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19690120? ago

Are you guys keeping up? i used to think all this talk about conspiracy and ritual was BS but ... @daskapitalist Halcyon house ? @LakotaPride @CluelessInTheDark @GodsAngell @Himfirst ? if they, this conspiracy exist ... and i'm starting to think perhaps the conspiracy may be real .... if they exist ... then it could be time to destroy them all

19690367? ago

Patriot, this is the first I have seen of this. we definitely need to research this.

19691472? ago

/pol/ is all over this shit and concluded that either the kid (God daughter?) in all his tweets is named Caris James or is code for the island. That hashtag is used every fucking where in his account.

19691564? ago

Patriot, we definitely need to research.

19691935? ago

Have you seen the shit on Voodoo Donuts? 😳 Just as bad as Ping Pong. I need to make a thread about it.../pol has all kinds of shit about them.

Their tagline is: Voodoo Doughnut, where the magic is in the hole and good things come in pink boxes.

Pair that up with them also posting similar and extremely creepy shit like Comet does. They're in 4 major cities. 😔

19692465? ago

Patriot, I suspect a thread on this topic would be great idea, and with all our great Patriots here digging, who knows how much traction it will gain. it can only go two ways, being factual, or disinformation.

19692621? ago

Agreed. I need to find the 4 chan discussion and I'll link it up. On a related note, I just posted this find. It's old but interesting...thoughts?

19701165? ago

Patriot, I have benefitted from old stories reposted, sometime to remind me again, and other times it had additional leads to follow to help connect the dots, but for those waking up, this information is new to them, and I am a firm believer in leaving no Patriot behind. I know sometimes leads have dried up, and had to file to the side, until more leads showed up later. this happens when researching.