19702345? ago

I wonder if we need a new Board Owner and/or are going to switch to a new board.

19702621? ago

Let's make Q supporters fill out captcha every time they make a post! That will stop shills.

Ya think?

FastJack is a mod on here too. Seems like he's popping up all over, and hasn't done anything but piss people off and get called out by Q.

19702037? ago

All research and Q posts should be made on QRV! We are far better researchers and we were responsible for the Epstein arrest after all.

19702633? ago

FastJack's a mod here too. Imagine that....

19701416? ago

They are creating obstacles for newbies once something big drops.

All chans are comped AF

19700280? ago

I don’t do 8ch.

Is the consensus that Q was condemning or endorsing the BO cleaning up this portion of the board to make it more concise and easily consumed by the masses?

To me it seems like a foreshadowing that plugs is about to be pulled.

19702658? ago

It's cool, 8ch is not a super accessible, easy forum.

But it's where Q posts with a tripcode. I miss 8bit. Least Q felt like s/he could trust him.

19702322? ago

I think Q is disagreeing with the BO changing the boards, since Q posted the anon speaking out against it and advocating to keep the breads, notables, etc the same.

My favorite places for seeing news notables are not working anymore. (I primarily used the Archive offline program https://voat.co/v/QRV/3315268 until recently switching to https://wearethene.ws/ ). Both are not pulling notables anymore, and I am having a hard time navigating 8 chan since I usually avoid it except when reading up on some of the notables.

19700105? ago

We saw, anon. I personally don't at all disagree with you, if it matters.

19701319? ago

It matters. When we went months without a Q post in anything but PatriotsFight, ya had to wonder a little...


19701711? ago


19699592? ago

And just when all the truth begins to unfold and people want to investigate, POOF!

Timing is everything!

19699566? ago

Current BO is compromised.

19699619? ago

Notables still missing sadly

19699670? ago

you can still see notables at wearethne.ws

19702334? ago

no- they stopped updating 14 hours ago

19705330? ago

i just noticed that. not good!!

19699502? ago

I agree. I am not sure what the hidden, underlying cause of this is. There was about a month there to make changes, and now is not the time.

19702685? ago

Let's see what Q does. Maybe he reaches out to another BO on the chans.

WWG1WGA does not mean we have to stay where we are.

19702998? ago

Where you there when it happened? I felt the energy rising, then the BO shit on it. It had to have been deliberate.

19699501? ago

Can't blame Q for being a ghost for so long...Fastjack sure has his hands in a lot of pies.