19691422? ago

Ever notice they are always using terms like right wing about anything that is pro America or pro truth? I say it's time to jam some right wing down their fucking throats! I'm fucking sick of this bull shit labeling by these cunts!

19685826? ago

Anderson Cooper is Q.

Pass it on.

19685600? ago

They have to talk about it because they have to attempt to discredit it, somehow, no matter how 'lameduck'

19683937? ago

Because satanistpedo's are quilty. In the worst way ever witnessed on this planet.

19683832? ago

Dangerois game, CNN. Drawing all of your (declining) viewers to some Q driven truths

19683150? ago

Their narrative is transparent now.

The curtain has been pulled back and everyone is staring at the Wizard.

They are too stupid to realize it yet.

19682525? ago

They were almost correct... Q+ will be there!!! Hahaha!

19681358? ago

The narrative isn’t for us, it’s for sleeping normies.

19681335? ago

CN who

19681106? ago

Don't post shit if you can't provide a frickin link..

19685114? ago

Don’t post the url to cnn.com front page? Yeah ok

19680644? ago

2) qanon “himself” will be there, which is total bullshit

are you sure that is bullshit? We know Q+ will be there.

19680295? ago

Pretty sure President Trump meets with Q every day.

19680240? ago

Where's the damn link, sheeit..

19681079? ago

She it would be maddow, rapeinoh, cooper Anderson, lemon head & others She......it what's that spell ??

19685208? ago

nigger lingo

19680045? ago


19683146? ago

I saw on Chapotards on reddit posting, "Donald Trump believes in Qanon and why that's bad" without a hint of self-awareness.

"Hurr hurr Donald Trump is sooo stupid for thinking that Donald Trump is working with secret military insiders on 4chan" was pretty much their argument. Not sending their best.

19682357? ago

Mattress girl, Cooper and the Dead Presidential guy from Haiti? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3325871/19657448

19685726? ago


19679965? ago

Bill Mitchell is NOT a "Q" promoter! He even says that he does not follow "Q" when asked. He says that he researches and publishes the truth, and the only reason his articles agree with "Q" is that "Q" must be publishing the truth as well.

I hope the White house has room for the tens of thousands of Qanons that do research and follow "Q".

19689923? ago

Has billy not gone on AJ show?

19686292? ago

C'mon, Bill.

19681437? ago

Mitchell is pro Q

19679927? ago

Yep, that's fine. I have pretty much convinced everyone I know (or they have come to the conclusion on their own) that CNN, MSNBC, etc. are full of shit. They come to me now when they see suspicious information on the news and I set them straight or they figure it out on their own by checking sites that are outside the MSM. This article by CNN, although click-bait, gives Q more exposure which is good. The number of people who are blindly believing CNN is shrinking everyday. There will always be that 2% who are completely brainwashed and lost forever, but it no longer concerns me.


19679926? ago

Thanks for the advertisement, CNN. Can these people really be that stupid?

19683408? ago

Getty images & the Maxwell woman, is there a connection? Why would they remove Chandler from the interweb? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3327901/19683363

19680590? ago

the media has been to stupid, and to hateful, but i think they are aall rampedd up to wake people up and the good guys are behind their 4am talking points. its a rigged game for them all