19680091? ago

Nobody cares whats on reddit. get the fuck off voat and go use that cesspool

19676515? ago

Is there a red pill black market at Reddit? LOL

19674970? ago

We are one for humanity.

19674753? ago

fuck what reddit thinks.

19672318? ago

I see liberals only being pulled further to the left and leave behind the left establishment. AOC and others will isolate themselves from this gain the average left establishment voters.

19672076? ago

the thing is now his life is marked big time. it's like john wick 2 getting booted from the hotel. they are all going to want a piece of him. good time to make room deep in a bunker someplace and get plenty of video of him singing like a good little bitch. wonder where Hillarys video was filmed at aka frazzle drip.

19670789? ago

I am a righty, but the message of jesus is compassion. Lets follow that.

19670764? ago

The mods and admins can't censor this one. Though they would like to.

19670751? ago


19670304? ago

HAHAHAHAHA!! Sinking in yet normies? Welcome to reality

19669445? ago

Epstein sings about Trump...... Epstein goes KIA or MIA..... media blames Trump...... just throwing out ideas here trying to think like the enemy.

19669037? ago

I upvoted the post and sent them to qmap.pub

19668714? ago

There were also jews planting the Epstein was intelligence storyline on reddit.

19668686? ago

They have always had a plan for this possibility.... If Epstein doesn't stick to whatever the plan is (defiantly not singing like a bird about anyone important) he will have an accident.

19668533? ago

Done. I up voated both this discussion and the reddit one.

No I do NOT like reddit

19668480? ago

The unsealing of the first several indictments will bring about 'unity' and 'change' - 'change' that 'we' can believe in. Returning 'POWER' to the PEOPLE. Returning 'THE RULE OF LAW' to OUR LAND. WE STAND TOGETHER. WE STAND TOGETHER AS PATRIOTS. Q

19672295? ago

Do you go for Bill Clinton next? Maybe Chuck Schumer or a Hollywood scumbag.

19668246? ago

I'm glad to hear it but aren't they supposed to be freaking out right now because minors have been physically and sexually abused? I mean, shouldn't the Pussy Hat crowd be screaming in the streets at this point?

19668063? ago

There are still many seriously brainwashed people there but that thread honestly gives me a smidgen of hope that we can make child rape and worse bipartisan. Hang every last one of them.

19667428? ago


19667023? ago

This IS the Great Awakening (or at least the first revelation). I got into it on twatter with a lefty "praying" that Trump would go down because of this. I told him he wouldn't then pointed out BC's 26 trips on the Lolita Express. His response: Doesn't matter who they are, if they diddle kiddies, they need to hang. Surprising. I had to agree w/him and move on.

19667022? ago

"I don't even make left turns in my car" - Overheard Cuban Immigrant circa 2003

19666797? ago

Because they already know who's likely to be guilty. As the proof roles in, statements like this will be used to claim the higher moral ground by equating accusations against Trump to actual evidence. They'll demand action against Trump by Napoleonic law and accuse dissenters of applying an unequal standard.

19670362? ago

So what. We have them on the edge. Just say no, your side is uniquely evil and sick and you are lucky we dont put you in prison for happening to have the same politics as evil child trafficking degenrates. fuck off leftist

19666728? ago

FINALLY. I've been waiting 13 years for this.

19666720? ago

Uh oh das nat good

19666332? ago

It is not about avoiding criminal prosecution for him. He believes Satan will protect him.

19666313? ago

the care for our children is going to unite us.

19666168? ago

Many leftists and jews are homosexual so its only natural for them to protect pedophilia.

19666019? ago

What I love is the inclusion of Trump in it all. What that actually does is empower the investigation among Trump haters.

19668196? ago

It will only make them realize the big picture that Trump intended to take them down. Here's one of Epstein's guestlists for a party:

Mort Zuckerman, Google co-founder Sergey Brin, David Blaine, Donald Trump, Leslie Wexner of the Limited, disgraced British Cabinet minister Peter Mandelson, Bill Clinton aide Doug Band


19667646? ago

What I love is the inclusion of Trump in it all

Maybe that was part of the plan. Send Trump on a quick plane ride there and back to bring him into the circus. Could you imagine they planned every little detail that far back?

19668207? ago

I had this same idea. The statement he made about Epstein back then seemed a little too convenient for the liberals after this happened. They're running straight into a trap.

19665938? ago

Did you see 4 posts below that one there is a 'report' Epstein and Trump partied with 28 under girls? This will go on for 2 years

19666956? ago

boyfriend has the island temple and she likes Masonic Jew art sometimes? ...sometimes worse tastes @MDE_ALWAYS_LIVES Maxwell's home is strange, what are the symbols on its head and robe @flyingcuttlefish @eye-bean-around ? @tendiesonfloor @auchtung ? https://ultraimg.com/images/2019/07/11/ZPWQ.jpg

19708285? ago

basic pedo symbols, it is preference this seems to be a mix of both boy lover and girl lover, you know... 'art' https://www.ultraimg.com/image/ZZSi

19665851? ago

If some Republicans go down, so be it. Swamp is swamp, whoever is in it.

19665700? ago

idiots think Trump is the one to go down. how ironic, gonna blow up in their faces. Keep spreading the NEWS you deep state sheep idiots!

19671225? ago

If there was any blackmail material on Trump it would have already been used. There isn't any.

19671902? ago

I have a feeling Trump's been playing the game a lot longer than anyone realizes right now.

19671344? ago

another good point, NO WAY Dems and deep state wouldnt have pulled everything to prevent Trump from winning.

19665644? ago

Yo Dems, the door is always open to '#WalkAway.'

19665435? ago

The Devil may have over played his hand.

19665425? ago

At his age, five years is a lot. So, it may be worth it.

19665318? ago

They supported this evil, they propagated for it and threatened violence against anyone that doesn't support this type of evil. Don't ever forget that. They censored everyone that didn't support it, doxxed some people that didn't support it, created subs that support it. These "people" on reddit absolutely support that shit and they think anyone that doesn't is a nazi. Fuck them.

19665111? ago

Some? LOL

19664882? ago

You don’t plead not guilty if you’re going to sing. Luckily the good guys have all the blackmail tapes, his testimony is not required. No deals.

19667539? ago

He's taking a chance by pleading not guilty. He knows that there aren't going to be any deals that let him see freedom ever again, sort of like his last lenient sentence. Either way, Epstein is fucked.

19667587? ago


19665273? ago

Maybe the administration is trying to determine if the data collected by nsa really is necessary compared to a functioning justice system (without the jewish influence)

19664499? ago

I will pay 3.00$ cash right now for the best Q as a person - super hero - cartoon - meme, I need to see Q. I picture Mysterion (South Park ) with a Q. Just a thought.

19664231? ago

I told everyone yesterday this will backfire in their faces.

This will cause humanity on both sides of the aisle to wake up and realize this has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with EVIL.

19667584? ago

We are literally dealing with Right vs Wrong, not Right vs Evil

19666195? ago

Look, boomer, Many leftists and jews are homosexual so its only natural for them to protect pedophilia.

19666754? ago

Absolutely bot. But now we know where and how they do it.

The game is over for them.

19665796? ago

Right. Can't wait for them to fall.

19665592? ago

' This hangs on a wall in the home of Ghislaine Maxwell. She's an ex girlfriend and best friend of Jeffrey Epstein.' https://voat.co/v/QRV/3326723

19665330? ago

Leftism is evil. It is an evil ideology completely entwined with Luciferianism.

Inasmuch as "politics" promotes ideologies, "politics" must be held to account for being evil.

19667057? ago

Leftism is the LEFT HAND PATH - you know the wide, paved, appealing path. The other path is steep, rocky, and narrow.

19666548? ago

well be prepared for many "rightists" to hang from ropes as well, because this red team blue team stuff is all a charade.

19669435? ago

My body is ready

19667083? ago

we call them "RINOs"

19669746? ago

Freedom Caucus co-founder And bonafide Conservative Amash was tarred and feathered by Trumpists and deemed a RINO.

19667165? ago

yes but they don't

19666762? ago

What is a rightist? Somebody who stands for individual rights, and a constitutional republic? If you are really that, then you are not raping and eating babies or committing treason against the United States, because that would be contradiction of those principles.

Maybe you should learn to identitfy a person's actual beliefs and ethics by their behavior, not the T-shirt that they wear.

The "teams" are not irrelevant... one is being cleaned up because its platform is non-evil. The other is being eradicated because it is evil. Then there will be unity.

19671253? ago

You will know them by their fruit

19671307? ago

yes thank you

19668279? ago

Unfortunately many wannabe upstanding "church goers" are hypocritical faggots who never practice what they preach and require ovening on maximum.

19667020? ago

That's all well and good but "leftism" is the wrong term or it's not good enough. it allows for the leftist pawns to point their fingers at us when some of (((our guys))) on the right are found guilty of the same evil. Picking between one of 2 sides that aren't good orr evil is playing (((their))) game.

we need a better definition or label to describe what we are and what we believe in. If only there was a large book that our people have used for millennia to create their great societies. If only there was a character in historu that we could point to and say "That is righteousness in the flesh.

19672255? ago

I ALWAYS make sure to add "-wing Lunatics" whenever, in writing or speaking, I call somebody out on the left.

Because they are. They are mentally retarded. Left-wing Lunatics.

19667360? ago

That won't work either, you will just have them redefining the whole thing and talking about "Christ Consciousness" which to them means being like some long haired hippie-type dude who was so accepting of everyone he would have been cool with whatever.

There will always be wolves in sheeps' clothing.

Leftism is working great for the time being because basically all collectivists self-identify as the left. It is way better than any specific term like fascist/communist/etc because if you single out let's say communists then they will say I'm not that I'm a "democratic socialist" or what have you. We don't want communes we just want "community", or a village, and so on.

Will the language treadmill keep going... I expect so.

19667586? ago

He whipped the money changers, and the people who used God's name and law for prophet, he made fools of sinners and chastised and rebuked people.

We need to throw all doctrines in the trash and teach the fucking bible: the bible that teaches women to shut up, that teaches parents to raise their kids right, that teaches sodomy deserves air strikes, and that righteous genocide is always in the realm of possibilty.

19668895? ago

I love the Bible, but which translation? And who should I ask for help if I have trouble understanding it? Shall we take it literally, metaphorically, or both? Do we get to have interesting stuff like the book of Enoch in our canon, or is that not allowed? What about the gnostic texts, are they legit or heresy? Says who?

The tradition is the word... and the tradition was at the brink of defeat until Q came to help us turn it around. We have much to learn and unlearn, at least I do. We have to get ourselves in order or else it's nothing to have scripture. Any trickster can make it say anything. But there is a direct connection to God that we can all have - it's being awoken now.

19669008? ago

indeed it is. but to your questions ... yeah good point. that's basically how the talmud came about

19664208? ago

I heard Epstein's attorney suggested a plea deal. Epstein will name names if he only serves a maximum of 5 years. It'll never happen.

Epstein knows that if he tells the real truth and names real names, he's a dead man. They might be able to protect him for 5 years, but the day he's released he'll be a dead man. The clock will be ticking. It won't be long before he's Arkancided. He knows that.

Epstein is a middle man. He's not the one using the videos for blackmail, it's his handlers. Epstein will never out his handlers.

He may try to throw some of the customers under the bus, but he'll never out his higher ups. He knows better than to even try to out HRC/BC. That would be signing his own death certificate.

If Epstein talks at all, it will only be to throw a few customers under the bus and try to tie President Trump to the whole mess.

The prosecutors should not even entertain the offer.

19671756? ago

...and what if Jeff is an intelligence asset and for who? Don't assume anything at the point, shits fuckey.

19671292? ago

I think he’s a dead man regardless. He pled not guilty?? He has to know that’s insane. The fact he got arrested at all, means all his powerful friends that’s have protected him all these years are powerless. The left seems to be throwing him right under the damn bus. ABC had that interview with the girl he raped at 15yrs old. Aside from trying to shift attention to Acosta, they really aren’t trying to protect Epstein. Slick Willy immediately disowned him.

19668760? ago

If I were the prosecutor and Epstein offered to name people in exchange for only 5 years in prison. Id be more than happy to offer him a plea deal of only 5 years......in general population. Pedos don't last long there.

19666166? ago

You win the interwebs today.

19665807? ago

Didnt they say no deals for anyone.

19665455? ago

His big problem is the asset forfeiture. When he gets out in five years, he will not have resources to protect himself. His mentors in Ohio will be long gone and not around to protect him, either.

19665364? ago

Can he take a plea deal in US criminal court but then be tried for other things in military tribunal? His island is military jurisdiction right?

19665485? ago

You are thinking ahead -- every jurisdiction that he has ever stepped foot in will be after a piece of him. With the volume of activity -- there will not be double jeopardy issues, either.

19665350? ago

They meant Epstein will name DJT in exchange for max 5 years 12hr/day office work release like last time.

19665571? ago

That is "everyone's" hope. He can lie about DJT, but you and I know that DJT created his own sources to meet women -- like owning beauty pageants! There is no way that DJT would need or want to access Epstein's lair for women. DJT never went for young and innocent -- he was always searching for mature, sophisticated and capable of being close to being his equal. You don't get that from some fantasy temple.

19665606? ago

Trump did say he liked to creep on the teen pageants by walking into the changing rooms unannounced.

19678551? ago

When? Got a video of the interview or is this just hearsay?

19665280? ago

What happened to "We have everything?"

19665958? ago

Your mom ate it.

19665682? ago

You will find out during the discovery phase of his trial.

19665594? ago

Now the work is getting it introduced as evidence. Epstein singing is icing on the cake.

19665587? ago

Didn't refer to Epstein, only the Clintons

19665220? ago

Depends on the names. Regardless, I believe he will never be free again because he won't get bail and child rapists don't usually do well in prison.

19665415? ago

He might get sent to that fancy all Jewish prison. Rich Jews who get busted typically end up there.

19664119? ago

I don't think Jeffrey Epstein is going to sing like a bird. If what went on at Orgy Island is as bad as we suspect, then there will be no deal for him, unless he is dumb enough to think the good guys have no idea.

19665628? ago

People need to realize that it’s over for the likes of Epstein and the other DS jerkoffs. It’s over. They have no path out of this besides death. We all need to realize that this isn’t another dog and pony trial. It’s legit over.

The moment DJT won the presidency it’s was ALL OVER! That was the real intelligence battle world wide. What we are seeing now is the public fallout. Enjoy the show!

19672109? ago

I like where your head's at... remember Trump's first stop as President, C_A?

19664245? ago

Epstain doesn't have to say anything.

We have it all on digital media.

19665619? ago

Care to share?

19667043? ago

The CD roms were snagged from his safe

19669348? ago

Hopefully Bannon was able to get most of the good stuff out of there when he was seen leaving with a bunch of stuff from Epstein's house.

19664046? ago

https://snew.notabug.io/r/politics/comments/cbiz8t/i_hope_jeffrey_epstein_sings_like_a_bird_and_if/ :

I hope Jeffrey Epstein sings like a bird. And if some Democrats go down, so be it : politics

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