19654902? ago

Find out if he got an award for scientists of the year. If he did, he's dirty. If he didn't, they killed him bec he wouldn't lie about climate change. We all know it's weaponized whether to steal your taxes.

19654859? ago

Did he say, there is no climate change?

19654194? ago

"possessing child porn" wtf is this shit?!? So many people framed with this bullshit........

19654885? ago

Exactly. That's what the Dem meant when she said "if you make fun of Congress, you should be prosecuted" this is EXACTLY what she meant. You hit the nail on the head. They plant it and the persecute you.

19650565? ago

Is this the same one Kappy was referring to in his Epstein song video? If not, just goes to show that Portland is a mecca for CP. No wonder they let Antifa run wild there.

19649468? ago

“Deep stater of the year”

19649373? ago

While not excusing the man, there is the remote possibility that he was onto ground-breaking research into a field of science they don't want developed.

Free energy? Cold fusion? Who knows. But Vault 7 has already shown us they can put information on our computers at any time and spoof the origins/IP address to whatever they want.

Incriminate anyone at the whim.

19649823? ago

And they created that technology for that very purpose. That implies they have and do use it as a weapon.

19648771? ago

Remember, the bad guys csn put this stuff on anyone's device with immunity. You automatically.assume their guilt. It's not always what it seems. Not saying this guy is not guilty. I am saying not everyone is.

19654864? ago

Exactly what I just thought. Did this guy refute climate change?

19649207? ago

I was thinking the same thing (just sprinkle some crack on him and lets get outta here!) until I saw his picture, and that he was posting them on a blog traceable to him...

19649316? ago

I am Not defending this guy. I am making a broader point. We are discussing things they don't like. They play for keeps.

19648695? ago


19650433? ago

"The distinguished surname Lehman is a proud symbol of a Jewish** culture, which is found in many places world-wide. In the Middle Ages, it became necessary to adopt surnames, since people were moving closer together, and it was becoming difficult to distinguish between people with the same names. The surname Lehman is an occupational surname, which belongs to the category of hereditary surnames. This surname was given to a banker, pawnbroker, or usurer. It derives from the German word lehenen, which means to lend." -House of Names

19648608? ago

Niles Edward Lehman, 57, was convicted of two counts of first-degree encouraging child sexual abuse.

That sounds way worse than being "in possession of" - why does the media always try to minimize the seriousness of these crimes via misleading headlines if they aren't involved in it???

19648498? ago


19648360? ago

You don't get awards for doing good work, you need to be part of the club and do great work there!

19647719? ago

Is this another one of those "elite pedos" you guys like to stroke your dicks and daydream about?

19647518? ago

It looks like he is Oregons "Sex offender" of the year.

19647069? ago


19646894? ago

Portland is an embarrassment to the country. So sorry for any patriots who are trapped there.

19646890? ago

His 'scientist of the year' award was probably partially based on his braveness for sharing the pictures they all love

19646797? ago

Portland has become a Mecca of broken humans who pat each other on the back and say “its Ok, we accept your brokenness “

19654350? ago

I never met someone from Portland until I went to boot camp, since then (10yrs) I've met several.

They are all kind of wierd. I dislike them.

I someone was like "blacks are aliens" or "asians are aliens" or some such sillyness, I'd be like "Bro, check portland, thats ur guys"

19648677? ago

He should join Nadler in the Trump Administration

19647708? ago

a Russia Canada Alaska smuggle route? https://voat.co/v/AnonTalk/3324914

19646622? ago

Nowhere near long enough of a sentence. Fucker should be forcibly painfully castrated then left to bleed out

19646129? ago

He looks like a goblin.

19650731? ago

Don't (((they))) all?

19645974? ago

Niles Edward Lehman, 57, uploaded videos and photos of child pornography to his blog -- which was available for public viewing -- on the social networking website Tumblr, investigators said. Tumblr tipped off the FBI to the posted images and that led to Lehman’s arrest, said Deputy District Attorney Bumjoon Park.

Lehman was charged with viewing and sharing 35 illicit images of children from fall 2017 to fall 2018, although authorities said he had hundreds on his iPhone and other electronic devices of children ages 3 to 12.

During that same period, Lehman was named Oregon’s “Scientist of the Year” by the Oregon Academy of Science for his research into the possible origins of life, according to a January 2018 tweet by PSU. He had been a 17-year employee of the university at the time of his arrest in February and was placed on paid administrative leave. University spokesman Kenny Ma said Lehman resigned from his faculty position in May.