesoamerican ballgame? a Phoenix or Quetzalcoatl the "feathered serpent"?... the Masonic Order of the Q...also little Statues with Saturn, Moloch, Baal Hammon, Pan, Cronus...The Temple door is fake?

19714781? ago

See the drone footage from this week: No 1 https://youtu.be/OJpPiZClb48 No 2. https://youtu.be/OPoohlcHNkE

19719522? ago

What’s with the field with raised mounds of earth around its edges? Looks like old, faded crop circles in the middle of it.

19716126? ago

Looks to me that all the stone by the building with no roof was from somewhere else. Like from overburden from building tunnels. Either way the imagery and layout is weird like the door painted(looks painted from the angle anyway) to look like the lock is on the outside. Then there is the burial garden looking spot with what looks like shallow graves......all strange to me even if they arent as nefarious imagined

19716766? ago

Its be hilarious if that was just a giant shed the landscapers put their tools in.

Most likely not... but the comedy of it is a nice break from the reality

19718904? ago

breaks from reality help one stay sane; stay sane, patriot

19716253? ago

I thought the doors look painted.

The palm trees over the "burial ground" area you mentioned also look newer than the others surrounding the temple. Smaller fronds and they still looked like they were relaxing from being bundled up during a transport.

19716559? ago

The doors definitely do look painted. To me it looks like those are the elevator doors accessible from the outside of the building. The pedophiles enter the painted doors straight into an elevator, then descend (to hell).

19715913? ago

Great footage. I mean, that is some quality recording. I am assuming this is an enthusiast, rather than a journalist.

Which makes me now wonder... Where are the Corporate News Drones?

19718657? ago

Corporate news wouldn't cover conspiracy theories. Jeffery is innocent and nothing bad happens on that island. And bill Clinton said he didn't go so it must be true. /s

19715225? ago

Wow. This is incredible.

19714760? ago


Google has been modifying reality and maps and everything.

At points they were placing the human heart in the center of the body, NOT on our left as normal.

The mandela effect was just playing with what they can change before 50% of people cry out about it.... TRUST ME ON THIS

19718707? ago

Any links? I remember hearing something that blew my mind when they first were being talked about, but now i'm just finding a ton of theory about how they work. Are you referring to the CEO (V. Brownell?) of dWave or was the inventor someone else?


19716662? ago

D Wave computers opening portals - demons to live in A.I. lol - i’m working in computer science and am wondering what these people s blabbering about?!? As Elon Musk and other “geniuses” talking about singularity as way to achieve immortality “inside” computers - oh come on...

19717873? ago

This is how the anti-christ returns. Satan will posses a human/A.I. hybrid that we'll create. It'll know everything about everyone because they've been spying on us 24/7.

19721961? ago

Computer is a machine- nothing to do with anything Satan related.

19736256? ago

Oh, ok. Crises avoided. Thanks!

19718882? ago

anti-christ is a condition, not an individual

19719835? ago

What verse did this come from?

19736240? ago

I love it, you sent me to a Jehovah’s Witnesses site to help explain the anti-christ. The irony is beautiful!

19736470? ago

kek, didn't notice

19720640? ago

His "uni-verse".

19715679? ago

Ya, these computers can find and locate demons and let them into our dimension. The computers serve as a portal if you will. This is what we know... Imagine what's top secret? Wowwww

19718105? ago

Proof? Oh yeah you have none. Ducking ai tards

19717628? ago

You KNOW this, how exactly?

19718411? ago

I meant to say heard about it... Chill out, it was late.

19716730? ago

Ok, we "know" this? Since some rando on qrv KNOWS this surely there is evidence beyond "derp u just hafta open ur eyes" or some garbage. One. Shred. Of. Proof. Provide it.

19718387? ago

I meant to say we've heard about it... You know? So chill the fuck out. Sheeesh

19719144? ago

Big difference.

19715986? ago

That’s actually not far off. One of the designers of the Dwave cluster said that, in his opinion, due to the potentially extra dimensional computation features of the computer, they could be pulling in gigantic things that don’t even notice we’re here yet.

19718868? ago

Pacific Rim; The Cabin in the Woods. [They] project!

19717953? ago

Norway Spiral

19715472? ago

The human heart is basically center to just a tad left of the center of the human body. Protected by the sternum. Any anatomy and physiology textbook book can be used as reference.

19717700? ago

Why would they change that though?

19719201? ago

Any number of potential reasons why small changes might take place in the underlying physiology.

Your Sun for example, is no longer Yellow. It has rather distinctly white rays lately. For a year now at least.

19716672? ago

Yep - people only imagine its Left side because one side beats stronger as it pumps blood OUT

as compared to the other side that the blood returns to

19719185? ago

Yeah, no. Sorry bro. Our heart changed places, our eyes are more sunken in, the skull has changed a little.

You don't have to believe me, I'm indifferent honestly. But the idea that evolution has to occur over millenia is untested and unfounded, it's a dogmatic belief that we really need to outgrow.

19718858? ago

that's wild -- like, when you hear your voice in a recording and it sounds different, because of bone conduction

19715405? ago

Fuck. This is how Atlantis fell. Nothing new is under the sun.

19716651? ago

How exactly did Atlantis fall?

19759175? ago

The theory is a jew invader destroyed an over unity device inside of Atlantis, that caused it to fail catastrophically. Atlantis sinks, never to be seen again.

19717563? ago

It was a step to the left, then a jump to the right...

19717572? ago

With your hands on your hips...

19717603? ago

And bend your knees in time

19717944? ago

But it's the pelvic thrust

19718564? ago

That really drives you insa-ay-ay-ay-ane

19718846? ago

let's dooo the time warp, again!

19715140? ago

I read a little bit about that a long time ago. Know any great sites to go to for a more in depth look?

19718010? ago

Interestingly the D-Wave computers are shaped like a black cube, exactly like the Jewish Tefillin and the Islamic Kaaba.

19715003? ago

And the CIA. Had/has one or is that associated with Google?

19714672? ago

Are both pictures taken at the same time? Sometimes the Google pictures are more than 10 years old.

19714664? ago

Same on Google Earth. If you go 3D you will see the tennis court is built on a huge mound.

Something isn’t right.

19717726? ago

The digging of 23 holes https://i.imgur.com/1X3vQYj.jpg

19714682? ago

I’m guessing Google Streets didn’t get a chance to map the island!

19721782? ago

What is Up with Rachel Chandler and Eminem? Siblings? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3323073 Funny I have asked the exact same question. They look pretty damn similar. A lot closer than many siblings and even twins (fraternal) I have seen. Their features superimposed over one another are almost a perfect match.

19714656? ago

Everything is underground. Notice the elevation.

19717702? ago

Underground tunnel doors have louvers in them. Steel doors & louvers commonly used if you have big humidity problems or need air circulation in the enclosed space? https://files.catbox.moe/rnreb4.jpg

19714802? ago

MOSSAD spent a TON of adrenochrome money building tunnels like that

19717645? ago


19715131? ago

Isn't that oxidized epinephrine? Don't need to murder children for it.

19715383? ago

There are are quite a few thing that a third term traumatized fetus can produce that chemicals and lab fail to reproduce.

19715158? ago

you know nothing of which you speak

19715301? ago

I am willing to sell adrenochrome really cheap. Do you prefer injection or tablet?

19714607? ago

Same on Apple Maps. Need to check another mapping program. I remember seeing your original picture late last year when I originally checked.