19698282? ago

The "running after me putting his phone in my face" part is hilarious. Is this really the best they can come up with? As Joe Biden would say: "Come on, man!"

19696409? ago

What’s hilarious is I literally met a girl in the past 2 weeks who is also woke to the JQ and pedo rings and Q Anon. It was like instant love at first sight.

19694382? ago

so butthurt.

19694025? ago

Dear Snowflakes,

I am terribly sorry for breaking up you and your internet gf.

We all know how you met, you dont have to make up a story about a party.

That's not why I'm posting this, I want to apologize for all of QRV, TGA, and all of twitter, reddit and voat and facebook.

I apologize and would like to ease your suffering and let you know why all this transpired, why would someone do this to you?

for the lulz

I hope that brings you some peace.

19693794? ago

"Jane's" husband sounded irrational. "[H]e would call and scream at me to try to make me come home because I was going to go out and get gang-raped or martial law was going to break out" makes him sound unbalanced. If he's not, she's making up horrible lies about him. Either way, whether he's mentally ill or she's lying, it's unethical of the writer and the magazine to print that story just because it fits their narrative. By printing this, they are victimizing a man who had no chance to tell his side...assuming he or Jane exist.

It's sad when the least bad (least unethical) option is that Vice made all of these people up.

19689159? ago

OMG, they have the nerve to add this in!

Deb's parents' belief in QAnon started when her parents decided to get rid of cable TV and start watching YouTube a few years ago.

Talking about brainwashing! cabal tv is the brainwashing programming. Wow think mirror. Read the article, and flip it all backwards! lol crazy times. Matrix style

19688938? ago

my wife ran off with my buddy. i miss my buddy.


19688707? ago

QAnon made my marriage flourish!

19688265? ago

I mean, I think you morons are ABSOLUTELY in a cult and it's super pathetic, but I ALSO believe nearly everyone running our government needs to be lined up in front of a firing squad so I'm rooting for you at the same time.

"Pizzagate" is NOT what NPR said it was, and you don't have to be a Qtard to see that! I think the q movement was specifically designed to further discredit the legitimate concerns of so many non-mentally-challenged people

19687992? ago

Hey hun, look at this. There is someone named Q and it looks like he is pointing to some pretty bad stuff, there may be truth to what he is saying.


19687955? ago

I finally told my husband I've been following Q. He doesn't buy it, but also doesn't think I'm crazy (I thought he would). He did say, in all seriousness, "In a few years people who have resisted will go to jail. And I'm going to go to jail too, because your IP address will implicate both of us. That's fine. I'm happy to go to jail for whatever you believe."

19687351? ago

This is to coerce stupid wives to persuade their husbands not to look at Q stuff anymore, because she values their relationship and doesn't want anything to come between them. The left's narrative is always to persuade useful idiots to do their bidding.

19685833? ago

over the targer

19685673? ago

Are Freemason Trump & Qanonymous LARPS Working For The Illuminati Deep State NWO Cabal?

Trump Kushner & Pompeo all just held high level meetings with the Illuminati cabal.

Zero chance Trump Kushner & Pompeo meet with the NWO cabal unless they are one of them.

No one attends meetings with the Royals & the Bilderberg meetings unless they are one of them.

No one rises to POTUS unless they are one of them.

Not a single swamp rat has been arrested & prosecuted. It's all NWO cabal theatre.

Criminal DC swamp rats still free laughing & taunting Americans on national TV & social media.

Cabal puppet Obama most corrupt seditious & treasonous POTUS in U.S. history still no justice served.

Obama Brennen Kerry many other DC swamp rats running illegal shadow government no justice served.

Former SOS Hillary Clinton guilty of multiple crimes still no justice served.

Clinton Foundation most corrupt criminal racket in U.S. history still no justice served.

Clinton's are connected to dozens of unsolved mysterious deaths still no justice served.

Political terrorist George Soros guilty of sedition against USA still free no justice served.

Trump has consistently appointed numerous DC swamp creatures to important positions.

Trump apponts swamp rat Powell Fed Chair then whines about Fed Chair policies on Twitter.

Swamp creature firings are cabal theatre simply a matter of the cabal moving around their larps.

Trump whines on Twitter about everything an all talk and no action POTUS for years.

Trump & Qanon continue allowing the censorship elimination of conservatives online unopposed.

Trump continues to allow hordes of historic record numbers of illegal immigrants into USA.

POTUS declares a national emergency on border yet refuses to actually close the border.

Trump warns Democrat politicians on illegal U.S. sanctuary cities then does nothing to stop them.

Trump consistently backs down refuses to challenge corrupt leftists judges who rule against him.

Trump appoints McAleenan acting HSS now accused of resisting ICE & leaking ICE raids to media.

Trump appoints deep state larp Sessions Attorney General Sessions worst AG in U.S. history.

The wall is stalled by the cabal controlled uni-party and is not even close to being constructed.

After viscious attacks Trump holds cabinet position meetings with RINO cabal larp Mitt Romney.

Poisonous geoengineering chemtrail spraying on Americans continuing across USA.

Trump continues to allow America's crops to be sprayed with lethal Monsanto weed killer.

Trump continues to allow dangerous GMO foods into American's food supply.

Life saving medical cures still being kept secret from Americans by Trump & Qanon.

Trump tweets knowing 9/11 truth but does nothing about it. Over 3000 Americans died on 9/11.

Qanon drops ET disclosure remains highest gov classification. Still kept secret from Americans.

Health care has not been fixed. Mid terms showed Americans not happy Republicans lose house.

After firing swamp rat Comey Trump then appoints yet another swamp rat in Wray to head FBI.

FBI CIA & NSA remain rogue agencies controlled by the deep state shadow government cabal.

Trump has failed to stop the illegal widespread surveillance of Americans.

Antifa is a leftist terrorist organization that assaults MAGA supporters. Trump does nothing.

Qanonymous, when asked by anons, has failed to prove he's not a larp working for the cabal.

Qanonymous has served up continuous nothing burgers for 20 straight months.

Trump whines about illegal votes does nothing to impliment voter ID laws in all U.S. states.

MOAB on the corrupt king criminal swamp rat Comey never happened.

The goal posts keep moving Declas remains an ongoing fiasco.

Get ready. Horowitz & Huber nothing burger reports imminent.

Patriots are not in control. The NWO cabal is still in complete control world wide.

Elected politicians are supposed to be working for us. We the people are still being played.


19685513? ago

Vice made me go sterile.

19684641? ago

lol, 'destroyed their relationships' which were all based in martini debaucherous ignorant fallacious lies and belief of the mainstream media and vast ignorance to the great awakening happen on planet earth.

What an HONOR to lose those friends!

19684487? ago

Typical and predictable. "If you follow Q you are a loser and will never get laid". I didn't read the article but coming from Vice I'm sure this statement is in there somewhere.

19684301? ago

Yeah, it's NOT Drag Queen Story Hour for toddlers, or teaching grade school kids about the trans lifestyle and their option of 59 genders to choose from. It's NOT trying to make pedophilia acceptable in main stream as just another sexual orientation. It's NOT constant violent attacks against conservatives and Trump supporters. No, no, "the most disheartening signs of our advancing hellworld are the thousands of people who wholeheartedly believe in the deranged conspiracy known as QAnon".

19684285? ago

The look on my wifes face when I showed her the drop about Hillary cutting the girls face off. I think she may have started to think it was to sick to be made up. "What in the fuck"?

19684062? ago

And no one comes up with the big question. They avoid asking. This is P.A.N.I.C w all the pedo proof coming out. Not to mention PP.

19683818? ago

They make a valid point. I've cut loose at least 6-8 pieces of dead weight liberal zombies out of my life. No more worrying if they will get mad or anything. Just like taking out the trash...bag it tag it, kick it to the curb. Couldn't be happier and I can have an intelligent conversation and not feel restrained from reminding them , ( should they butt in ),they are imbecilic emoba shit floating to the bottom of the primordial ooze in the hopes they can be recycled into something useful. The adults are in charge now. Shut up . Never felt better , it really is... liberating.

19683817? ago

It all starts with ditching cable. Kek.

19684113? ago

LOL I laughed at the line too. If only they had kept their over priced cable with 600+ channels to distract them.

19683791? ago

This article is hilarious.

19683646? ago

The female wojak is a nice touch.

19683553? ago

There's an element of truth to it though, have seen threads about this before.

19683470? ago

Q never cost me a friendship — but the sharing information for the last 20+ years sure as hell did.

19683261? ago

I started following Q in October of 2018, and it took me a while to acclimate to a balanced life with greater awareness of what goes on in our world while trying to maintain a healthy, normal life (relationships, work, etc.) It was intense at first and consumed me, and definitely affected my relationships. The truth can be painful, and there are some who may not be ready for it, or who may not know quite how to deal with it. Of course these types of people /experiences are used by the media to cry foul. Take caution, anons...if you find that this is absorbing your life, take a step back, find peace in your hobbies, relationships, and daily life.

19688062? ago

This is absolutely true. I started following the first night in 2017. It consumed me for many months. Took quite a while to reach a sustainable balance. Though my socialist sister is a family member that hates me now.

19683174? ago

Soo much drama and salt over.....a LARP. Kek!

19683159? ago

One of the articles on that site said...and I quote..."the Q anon conspiracy has spread to Canada."


Uhhh....what conspiracy is that? You mean the people wearing Q shirts? Are they in the...conspiracy?

19683100? ago

If you are one of these people:

Q didn't destroy your relationship--s/he saved you from a bad one.

19682863? ago

Any relationship destroyed by truth seeking wasn't a real relationship to being with. No one wants to hang out with hypnotized zombies promoting hatred in the name of love.

19682819? ago

Lol. Waaaah muh family fell apart because they learned some truths...hahahaha

19682627? ago

Another kike writer

19684233? ago

can't spell kike without kek

(not sure why, other than the comment above yours was merely "kek"...)

19689733? ago



19682473? ago


19682455? ago

I make documentaries for a living and reading the article, it's obvious to me that he didn't interview real people. That's not how people talk! And all three people that he supposedly interviewed for this piece all talk the same. Weird. I mean, we all know people who are like "Q is a cult" and this guy couldn't find any actual people to talk to?

19682444? ago

Nice article debunking Q. Like minded people are cult members like me. Q changed us Thank God.WWG1WGA

19682402? ago

Wow! That is a HORRIBLE ARTICLE!! Just insane that these 'journalists' think the people will believe!

19682273? ago

Yeah, are they ready to ask the question yet?

19682206? ago

"Remember kids... Don't do QAnon!"

The Epstein stuff's really got them spinning.

19682184? ago

Can confirm it's FakeNews propaganda ha ha. My wife and I did the interview with Vice and our relationship is going strong #WWG1WGA

19682063? ago

Lol do they ever learn? Would be much more effective to stick with the scrubbing and banning from the internet strategy, not putting it on the fucking front page. These people are STUPID!

19682022? ago

I'm surprised people in the mainstream media are so well informed about this topic, but still believe it is unreal.

19681990? ago

So how does someone who dares you to think and search for your self make your relationships fail? The relationship must have been weak to start with.

19681985? ago

archive it faggot

19681857? ago

Hmmm let's see how it's affected my relationships. "Anything new with Q?" - fucking everyone i've brought into the loop.

19684194? ago

kek, my mom asks me almost every day, "any new Q news?" -- mission, accomplished!

19686670? ago

Same here. Much closer with my Mom because of Q.

19684735? ago


19681856? ago

One of the most disheartening signs of our advancing hellworld are the thousands of people who wholeheartedly believe in the deranged conspiracy known as QAnon.

That's as far as I got. Don't have time for this bullshit story or the people who write them.

19681825? ago

What they're not telling is how many millions of relationships the cabal has destroyed, and murdered...

19681822? ago

Ya know.... it was a hoax that Trump was spied upon. And he was. It wasn't conspiracy. Fuck vox.

19681812? ago

“Deb told VICE that her mother had always suffered from mental health issues...”


19681787? ago

That's it! I'm done with Q.
I don't want my relationship ruined!


what a f'n joke.

19681785? ago

trargeting WOMEN not to go into the rabbit hole

they are more sensitive than MEN more connected and can spread the word faster !!!!

19681777? ago

Attacks will intensify. Right on Q.

19682538? ago

Yep the shills are SO stupid and whatever they do backfires! It's like watching old slapstick comedy😆

19681734? ago

I must have a deep mental disorder then.

19681716? ago

Fucking terrible relationships are a byproduct of popular culture.

I’ll just give an example (the most important one) for me.

My wife hates Trump and thinks Q is stupid. I think Trump may have been sent by God from the future and Q is the most important movement of my lifetime.

We love each other. We love our children. We are happier today than we’ve ever been- both as individuals and a family unit.

19681439? ago

Mockingbird Gaslighting trick....It's worked well since "conspiracy theorist" term was coined by CIA in re anyone questioning Warren Report.

I pray the spell is broken. We always outnumber them!

19683386? ago

Getty images and the Maxwell woman, is there a connection? Why would they remove Chandler from the interweb? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3327901/19683363

19683874? ago

"They" believe they still own all Media. They have not had to adjust the playbook until DJT/Q. Gaslighting, control history, control narrative.

19681403? ago

Use archive sites newfag

19681285? ago

Author even has the beta soy grimace: https://www.vice.com/en_ca/contributor/mack-lamoureux

19681869? ago

He does. Why do they all look like that?

19700450? ago

My theory is it's a signal that you can open wide enough to take a big fat cock down your throat

19684091? ago

People on 4chan theorized that it's an submissive expression signalling you're not a threat. A more harmless explaination would be that opening your mouth makes the face look more smooth

19681202? ago

All for a LARP?

19681939? ago

It’s not the LARP that’s newsworthy, it’s the fact that so many retards have bought into the LARP that’s newsworthy.

19682036? ago

And yet you're here reading posts and comments about Q. The media would NOT be focusing so much on Q without talking about what Q has talked about or Q proofs unless they thought it was credible and a threat.

The hot mic of the journalist at the Epstein presser caught referring to "Qanon people" right when she stood up is proof that people in the media have Q top of mind.

19682570? ago

Exactly! WWG1WGA!🇺🇸

19681988? ago

Dr. Pierce was right about lemmings

19680980? ago

Unfuking believable. This will backfire so hard on them.

Goodby Vice. Your rag is no longer needed

19680915? ago


Always attacking Q, but never going after the material posted by Q.

Kind of tells you all you need to know.

19682608? ago

This is one of my favorite attacks. Poor girl is dating a man who knows what hes talkin about. Oh the humanity.

19682190? ago

At the same time trying to convince people in Q that it is a black hat psyop. "Let's discredit and destroy our own psyop." Blackhats are using duct tape solutions now.

19682459? ago

yeah they're so obvious and I just found some over on GLP. Trying to convince us that the military is totally corrupt and run by (((them))). Yeah right, like Admiral Rogers would go for that!😆

19688272? ago

Or General Flynn 🙏

19681426? ago

Yep, exactly. And when they do "reference" they material, it's always with some false statement mixed in, like there are pedophile rings (true), and that JFK Jr is cosplaying as DJT (false). It's even more laughable as Q directly stated that JFK Jr is not alive.

19693309? ago

Yes they use lots of logical fallacies. Lying to define things that aren't true (can't remember the name of that fallacy), then using "appeal to ridicule" on their own lies. When all else fails they use personal attacks (ad hominem)

19683131? ago

Here I'll sum up the liberal shill replies for you, any time you say anything they consider dangerous...

fuck yew nigger faggot =( too bad PP wasn't around when you were born. Now kill yourself. there are no muh joos.

19684275? ago

Actually here at Voat being called a jewniggerfaggot is a term of endearment.

19681961? ago

....or the lie that we all think Trump will attest Canadian PM Trudeau over an assassination attempt....

I've been here regularly for 2 years, never saw that argument.

19682429? ago

yep I've been here since the beginning too and I've never heard of that before. In fact, I rarely think of PMT because he's such a girly man and seems pretty peripheral to what is going on.

19680835? ago

I was shocked to learn that Q was around in late 2016..... wow.. and to think that we ALL missed that!

19681356? ago

Q arrived on 4chan around Halloween 2017

19681474? ago

And that is why I was so shocked by the revelations of the first anon in the Vice story.

19681511? ago

Mind posting the quote from the article. I missed that

19681982? ago

Well, shit. I must have mis-read something. I thought it was in the first account, but there are just no dates in that one. And the second one says late 2017, so I have to say I was wrong. My apologies, I thought I had something there...

19680802? ago

Not one of the interviewees said "I thought it was a bullshit hoax, but now, wow - Vice is interviewing me, this proves it's real!"

19682633? ago

pretty sure the 'interviewees' are retards!😆

19680428? ago

Ruined my relationship. so badly. oh well, now to find a girl with brains to think rather than react

19683751? ago

take my wife, please

19684100? ago

henny youngman! (not so young now!)

19684754? ago

Nope, but seemed appropriate

19682245? ago

I am divorcing my husband because he said anyone who "follows" Q is "crazy" complete with swirly finger by the brainpan... I AM NOT CRAZY for researching what Q has presented, that happens to align with the world-view my father instilled in me to Question The Establishment.

19700371? ago

Also getting divorced from my wife....we had plenty of problems, but one of the main nails in the coffin was she is supposedly Christian and goes to church...I've never labelled my spiritual path....anyway, shortly before the 2016 election, I was saying if I was in the US I'd vote for Trump, she has a lot of libtarded friends so couldn't get it....I started to tell her the Dems policy on abortion and that I actually think it is evil.....at that point she literally shut down wouldn't listen and said we would fall out over it if I didn't shut up! I kind of understand that some can't process cognitive dissonance too well, and it's not the comfiest of subjects, but it made me realise I couldn't live with someone who can't accept her husband might actually be trying to teach her something important, that she would always put groupthink and acceptance above the truth, goodness and her husband...since then, all this stuff has led me pretty much to Christ...funny how things work out

19685396? ago

Sun in ARIES (Rebel WITH a Cause), Venus in Pisces (deep Universal Love), Capricorn Moon (emotionally stable and detetmined)... JFYI QANON LOVE STORY? ;)

19685420? ago

Qanon Singles Club!

19684092? ago

you two should hook up. seriously

19684814? ago

I'm game!

19682024? ago

Ruined my relationship with the article author's Mother, as well.

We no longer even speak. I come in, fuck the hell out of her, leave $5 on the nightstand and go...often without even a "hello". Very sad.

19681918? ago

Good luck!

19680402? ago

haha my wife has been asking about Q since the new posts.. lol

19680948? ago

I said to my wife the other day, after Q returned with a vengeance, "Wow, Q sure woke up today." She said "What? I just checked qmap a little while ago and didn't see anything." LOL I was proud of her.

19680509? ago

My wife is waking up to stuff I was ranting about 20 years ago and that I might have been onto something back then.


19689709? ago

that's gold

19680285? ago

Vice has had two Q articles so far this morning lol

19682514? ago

they must be pedos...

19680206? ago

I've always suspected these stupid stories are the same shills that do the datefagging, etc., so the media can later use them in hit peices like this. They post these stories about how they are ostricized, etc., same exact story, almost copy and pasted. I call BS. Just more fake news to scare people away from learning the truth. I talk about Q freely now to everyone I know. If they haven't heard of it, I have a good routine to break them in lightly that avoids all the trigger words that would brain freeze them, but I haven't had any issues yet.

19684666? ago

I've had a friend tell me Q is a larp and to stop following him because he posts to a site known to host child porn. I told him he sounds insane, build a playground and everyone can use it, bullys, drug dealers, pedos, stalkers, friends, family. Just because these identities have been found to play there doesnt mean everyone who plays there is apart of these personalities.

I even told him, a platform is a platform, and 8chan/4chan are the spitting image of what I'd imagine a truly free platform to be. Nothing censored for the safety of others, just fucking unfiltered-raw-information. What is so fucking scary about not having an editor dictate what is and is not consumable for public eyes?

19690923? ago

He's using twatter? fakebook? The likes? Oh my, these platforms host child porn. Hey, they are used by the majority of people. How can he be okay with everybody else using twatter or fakebook or sucktube or whatever!

19680803? ago

Omg... And I had engaged some of those idiots to tone down the rhetoric and start with common grounds so as to not alienate friends and family. Should have known they were just setting their own stages...

I almost exclusively follow an approach like you, avoid trigger words, gauge the person to know what they might or might not accept and usually there's enough there to be able to nudge them to noticing some oddities.

Still feeling foolish that I treated those people as legit and not paid.

19683694? ago

What trigger words do you avoid?

19684075? ago

"tribe" seems to be one, from the weird turn the conversation with my brother-in-law took the other day...

19684940? ago

Cult is perfectly ok to use?

19681649? ago

Thats how a non-autistic person would approach it. You dont just go all out hells bells on people and then wonder why they think youre crazy.

19683251? ago

Bill Clinton is gone. He is now occupying a cloned body in the underground Antarctic cloning center.

19684049? ago

Oh yeah the nazi cloning center! Where admiral Byrd fought flying saucers and revealed that we live in a simulation

Haha that’s probably just about how these people go about it

19681194? ago

They might have been legit. This movement surely attracted some mentally unstable people.

It's like church: it usually attracts some socially retarded people because if the accepting culture

Anyway, either scenario is likely, but if people ruined relationships for this, they went too far and don't seem to have any sense

19680776? ago

Didn't Vice do a similar "piece" some time ago? It seems like an old article regurgitated with today's date.

We all know there's a cost that comes with being red-pilled but this comes off like a "based on a true story" schtick.

19680184? ago

This is Absolute proof they are afraid of this movement. It’s so crazy nothing on q for a while and then boom. CNN front page vice. ASK THE FUCKING QUESTION FAGGOTS!!!!!!!

19680165? ago

Then ask POTUS the fucking question!

19680126? ago

https://archive.ph/IDnow :

2019-07-11 | People Tell Us How QAnon Destroyed Their Relationships - VICE

'If I could get my hands on the piece of shit that started QAnon, I might end up in jail. '

'While the QAnon conspiracy often feels like an elaborate troll, an online community of real, actual people has built up around it. ', "It's near impossible to summarize the entire QAnon conspiracy theory, as it’s fluid and ever-changing.", "How do you disprove anything when everything that's different from what the Q cult says is considered fake news?"

'YouTube videos?'

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