Epstein's lawyer has already made a proffer to SDNY. Epstein will agree to cooperate with the investigation, including giving up the names of individuals that paid for activities with underage girls (twitter.com)
submitted 5.5 years ago by 3321992?
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19622427? 5.5 years ago
My theory is that he (Epstein) was willing to talk, but he needed to be protected. Having him in jail was the best they could do?
19635621? 5.5 years ago
Baldwin, Courtney Love, Duke of York, Hoffman, Jagger, Kissinger, Kennedy, Rothschild, David Blaine, Mills, Spacey, Soros, Maria Shriver, David Rockefeller, John Kerry... Epstein's Little Black Book https://voat.co/v/anon/3321415
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19622427? ago
My theory is that he (Epstein) was willing to talk, but he needed to be protected. Having him in jail was the best they could do?
19635621? ago
Baldwin, Courtney Love, Duke of York, Hoffman, Jagger, Kissinger, Kennedy, Rothschild, David Blaine, Mills, Spacey, Soros, Maria Shriver, David Rockefeller, John Kerry... Epstein's Little Black Book https://voat.co/v/anon/3321415