19705152? ago

communism has been in america for a long time. they won world war 2 and we helped them, remember? and then general patton was assassinated for trying to make things right

19704002? ago

Communists are NOT the ones that were trying to transform America. Satanists, fake jews, fake Christians, and atheists etc are behind it all. Atheists are perhaps the biggest useful idiots of the bunch. By them not acknowledging the spiritual world shows them to be the stupidest of the bunch.

To me your post seems to deflect from the spiritual realm. We are not battling flesh and blood. We are battling Satan aka Lucifer.

19703664? ago

Communists? Are you kidding? That is a cover. We are talking hard core satanists. These people are not atheists they worship Lucifer.

19709520? ago

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19702618? ago

Not until there is no taxes will we be returned, including tariffs.

19703073? ago

The threat of tariffs on Mexico made their President cave to Trump demands.

4,000 Mexican troops got sent to the Border and crossings are down 85%


19702244? ago

Prayer is the answer. As long as you pray to a just and loving God. Everyone else can/should go to HELL!

19702409? ago

As long as it’s the Christian God. All orhers will burn in hell for eternity with the atheist shills. Amen

19703787? ago

My comment was a bit tongue in cheek, but yes as long as the Christ Jesus, as we refer to "him", and his teachings, are the focus of our spirituality, then yes, we agree. I am not aware of a "church" that adequately explains that.

19702187? ago


19701791? ago

The Jews started Communism. Fact.

19703286? ago

oy! vey!

19702262? ago

Did Cain invent murder? Shall we give murderers in the present a pass and just pursue the first murderer's decendants?

That certainly sounds like something present day murderers would endorse.

19702384? ago

There are no "good Jews"

19702431? ago

If that were only the case, how simple life would be. It does sound easy, though, doesn't it?

Incidentally, is there a race you believe doesn't have any bad people?

19703124? ago

you do know this is Biblical, so it wouldn't be out of the question for an entire race to be 'bad'. We live in a duality of dark/light.

19704262? ago


Like I said, I'm not 5, nor retarded.

I understand the wisdom in the bible, and I understand how tyrants spin it to control people.

19701332? ago

You mean that you ‘hope’ it will.

Nothing to that effect has happened yet outside of your imagination.

Think if you pray hard enough it will come true like in fairy tales?

Remove (((them))) and it may well come true.

19702171? ago

Was with you until you started supporting communists by distracting, and dividing.

19705504? ago

You’re the one doing the dividing. Almost all of Q is white, so why are you dividing the racist whites against the non-racist whites?

19705888? ago

You’re the one doing the dividing. Almost all of Q is white, so why are you dividing the racist whites against the non-racist whites?


Communists don't have points or principles, only pretenses meant to enable their crimes.

Learn to spot their Orwellian narratives.

19706634? ago

So I’m good being a racist who hates Jews and niggers? Thanks!

19705887? ago

Almost all of Q is white? How can you make that claim?

19706648? ago

Because you’re all just basic bitch Republicans and basic bitch Republicans are all white.

19720896? ago

Ha, you're stupid.

19703342? ago

yet you do not criticize Jewish Bolsheviks who supported Commie politics, do you know of the holocausts in Ukraine, Armenia and other genocides of other peoples

19704576? ago


19704207? ago

Of course I do. What part of all you communists are criminals. Commies are NSFL, but that's the long game. Not everyone is ready for that discussion. What is completely objectively true is that commies are incompatible with the US.

I am not a bigot. I know that communists need me to be. All communists, whatever other group they're in, are the enemies of humanity. There is no communist alive that should be.

Now, why do you give non-Jew commies a pass?

19702152? ago

this ^

19701081? ago

MAGA is Returning God's children back to the times of the Garden of Eden
Before Satan tried to destroy Lady Gaia; Playground for the Brothers and Sisters of JESUS
There was BC then AD now AT

19703162? ago

I was thinking maybe AQ😇 and what do you think it will be like?

19701801? ago

fuck off

19701686? ago

He should probably do something first.

19701303? ago

Ok you going too far

19701692? ago

Never go full Eden.

19701069? ago

Communism in the US started at the very beginning of the 20th century. Slow implementation that peaked with the presidency of FDR. After that 12 year shitshow, the whole education system and the courts have been subverted and laying the groundwork for what is unfolding now (Clown world 2010-2019).

19703144? ago

The occult Jews/Masons played America well, duped them, selling arms to Afghan jihadi warlords, dying in Nam for nothing. The military industrial complex bleeding you out, commies were a threat but the other cult religion guys are playing on a whole other level you do not see.

19702128? ago

I think its not just Commie, Lenninism, Communism, Marxism is only so old...this could be older ...from Rome to Jersusalem to Egypt to London to Washington an under ground black nobility worshiped an occult, they were from many races many religion but prayed to something from Babylon? the Clown World is older, Masons, Pagan Arab Shriners, the Jew Occult... What is that Temple on the island.. Rachel Chandler, and her Tibetan Book of the Dead Friends.. What you know of Guinness? Chandler friends of Paris Hilton who married a Red Shield, Anita Patience Guiness married Amschel Rothschild, Lady Caroline Blackwood, a Guiness, married to Lucian Freud https://voat.co/v/AskAnon/3319976/19702099and the Maxwell woman?

19704564? ago

(((THEM))) check out the talmud

19701677? ago

The marker was laid down in the 1870s - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Workingmen%27s_Party_of_the_United_States

Prior to that you could view unions as good faith enterprises to address horrible working conditions. After the socialists landed, that remained the stated mission while they co-opted unions and bent them towards socialism and consolidation of power. Riots & strikes began happening nearly non-stop from that point on -


19700957? ago

No its not, at all.

19703275? ago

Russian Commies are a threat but the other groups are even more dangerous, they are infecting from within. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3330104/19701553 He indicates that he is the atty for difficult cases that would not get a fair trial. So Alan's do gooding is for a whole host of bad people? He could have chosen to walk away or not service all of these bad people. He made a career of it. Alan, bad choices. Therefore, you probably are as bad as they have said, just in denial. Ick!

19701784? ago

One of the biggest elements of a communist state is that every business is a monopoly secretly owned by the government. That's what we have in America and it is the reason no American can be successful in being anything other than a wage slave. Our corporate communist state is different in that our business are owned by foreign countries, so if an American business wants to enter a market it is stopped by the Chinese government.

Look at the massive stock dumping and selling that's happening across all these industries to see how MAGA is returning us to pre-communism America.

19702224? ago

Government is the disease posing as the cure.

Bad monopolies cannot exist in a free market.. in a free market, it is only possible when no one can imagine a better product or service at a lower price.. and even then, absent of coercion, one would be free to try to compete with a monopoly at any time.

19701803? ago

Ah yes, the only indicator of pre-communism was massive stock movement. Have any material examples that aren't abstract garbage?

19702531? ago

Facebook stock dropped by like 20% in a day when China was forced out you fat nigger piece of shit. I can't pull your head out of your ass for you, it's too big.

19702571? ago

What does that have to do with making America great again. When MySpace went under did our country grow out of communism?

19701269? ago

These boomers celebrate as the country burns around them and looks like Sodom and Gomorrah. Then they claim that this degeneracy is real American freedom and shit the forefathers fought for. Our forefathers fought and created a nation for Whites, it is about %50 white now and dropping, and these faggots celebrate the horrible state they left the country because they want to feel good about themselves and their inactivity when all of this was reversible without bloodshed.

19703226? ago

Realest comment right the fuck here.

19701719? ago

Leftist swine like you are the only ones celebrating the depravity.

19702521? ago

You are far to the left of me if you think Trumps inaction and the degeneracy the "conservatives" have helped push over the years was a good thing.

19704601? ago

I'm glad you paused beating off long enough to post that.

19701567? ago

Correct. And, in true poetry, they don't even do anything in their dying years but believe there's a plan being carried out by purely anonymous sources, that has in no way materialized, because all they care about and have ever cared about was lip service and catchphrases, not action. Trump supplies them with their fill of both, so they say he's the hest president ever, unironically, when he's done absolutely nothing.

19701831? ago

Haha you are so fucking full of shit.

you have no fucking clue dude. You're a product of the putrid education system and the self-righteous bubble of leftism.

19701895? ago

The ironic thing is my biggest complaint with Trump, boomers, and Republicans in general is they in no way resemble conservatism, and I'm not sure they even have a grasp on what conservatism even is.

19706315? ago

Yea... his political inaction. right. We could list things forever but just to name a few things off the top:

Paris Climate Accord AKA dog shit. GONE. Trans Pacific Partnership AKA dog shit. SEEYA NAFTA - Canada and Mexico scrambling around like lost children. Gorsuch, Kavanaugh.... WELCOME TO THE SC. North Korea...path to denuclearize, hostages returned, bodies returned.

What a fucking liberal this guy is eh. Grow up Kid.

This list could go on for fucking ever and you know it.

SUCH INACTION. Go fuck yourself. Commie

19701016? ago

shut up Hillary

19701027? ago

Ok how is it, materially. What specific laws have been revoked?

19701178? ago

Why are you asking questions that every legitimate anon on this sub already knows at the same time you're making statements that demonstrate how out of touch you are?

Get researching or GTFO

19701203? ago

That's what I thought. Ýa got nothing but cheerleading and empty talk, just like Trump.

19701213? ago

TDS ^^

poor Liberal faggot

19701509? ago

So, no examples?

19702742? ago

Yah here is one right here. You are an example of the pure abortion of critical thought.

19700689? ago

Communists are the antithesis of American. They don't belong in the US, the existence of which is meant to be an oasis of freedom. They could be literally anywhere else on Earth (or off it if they allow for a free market anywhere), but are criminals in the US.

So why are they here? At least two reasons...

With freedom comes wealth. With wealth comes everyone else, including thieves and parasites.

Also, freedom anywhere threatens the slavers' dominion. Communism is their poison. It keeps the house slave crabs dragging those who would be free back into their cage. It creates useful idiot zombies who consume and destroy everything.

Communists should be expelled from, and denied access to, the US. There is only one reason they'd be interested in coming, and it is criminal.

19709340? ago

Can we make a chart ??

Belief, The Cult, Group Who they are
British Mason Prince Andrew
Shriner Freemason Brit pedophile Jimmy Savile
Corrupt US business men & politicians Too many to name
Models Human Trafficking Les Wexner
Human Smugglers Rodriguez, and Marcinkova, TeenVogue Magazine
British Occult Jewish Ghislaine Maxwell
Israeli Zionists Hollywoodland & money laundering in general
Israel Ehud Barak
Dumb Fucking Perverts Cyrus Vance
Canada Bronfman mob family
Red Commie Nadia Marcinkova
Saudi Arab a Saudi Arabia King and Prince
Other Moslem Epstein lived a block away from the human trafficking Qatari royalty.
Corrupt filthy American degenerate Kevin Spacey
A traitor to the USA? Lesley Groff, Woody Allen, Henry Jarecki, Woody Harrelson actor son of criminal traitor killer
Sports world scum The Nascar woman
Fashion Model world scum ..Naomi Campbell
Frogistani Degenerate Abuser Criminal Lean-Luc Brunei
Fashionista Frog That French/Russia asshole connected to dating sites, possibly communist or jew extremist
Commiefornia Hollyweird Tv Scum Geraldine Laybourne, Woody Harrelson actor son of criminal traitor killer
Hollywerido movie Tv scum ....Kevin Spacey, Chris Tucker, tv studio connections, Woody Harrelson actor son of criminal traitor killer
Latino / Christian ay caramba horde President Andres Pastrana
Filth person but not sure if legally defined as a criminal Alan Dershowitz
Pop music MTV filth Eminem, P Diddy, Courtney Love, Pete Townshend
Doomsday Brainwashing Blackmail cult NEXIVM people
Devil worshiping artists Bryan Singer, Waris Ahluwalia, the Marina Abramovic.
Babylon Satanist worships Lucifer & Baal George Aref Nader, Epstein himself

19702188? ago

Communism is a tool of the elites. Forget hammer and sickle, they use the hammer and anvil. Either you have to play in their central bank controlled economy, or you have to pray for their Communism to come to your rescue. Its a trap.

They are praying to Satan, and his demons. People refuse to believe it, that is how they get away with it. It just sounds too crazy. Too out there. Now mind you our understanding of Satan and/or demons may be lacking. As the saying goes "Any sufficiently advanced technology will appear as magic".

So demons could be life forms that have shed physical bodies. Which would then naturally have pros and cons.

If you have ever heard Masons or occultists speak of 'The Great Work', they will never tell you what it is, and drone on about some bullshit about 'making good men better' (meanwhile, forget better, God will make you perfect). The Great Work is PUTTING SATAN on God's throne. Think about what that entails. It means going from a society that literally praises God to... Well, take a look around. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3322166/19622967

19700228? ago

This is a useless cheerleading post that offers nothing to the Q movement.

19707264? ago

What would be a good term we could coin for this behavior?

ie: cheerleader shill, cheerleadingfag?

19707399? ago


19744615? ago

CheeringFags** ?

19703107? ago

While Commie are fucked this is cheerleading from the same Gobalist Shriner numbskulls who sold Afghan killers weapons to fight the evil Russians / Socialist and turned the place into an Asscrackistani terror shithole.

19700517? ago

Actually, it's a succinct foil to the Liberal Faggots that claim MAGA is Raaaaacist.

More like your worthless opinions offer nothing to the Q movement, faggot.

19700579? ago

  1. Arrests
  2. GTFO

Talking and bullshit don't lead to justice..... arrests do.

19703553? ago

triggered as fuck downvoating anon. Triggered you incapacitated nazi shithead. must be a kike. so much emotion and faggotry flowing from you right now. muh arrest muh gtfo

19706915? ago

Nazi shithead? I thought you were for all Americans? Why are you trying to divide us?

19707034? ago

I am a nazi. I reserve the right to call out a fellow nazi being a fucking moron.

19703593? ago

Are you 12? Or do you work for the JIDF?

19703804? ago

Running back to your team to figure out how to deal with a real nazi hahahaha. You fucks are so fucking finished. It is game over. this time we build real ovens.

19703989? ago

Great! Let's start loading the Jews up TODAY!!! RIGHT NOW!!!

19704215? ago

How about I tie you down and leave you and the other children in time out so the grownups can rescue humanity from kikery the most effective way. Use kike officers to arrest kike slaves to sit them in front of kike judges being swayed by kike lawyers on kike technicalities. You are so kiked you need to press pause on your entire life. Then alt+F4.

19704398? ago

You like tying down children? Tell us more.....

19704505? ago

^^^ got him to admit he is 12 year old and also possibly JIDF. Irony escapes him. Pure intense lulz for the plucking. Anons plug into this.

19704551? ago

So, Q sent you here battle shills all day? Is that "the plan"?

19704581? ago

Nigger you got owned and I farmed all the lulz there was out of you, cow. Theres nowhere to go from here

19704624? ago

...And then?

19704655? ago

You are the definition of emotionally compromised. I can't believe you gave me one more LULZ for the road! Fuck off kike but thank you for being so fucking stupid to let me have free access to drink your failure as a nutritional supplement.

19704710? ago

..... and then?

19703772? ago

Did you also fall for Hitler was a rothschild narrative too? because thats how you lose against the jew.

19703761? ago

Did you really not know the Trump Putin BRICS chabd lubovitch narrative was a kike shill narrative? tell me you didnt fall for that... oh my fucking christ

19703622? ago

Stop protecting the kikes. Get out of the way if you arent going to crush them with me.

19703421? ago

this guy wants Hillary arrested when shes not even a jew. Epstein is her Lord and Kike Savior and we have him and the faggot clintons AND Mueller with this one arrest and you fucking idiots are too stupid to see it. But ok

19703430? ago

If Hillary is no big deal... then just arrest her and hang her on National TV.

19703453? ago

thats not how any of this is going to work. my god you cant play the game to save your pathetic aryan life

19703581? ago

Yawn. Mr. Internet Tough Guy tells the world how it really is.

19703918? ago

Shut your shit right down. I know your game. I am multiple levels above anyone in your circle. You are finished and you dont even know it. I am the first of many more you will see and not be able to control.We will brea through your fake kikery. We already know because we have seen information you will never know.

19703977? ago

LOL. OK there Übermensch.

19704283? ago

Edited your post to add "keep trusting the plan"? You are so flustered you have to try and recover from the absolute mental assault I am sustaining on your psyche. THIS is what domination is all about and I take no pleasure in making you my slave.

19704372? ago

LOL. "absolute mental assault"

You should write this shit down in a book. This is hilarious.

Keep going!

19704456? ago

You think a double bind will work on me? Kek. You are entertainment for me pure and simple. I have the most intense joy watching you try to crack any consensus here and fail miserably. Constantly. Especially when you edited your shit post to add something.., kek. like it would make a difference. The you sperg out and try framing your failure with "omg pleaz continuz I planned to fail on purpose to trap u omfg"

levels above you kek

19704125? ago

You cant even spot philosophy properly you useless cunt. How did you get stuck on Voat detail? Too stupid to work chans? you say "lol" because you are rattled and have broken character. I am willing to accept the consequence of my own hubris to mock you and laugh at how far beneath me you are particularly, The war is not over but I had to just tell you how clear it is to me that if your brothers are anything like you, you have officially devolved and lost the ability to fight. I own you now and forever,

19704421? ago

You are a gem. Keep going! I love the ego you got going here..... you should act like more of a tough guy though.....

19704562? ago

I'll never forget you adding "trust the plan" to that post 5 minutes after writing it. THAT is how far into your head I got without even trying. Your unconscious took minutes of time to try to work out SOME way to continue and "trust the plan" INIT reboot was all your debilitate mind could muster.

~ Killer, Trolling the trolls for lulz since 1995

19704579? ago

And then?

19704623? ago


19704639? ago

.... and then?

19704670? ago


19704697? ago

....... and then?

19704729? ago

TRUST THE PLAN!!!! LULZ!!!!!!!!!

19704861? ago

....... and.... then?

19703634? ago

boomers write "internet tough guy". whats the problem. cant hang with an actual nazi you kike merchant fuck?

19703083? ago

you know what they say about 'protesting too much'😱

19702754? ago

Epstein bitch. your script is out of date. Get fucked in the open you cuck

19703355? ago

Arrest Hillary Clinton or GET THE FUCK OUT!!!

19703388? ago

Low level bullshit cunt. Epstein is way higher up than her you complete fucking moron

19703418? ago

Moving the goalposts again?

9 moths ago, everyone in this forum wanted to see Hillary arrested. That has gone down the memory hole and nobody talks about that anymore. Now, everyone here has to come up with other targets to justify the lack of arrests from the Obama Admin. traitors.

19703439? ago

no. just you fucking idiots wanted to sperg about clinton. shes already toast. it doesnt matter when shes irrlelevent you just sperg on about nothing and bullshit that is already taken care of. we are operating way higher up the chain then her lowly cunt

19703450? ago

If she's 'irrelevant' and no big deal.... then just go arrest her. Everyone here says we have to arrest the low level people before we get to the high level people. If she's so low level just go arrest her. Problem solved.

19703496? ago

arresting her for bullshit that hasnt been proven by criminal referrals and exposed evidence is impossible. we lose the ability to spy on everyone if we dump without judicial discovery. you dont have the capability to carry on this conversation you low level faggot. these questions here reveal how fucking retarded your little club of bitches truly is. just kill yourselves. you arent helping the fight against jews.

19703507? ago

  1. Arrests
  2. GTFO

Nothing else matters....

19703534? ago


19701737? ago

And the BROKEN RECORD plays On and ON and ON Skeet shooting anyone ??

19701777? ago

Still waiting on those arrests.... any day now....

19700513? ago

It identifies the enemies of humanity correctly... which means they will rally to distract from it.

19701294? ago

You mean jews?

19701479? ago

I meant the mention of communists, and you communists coming to distract us from it wirh your typical fear and division shilling.

19704593? ago

not every jew was a bolshevik, but every bolshovek was a jew.

19704637? ago

Communists, jewish and non-jewish, should hang for crimes against humanity.

Don't give non-Jew commies a pass.

19701830? ago

Jews invented communism

19701958? ago

A few Jews did, yes. Think there are more white communists than Jewish? There probably is. There are certainly more black communists than there are Jewish communists. There maybe more black communists than there are Jews, communist or not.

Let's focus on the current problem, which is communists. Distraction from this serves them. Don't assist one group of communists by being distracted by another group with a percentage less than 100% of communists.

Communists are criminals. They're the root of the problem, and they never stop trying to distract us from realizing it.

Strike the root.

19702452? ago

The stats don't back up your claims about Jews and communists. The vast majority of the commies were Jews, even Churchill himself was very explicit about communism being jewish.

19702519? ago

Still living in the past, eh?

Oresent day commies appreciate your support!

19702597? ago

No they don't, they have even cracked my skull with brass. You support the changes and remnants that these commie fags do, you just want them to go slower. You take no action to try and reverse it. You even push this equality lie that is literally communist and men like Churchill have said that explicitly.

However you go around being a good goy for the commies and call anyone who actually takes a stand against this warped view of the world that denies reality as the real commies. It's not only pathetic, but every time you say this shit it makes you look ridiculously historically illiterate.

19704559? ago

Who the fuck do you think you're talking to, looney? I have said nothing of the sort.

. You even push this equality lie that is literally communist and men like Churchill have said that explicitly.

Orwellian nonsense. There is no equality except equality under the law. Or "individual sovereignty". Or "freedom". Communists are genocidal bigots who follow no law and respect no rights..

However you go around being a good goy for the commies and call anyone who actually takes a stand against this warped view of the world that denies reality as the real commies.

You are either insane or desperate. I don't mention my ethnicity, only my American principles.

I am pointing out to you stupid or liar commie tools that you are their useful idiots.

Communists MUST HAVE THEIR OPPOSITION BE BIGOTED, or at leadt perceived to be bigoted... or they will label them bigoted after they genocide them.

Why do you think that is???

How does the world treat the openly bigoted? This is why you communist use Orwellian pretenses like you're not bigots while libertarians are. It's completely backwards.

There is no such thing as group rights; only individual rights. Americans know this, which is why you poison them with collectivism.

Bigotry is a communist trick to turn the opposition into the boogieman worthy of execution.

I've never seen an actual anti-semite, but I hear about them all the time. They supposedly exist. Yet, every instance of anti-semitism we ever see is a communist Jew "false flag" attempt. Why do you think that is?

I assumed all this astroturf antis -semitism was more of you Jew communists, but maybe they actually did find and recruit some actually retarded useful idiots out of you.

Well, if you're a commie, I see you.

If you think you're not a commie, this American with a functioning brain is warning you that you're being used by them. You are their tool.

19701993? ago

To strike the root, you need to get rid of all the Jews.

19702123? ago

This is exactly what communists want us to believe, and is exactly being distracted from striking the root.

Opposing criminal communists in defense of liberty is objectively right and righteous. It is beyond reproach. It only bring hope, praise, a cooperation from the righteous.

What does bigotry engender? What does opposing the righteous based on their ethnicity or religion get us?

I can see what's in it for the communists, and why you guys never stop shilling it... but I'm an American. I'm not stupid or cowardly enough to be a bigot, and I know that freedom is the solution.

19702467? ago

communists want you to go after their jewish handlers

Do you even listen to the retarded shit you spew?

19702506? ago

I don't spew retarded shit, but I do read logical fallacies out of communists quite often on Voat.

19702635? ago

So every time you talk to someone further right than you, you call them a commie just to make yourself feel better and so you don't have to actually let your leftist worldview be shattered by reality?

19704110? ago

And the logical fallacies just keep on coming.

I know it worked to recruit the majority of the left, but I doubt you'll find the same success among the right.

At some point you have to say something. Communists don't have points or principles; only pretenses meant to enable their crimes.

19706863? ago

At some point you have to say something.

OK, niggers have never created a noteworthy civilization in history, have average IQs at least a standard deviation lower than whites, and no single factor correlated with the prosperity of a nation more closely than average IQ.


19707314? ago

I have a lot to say about everything, and more well thought out and understood than any point you or your handlers could come up with... not that what you just said is point against the foundational American principles of individual rights and merit, but here are some thoughts.

Americans should be free to thrive or starve to death on the streets, on their own merit. No one has the right to anything other than what they can produce, or what they are given (one cannot legitimately give what they have stolen).

Nigerians have a higher avg IQ than white, black, or hispanic, Americans today.

All groups are represented by individuals above the highest group average, and below the lowest group average.

In other words, there are people of all groups smarter, and dumber, than us. Well, dumber than me, anyway.

This means that IQ is an indicator of cultural values over time. Groups from cultures that value family and education have higher avg IQs than those who don't.

Communism is poison. Forced redistribution of wealth is dysgenics. A group without the cultural values to offset the sabotage of welfare drops consistently over time. This is why on avg American blacks, whites, and hispanics, are all dropping below avg (or 100).

No group has advanced as greatly as black Americans the century after slavery. Black families were stronger than white families before America fell to communists' welfare sabotage.

There is no people on Earth more sabotaged by welfare than Africans. They have had any attempt to create a market destroyed by wealth redistributed to them, aka poison.

Everyone subject to communists's welfare sabotage is on the way down.

Freedom is always the solution.

19705956? ago

Are you going to present an argument or a legitimate side, ask for proof of my side, or are you really going to just keep calling me a commie for quoting from Churchill?

19705997? ago

Do you respect the rights of the individual?

19706422? ago

Sargon is that you?

19702217? ago

^^^ too busy sucking Jew dick to see the truth

19702309? ago

I don't suck dick. Wishful thinking, commie (and probably Jew).

19702365? ago

Your glorify and worship Jews. You might as we well suck them off too.

19702487? ago

What made you think I glorify and worship Jews? Is it that I called you out on definitely being a communist, and probably being a communist Jew?

Or is that I'm not 5, or retarded enough to believe that there is a demographic of people entirely good or entirely bad?

Notice, communist is entirely bad. It is synonymous with "criminal", and antethetical to "American".

19703024? ago

is some of (((them))) are good, why does their holy book promote pedophilia and HATE Jesus?

19700220? ago

Well, hurry the fuck up and start transforming!!!!!! Every week when I look at my paycheck I'm getting fucked in the ass a little more.

Time to fix this fucking bullshit!!!!

19700467? ago

yeah right... tax rates change weekly

19700538? ago

They don't change. But, a MASSIVE PORTION of my income gets stolen and they give it to niggers, spics, and sand-niggers.

19701132? ago

Nice tantrum ! Cry some more for theatric's sake Shill tantrums a mere part of the SHOW

19700597? ago

massive portion?

I find that hard to believe.

Top rates have been reduced under this President and lower tier rates are around 20% (although I disagree with all Federal income tax)

19703295? ago

My tax rate was almost 50% you just gotta start making real money.

19701685? ago

When you consider ALL of the taxes we pay including State, Local and Sales tax, Property taxes, and then all the fees, fines, licenses, and permits we have to pay for on top of all those taxes. When you consider we also have to pay for Car ins and Health care, Daycare, etc. Higher education, Licenses, unlike other countries with similar taxes, we are among the highest taxed people in the world. President Trump said this.

19700609? ago

Either way, taxes are being taken out of my check and given to illegals, and niggers. That bullshit needs to stop.

19700657? ago

Direct you ire at the people pushing for higher taxes.

It's not Trump and it's not part of MAGA

19701284? ago

Pretty sure Trump signed a spending bill giving our money to the illegals, what the fuck are you talking about.

19701467? ago

pretty sure he didn't..

how about a source on that claim ?

19702410? ago

It was 4.6 billion in aid how do you not remember this?

19700691? ago

Trump needs to DROP THE FUCKING HAMMER!!!!!!

  1. Arrest the traitors
  2. Deport the illegals
  3. Kill all the Democrats
  4. Cut the niggers off from Welfare
  5. Stick the Jews in the oven

That's how you MAGA.

19700855? ago

People like you who think 100+ years of control end in the flip of a switch demonstrate a deep lack of imagination and an understanding of the depth of corruption.

'Kill all the Democrats' lol You take extreme positions that, if carried out, would destroy the takedown of the Communists.

Merely shouting this absolutist bullshit is an attempt to brand MAGA as extreme and violent.

We see you Rabbi.

Btw... NO OVENS ever existed

19703218? ago

but then how did Spielberg make Schindler's List?😆🤡

19703308? ago

19700942? ago

Boomer excuse #125: "It took gazillions of years to set up the cabal so it will take gazillions more years to take it down!"

19701009? ago

Gen X here, faggot.

swing and miss

Cabal is going down, faggot.

Epstein, McCain, May, Merkel, Paul Ryan, Bob Corker, Jeff Flake, etc. CAN CONFIRM

Fucking Christ... it's like you cunts have no idea what the fuck has happened and what the fuck is happening.

19701026? ago

Cabal is going down

What? In slow motion? By the year 2089 we should have most of them locked up?

19701131? ago

Gee... what's taking so long? The Cabal only controls China, Europe, India ( think Nukes, faggot ) and about 100 other nations and their currencies.

The run the IMF, the World Bank and the Federal Reserve.

They control all media and have sleeper agents in Congress and the Pentagon.

They run nearly every major corporation.

Your fucked up absolutism would have crashed the economy a long, long time ago, you stupid faggot.

Niggers would have stolen your shit and chopped you up like collared greens ( think South Africa ).

yeah... you're either stupid as fuck, or you're a fucking Jew

I bet on the latter.

19702805? ago

Definitely a stupid fucking jew. Trying to straw man neo nazism to make a bullshit subversion attempt. Does anyone actually think that faggot list is reasonable or possible to even happen?

Like the only way to beat our opponent is brute force and barbarism... yeah ok kek. fucking retards.

19700518? ago

Liberals don't have jobs, they have no idea how these things work. It is best to just ignore the shills.