19704169? ago

wa wa wa, all your ranting to prove your smart just proves your a crybaby dick! It also has nothing to do with the topic or spirit of the OP. your just a decisive troll looking for a fight to feed your ego. Well, you win. your smarter than me but your still a dick.

19684033? ago

Dutch guy. Wasnt he murdered last year?

19679365? ago

The german guy? worried about the kinder (children in german)? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHVkQBrEIOg

19679431? ago

Dutch not German

19679953? ago

same thing! Germans call their country deutschland and it sure sounds like german. Dutch (Nederlands ) is a West Germanic language

19703799? ago

Burger education! I speak a derivation of Nederlands (Afrikaans) and have family who can speak German. It's relatively easy to converse between Afrikaans and Dutch but German and Dutch are not mutually intelligible to most native speakers of either and I've met and conversed with plenty of both. Besides the linguistic differences, they have been distinct cultural, historical and political entities for centuries. Only a burger would conflate the two, stop displaying your ignorance while thinking you're teaching anyone anything. Saying Nederlands is West Germanic language and thus Dutch and German are the same is like saying Portuguese, Spanish, Italian... all the same cuz Romance languages, hur dur

19704209? ago

wa wa wa, all your ranting to prove your smart just proves your a crybaby dick! It also has nothing to do with the topic or spirit of the OP. your just a decisive troll looking for a fight to feed your ego. Well, you win. your smarter than me but your still a dick.

19707047? ago

You're the crybaby, couldn't handle a 3 word correction that has search implications for noobs unfamiliar with the OP's subject matter. You had to go off displaying your ego and false sense of superiority, collapsing differences to protect your ego. Distinctions matter anon, your feelings don't. Neither do mine, so zero fucks given if you think I'm a dick.

19710869? ago


19677682? ago

Corey Feldman has being saying pedowood is evil and bloodthirsty for years. It's been out for years! Fucking normies and boomers have cucked and fucked this country for 70 years!

19679862? ago

3,000 year old death cult rules the earth

This shill blames “boomers”

19680393? ago

No shill here. I see history, they embraced and perpetuated the holohoax. Did I hit a nerve? Shill

19676783? ago

Wtf Ronald Bernard died ?!?!?!?!?!?! :((( His interviews were very unsettling... You could see and feel in his eyes, the horror and tragedy he saw and felt... the conviction, the repentance...

19675891? ago

The Island Religion? I hear its a Babylon or Baal ammon place, "Synagogue of Satan" ...are they praying to the Masonic Sabbati? Is it the Pyramid Eye or Temple of Lucifer? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3322166/19622967 Communism is a tool of the elites. Forget hammer and sickle, they use the hammer and anvil. Either you have to play in their central bank controlled economy, or you have to pray for their Communism to come to your rescue. Its a trap.

They are praying to Satan, and his demons. People refuse to believe it, that is how they get away with it. It just sounds too crazy. Too out there. Now mind you our understanding of Satan and/or demons may be lacking. As the saying goes "Any sufficiently advanced technology will appear as magic".

So demons could be life forms that have shed physical bodies. Which would then naturally have pros and cons.

If you have ever heard Masons or occultists speak of 'The Great Work', they will never tell you what it is, and drone on about some bullshit about 'making good men better' (meanwhile, forget better, God will make you perfect). The Great Work is PUTTING SATAN on God's throne. Think about what that entails. It means going from a society that literally praises God to... Well, take a look around.

19675674? ago

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19675335? ago

Friday, 25 August 2017 Dutch Banker Who Exposed Illuminati, Found Dead Ronald Bernard, Dutch Banker Who Exposed Illuminati, Found Dead ... red sauce ... https://robinwestenra.blogspot.com/2017/08/dutch-banker-who-exposed-illuminati.html

19675498? ago

I did not know he died. Crazy!

19675646? ago

I don't think he did. This came up a while back. Different guy, same name.

19676109? ago

Yea report by Baxter Dimitry your news wire a sensationalist skewer of half truths and lies

19675626? ago

Those murderous motherfuckers slaughter and sell babies, they'll wack anybody who is able to expose or testify against them.

19675363? ago

Another interview with him: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uiELEzCljY