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19684531? ago

The internet never forgets.

These people are stupid.

19685961? ago

Clownworld Mark Getty is in Epsteins black book Home of mistress of son of J. P. Getty, alleged elite child trafficker, raided:1000+ guns found and CDAN: JP Getty led an elite pedophile ring supplied with children from the Philippines (by Ferdinand & Imelda Marcos)

19686856? ago

We can write this stuff faster than they can erase it ;)

19692541? ago

The are going to have to restrict the people tasked with erasing to relatively high-level conspirators, because if they outsource the job to the general population of normies, those normies risk get red-pilled through the necessity of reading what they have to remove in order to identify it. Good! That is going to keep the bastards busy and ill at ease.

19686252? ago

That is totally believable.