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19700689? ago

Communists are the antithesis of American. They don't belong in the US, the existence of which is meant to be an oasis of freedom. They could be literally anywhere else on Earth (or off it if they allow for a free market anywhere), but are criminals in the US.

So why are they here? At least two reasons...

With freedom comes wealth. With wealth comes everyone else, including thieves and parasites.

Also, freedom anywhere threatens the slavers' dominion. Communism is their poison. It keeps the house slave crabs dragging those who would be free back into their cage. It creates useful idiot zombies who consume and destroy everything.

Communists should be expelled from, and denied access to, the US. There is only one reason they'd be interested in coming, and it is criminal.

19702188? ago

Communism is a tool of the elites. Forget hammer and sickle, they use the hammer and anvil. Either you have to play in their central bank controlled economy, or you have to pray for their Communism to come to your rescue. Its a trap.

They are praying to Satan, and his demons. People refuse to believe it, that is how they get away with it. It just sounds too crazy. Too out there. Now mind you our understanding of Satan and/or demons may be lacking. As the saying goes "Any sufficiently advanced technology will appear as magic".

So demons could be life forms that have shed physical bodies. Which would then naturally have pros and cons.

If you have ever heard Masons or occultists speak of 'The Great Work', they will never tell you what it is, and drone on about some bullshit about 'making good men better' (meanwhile, forget better, God will make you perfect). The Great Work is PUTTING SATAN on God's throne. Think about what that entails. It means going from a society that literally praises God to... Well, take a look around.