19665336? ago

Yes, lets have a ‘IT’S HABBENING’ sticky!

We can attribute all global events to Q like it’s real and both jerk off and pray together.


19661803? ago

On Tuesday the president called him a 'pompous fool' and said Britain's outgoing PM Theresa May was 'a disaster'

May sided with Darroch after his resignation, saying: 'Good government depends on public servants being able to give full and frank advice'



19659902? ago

Niki Haley and Sarah Sanders resigned too. Now what? People resign all the time. Get with the program of REALITY Bubba Smith.

19659782? ago

Storms are hard to see through...so much, so quickly...and so awesome!

Thank you Q, Q+ and God!

19659629? ago

Fuck may and her support for this faggot! May is a dead person walking. Flymayfly...... and then crash!

19659583? ago

July 2019. The month the world learned the troof.

1 year delta.

19659221? ago

Riddle me this. Just how FAST can NOTHING happen ??? Glorious days are here

19657929? ago


19657919? ago

Nigel Farage should be PM. No greater ambassador than that. The guy doesn’t fick around and speaks it like it is.

19657654? ago

Boris, appears to be a White hat? Great body language video? https://bombardsbodylanguage.com/2019/07/10/body-language-boris-johnson/

19656708? ago

Sir Kim Darroch RESIGNS as UK's ambassador to the US after Trump called him 'a pompous fool' and vowed to 'no longer deal with him' after he called the president 'inept' in leaked memos https://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/index.html

19656847? ago

One pompous fool down. Way to go in UK I think LOL

19656688? ago

Supposedly redesigned for tweeting about the Trumps' inept administration. But I wonder whether it has more to do with the UK spying on the Trump campaign for Obama.

19661929? ago

The IG did have investigators sit down with Christopher Steele a few weeks ago when Trump was visiting the UK.

19657092? ago

Tweeting! LOL.

No, these were highly secure diplomatic communications. An Ambassador is supposed to tell his home government the unvarnished truth. So somebody took a risk to leak these, knowing it would make him no longer able to stay in the position. One of the documents was marked as OFFICIAL-SENSITIVE

OFFICIAL-SENSITIVE is an additional caveat for OFFICIAL data where it is particularly important to enforce need to know rules. OFFICIAL-SENSITIVE documents should be marked, but they are not necessarily tracked.

19656507? ago

Reminder: Resignations and Notable Deaths are tracked on qmap.pub. Also, there may be a placeholder on patriotsfight, but I'm not sure it is updated yet.

19662989? ago

wow, i go there to check that and see more q posts today!!!

19656493? ago

there is more to this than a few emails bashing the potus/administration and such a swift resignation?

this doesn't pass the smell-test.

19656744? ago

No. The emails were deliberately leaked to force his resignation. The Trump fan Boris Johnson may be the new PM and someone wanted him to be able to choose a new PM.

Swift resignation. In Diplomacy, such candor is deadly to your career.

19657210? ago

and someone wanted him to be able to choose a new PM.

spikes my interest. Care to elaborate?

19656306? ago

If this is true, we want Nigel Farage to be the new UK Ambassador to the US.

19657827? ago

No, he would be much more effective in the UK parliament, or better PM.

19656353? ago


19656494? ago

That would be fantastic too, but does he want to be PM? He was hinting on LBC Radio that he'd be good at the ambassador role. Either would be great, the UK love Nigel !

19658788? ago

I think that's not quite true.. I like him I'm a Brit but most people don't..

19656588? ago

the world and the uk needs someone honest and blunt as the pm!!

19656701? ago

I agree with you both. I believe the Queen has to appoint the PM. I think the idea that it would be Nigel is obvious but he is avoiding saying that because that would just give her a chance to gainsay that she would be willing to do so. Even if she didn't volunteer, "preposterous!", she might be asked about it if he puts it out there.

19658519? ago

The queen needs to die. Why is Trump praising her?

19662363? ago

Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer!

Trump is the master troller!

19665256? ago

Good point

19656907? ago

I watched the video. It doesn't explain your "no". And the Queen does have to appoint the PM. Historically, she goes along with the majority seats but her power not to is specifically for use when the leader of the majority doesn't seem like the kind of person (to her and perhaps the Lords) who can actually lead the government. So, I guess, "yes". Great talk.

19657267? ago

No, the Queen is not choosing the new PM. The ruling party is ......that is why they are having a debate. Out of here with your ....historically nonsense.

19658842? ago

Look guys I'm a Brit. The queen does have to approve any new pm. He has to go to her and pledge his allegiance. If she chooses which she has not done publicly for years . ( more non that in a min ) she will say no. The reason you all think this is in name only is because the deciding is done already behind closed doors. So no public no ever gets public.

19659506? ago

It’s 2019, u guys gotta do something about this “royalty” bullshit.

19662665? ago

time for a "royal flush" kek

19660397? ago

That would be like you trying to get to Trump and take him down... and we have no guns

19657928? ago

No, I'm saying the Queen has the power to select anyone she wants, but it doesn't happen.

The closest thing to it was when she was accused of doing so in 1963 when there was a confused process due to

A Soviet Spy scandal rocking the government

A prostitution scandal rocking the government. She was seeing both the War Secretary and and a spy in the Soviet embassy

A regular election coming up in just under a year.

The Prime Minister underwent cancer surgery and announced his retirement just before the Party convention was about to start.

A lot of people thought one candidate had the approval of the party, but she selected somebody else. One guy who lost blamed it on a conspiracy of Etonians and that the outgoing Prime Minister had steered her the wrong way.

Decades later, the news came out that he did have votes and she chose the right guy, but she was criticized for it for a long time.

Technically, she could make her gardener The Prime Minister, but she never does.

So talk to me the next time there's a crisis like 1963

19661926? ago

Fair enough and thank you!

19657604? ago

You are correct that the Queen appoints her Prime Minister. He is correct that generally this is the leader of the largest party in The House of Commons. Technically it could be any member of the Commons with the "confidence of the House". But what you both miss the mark on is that Farage is European Union Parliament, not UK.

19661940? ago

Could he quit EU Parliament in time for the UK elections?

19662739? ago

Why? Does that sound like a power move? You've got your rook lined up with the opponent's home base, and your knight is set to capture the centre of the board. Are you going to move your rook to the centre of the board? What about that attack on the opponent's home row?

19665104? ago

Who is the knight?

19658741? ago

i said nigel FOR pm not that he WAS pm

19659437? ago

Kinda hard to be the prime minister of the house of commons all the way from Brussels, eh Murray?

19657940? ago

I never said a thing about Farage being PM.

19656157? ago

Those were secret diplomatic messages, not public statements. Kimmy got a raw deal, here. If he honestly believed that tripe, it would be his duty to honestly report what he thought.

Kim Darroch is obviously not very bright, since he was just repeating Jim Acosta type emotional crap, and not any real insight into what makes Trump tick.

It looks to me like some globalist asshat Brit leaked the information as 'proof' that Orange Man really is Bad.

And probably was unhappy with that idiot Darroch.

19656773? ago

I think you're wrong in two ways.

A. Darroch was spot on with his assessments.

B. It was a Brexit type who leaked the emails....hoping Boris Johnson is the next PM.

19656138? ago


19656094? ago

Another Trump win! (I can't keep up either.)

19656893? ago

How is getting revealed as an inept and insecure a win for Trump?

Do you really think other ambassadors don't think this of him?

19661899? ago

Opinion =/= fact.

There was zero evidence laid out to support such claims. Like another anon said, it was just like Jim Acosta emotional ranting.

19666279? ago

Careful now, those are his feelings, he doesn't have to justify his feelings. It's apparent that 0 thinking was prescribed to his consensus on the matter.

19659557? ago

Why the fuck would we care? Trump, in fact, is NOT inept or insecure, and so other people thinking he is does not affect anything.

All they are doing is fucking their own people over. The US is a shining star in a sea of darkness. Are you sure you don’t want to be friends?

19656086? ago

Sir Kim Darroch has resigned as UK ambassador to the US, amid a row over leaked emails critical of President Trump's administration.

What are the details

what charges is he trying to avoid ?

19657184? ago

The details are someone leaked his thoughts about Trump and his administration which he described as a dysfunctional, backstabbing place with routine "knife fights." All the news stories about fighting and leaking in the White House which Trump calls "fake news" are all true.

So somebody leaked these so that this guy who have to step down. There's a leadership battle going on in the UK right now.


19657289? ago

Faith in the UK leadership is at an all time low. it wasn't that high to begging with. Not the last but the election before the last one ended up in a draw with about 37% not voting. Its worse than that.

If you look at reddit you would think that if we don't stay in the EU we will all die. If they don't get us out of the EU we will kick them out of parliament.

We know that a resection is coming with or with out brexit. we just want to stop the invasion.

19656766? ago

He's a knight of the realm, so likely has some skeletons in the closet

That said, I think it's more that once an ambassador screws up the relationship with the host country like he has, their job is kind of untenable

19659405? ago

If you mean Boris he is not a knight or he would be Sir Boris in every new report or reference you could find

19656888? ago

Skeletons must be heavy ones, because a diplomatic job is above all else supposed to be - err - diplomatic. To err so much in such an obviously critical and sensitive area must mean he was literally blindly following the superficial agenda, thinking that - they never expected her to loose or similar.

19657227? ago

He was absolutely doing his job. Being diplomatic is the public side of things. Presenting a true portrait of what is going on back to your home government is the main job of diplomats. Your conclusions are off.

This is an internal leak of Chelsea Manning type...intended to do damage to your own government in the hopes of advancing an agenda.

19656216? ago

There are no charges. Just unfounded rumor and innuendo based on the 'falling out' that Trump clearly cites. Look into why Epstein was kicked out of the Mara Lago facility.