19677441? ago

Notice the Rothschilds cuff is a gold pyramid.

19676914? ago

Shills pushing muh joos very strongly with this.

White House was right. I don't believe these cartoons were the problem.

19676895? ago

show 'betray-us' as a puppet... the name should have been a giveaway.

19676883? ago

But Garrison didn’t create those cartoons.

They’re fake.

19680507? ago

That isn’t the one cited.

The ones cited have the hands rubbing Jew stereotype photoshopped over top the megaphone in the upper part of the pic.

Garrison already proved this.

19676551? ago

You know he hit upon a truth with this kind of reaction.

19676312? ago

19676300? ago

What? Are these illustrations inaccurate or something?

19676499? ago

Too accurate for normies

19676903? ago

They’re fake, not by the real Garrison

19680513? ago

No, you are wrong.

That isn’t the one cited.

The ones cited have the hands rubbing Jew stereotype photoshopped over top the megaphone in the upper part of the pic.

Garrison already proved this.

19676242? ago

If only he'd put the star of David on Soros' forehead. The trifecta would have been complete.

19676069? ago

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3325462 A 2003 article by Vanity Fair discusses a memoir of a woman named Rosa Monckton, where Epstein had told her that her Daughter Domenica, who is diagnosed with Down Syndrome, is free to come to his home "anytime".

19676058? ago

Weinstein/Epstein tried to buy NY Mag for $45 mil together. https://voat.co/v/whateverAnon/3327670

19675951? ago

Finally a truthful post about Garrison's art. Last night this board was shilled with the fake photoshopped artwork by the same faggot who admitted to posting loli and tranny porn here. He was weak. I spammed his threads and he finally gave up and left in frustration.

19676897? ago

Garrison never made those antisemite cartoons, moishe,

They’re fake

19675932? ago

You can bet Ben Garrison's invitation was revoked because an ocean of Jews expressed outrage in an attempt to protect (((George Soros))) and the (((Rothschilds))) - two of the world's greatest terrorists.

You see the same thing in this community - Jews down-vote posts and comments in an attempt to protect (((Jeffrey Epstein))) and (((Alan Dershowitz))).

Jews are the only thing more disgusting than child rapists.

19676886? ago

No Garrison never made those antisemite cartoons, they’re fake

19677005? ago

He certainly did make cartoons about the Rothschilds and many about Soros. In the left's mind, anything that calls attention to crimes of Jews is anti-semitism.

19677064? ago

He never made the anti semitic cartoons.

There is a difference between pointing out a person’s immoral actions and pointing out their ethnicity.

No, the media had a conniption about the “hands rubbing frazzled Jew” trope fake Garrison cartoon that circulated and they cited.

Garrison spokesperson already made a public comment about all of this.

Try to keep up, moishe.

Garrison was attacked by your masters, you kike.

19677078? ago

Why are you so intent on spreading lies?


19680512? ago

You’re lying.

That isn’t the one cited.

The ones cited have the hands rubbing Jew stereotype photoshopped over top the megaphone in the upper part of the pic.

Garrison already proved this.

19677774? ago

Faggot you are talking about different pictures.. we’re talking about the ones op posted

19677435? ago

This guy is taking about that actual fakes that have the hand-rubbing filthy kike meme photoshopped in

19676868? ago

arent those two terms synonymous?

19676440? ago

We (random anons - not Jewish) downvoat because you make generalizations about ALL Jews, which is stupid, and hurts the cause.

19679648? ago

Precisely, anon.

19677734? ago

How does it hurt the cause? Q sent us to this dungeon and I’m glad he did woke me the hell up about them. Fuck them do you not see every fucking deepstate is one or has one for a handler that’s not of concern.. here if you took all the Jews in office and media and replaced them with something you already generalize and put Muslims in their stead... if you took thousands of people from (insert country here ) who all have ultimate loyalty to their homelands you would not have a problem with that?? I don’t get how you can’t see it’s an issue.

19677415? ago

>which is stupid

Ya see, that's where you're wrong. It's very righteous, in fact. You are so blind. Your conditioning runs deep...

And your downvotes can't change reality

19676524? ago

Why does it hurt the cause? The "all Jews" is mostly accurate, there is nothing about Judaism that should be defended and we do not need the Jews for anything. It's only to not turn away brainwashed Christians, though they probably have never even read a word of the Talmud or understand a single thing about Judaism. I'm certain they don't know about Gittin 57 a. The only reason people still defend the Jews is because they don't know the truth.

19677954? ago

I think it’s ignorant to be convinced that all people of Jewish ethnicity have the exact same spiritual and philosophical beliefs. None of you have proved that.

19679266? ago

Much like the dumbass liberals screeching "not all muslims!!", you guys are doing the exact same thing, but for Jewish people... I dont see any Jewish people denouncing what their fellow clanmemebers are doing, like i don't see muslims stopping the radicals from their taquiyya war against us........

19676472? ago

What's wrong with generalizations if they are true?