19624478? ago

Jeffrey Epstein faces up to 45 years in jail https://youtu.be/VvDoCkqwXow?t=923

19625648? ago

Epstein victims to call hotline 1-800-CALL-FBI

19624386? ago

Monday July 8th, 2019 published press conference held on Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking charges



19620436? ago

Epstein will be sentenced to community service. And when he shows up for community service, a community of 15 year old girls will be there to service him.

19618923? ago

But Epstein’s arrest could open a window to expose other influential people who knew about or participated in his crimes. The question is what evidence or information does Epstein have against them and how might he use it?

“This case is being handled by the public corruption unit, and those people don’t typically handle cases involving child exploitation, so there may very well be some bombshells here of other people’s involvement because their role could mean there was some official action that was corrupt or some official acted corrupt in some way,’’ Hakes said.


19618383? ago

Such fucking bullshit

Lots of Talk the Last month about Prince Andrew, Anderson Cooper a band The Who, Jimmy Page, Eminem, P Diddy, Kevin Spacey, Bryan Singer (twitter.com)

So you use a real journalist's twitter account and then pile on a bunch of sensational bullshit.


Also "a band," "a band"


19619452? ago

One name 'Jean Luc Brunel' ?

19619504? ago

is that in the document? I heard about him as well Epstein wanted to open a modelling agency.

Did anyone confirm Brunel? Who is obviously not Eminem or Anderson Cooper....as I'm sure you noticed

19619086? ago

Lmao thank you for this

19618507? ago

There was a lot of gossip on twitter, here on voat, on reddit and many forums and blogs. Celebrity names were dropped and Business people, heavy dot com or a website crazydays and crazy nights had some gossip. Some of this stuff is kind of an open secret in hollywood if Robert Maxwell's daughter shared that information with other people it may indicate they are friends of sorts?! Did they other people ignore the talk, did they think it strange or go to the police? Christine Pelosi warns it's 'quite likely that some of our faves are implicated' in 'horrific' Epstein case

19619053? ago

So lots of bullshit and you tie to a real reporters name and indictment comes out and we now know it's all bullshit.

19617709? ago

It’s 9:15. How do we view the documents related to this?

19618630? ago

This?? https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/6184408-U-S-v-Jeffrey-Epstein-Indictment.html Count 2 on page 11 involves people other than Epstein, Employee 1,2 and 3" are the only others mentioned, Employee 2,is in southern district of new york. Page 10, page 8 onwards.From at least in or about 2002, up to and including in or about 2005, in the Southern District of New York and elsewhere, JEFFREY EPSTEIN, the defendant, and others known and unknown, willfully and knowingly did combine, conspire, confederate, and agree together and with each other to commit an offense against the United States, to wit, sex trafficking of minors, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section_ 1591(a) , Epstein "worked and conspired with others, including employees and associates" https://i.imgur.com/ZN94eRk.jpg ? ... twitter https://twitter.com/EllenBarkin/status/1148001972248879104?s=19 Epstein’s pimp girlfriend, Ghislaine Maxwell, a very well-connected Brit socialite cannot just walk free. This woman is his pimp. She pilots planes to and from the island. I know because she told me. She is a sex trafficker.

19617392? ago

Mental image: What it looks like when the lights go on and all the cockroaches scurry into hiding

19619263? ago

The Brunel? 60 minutes aired a prime-time special on the abuses of underage girls in the modeling industry. Investigative reporter Craig Pyes portrayed the modeling industry as infested with agents who were notorious hustlers and playboys. His report revealed that both Claude Haddad- the head of European scouting for Ford- and Ford’s Paris-based agent Jean-Luc Brunel had been accused of horrific sexual misconduct by many models. The special aired the interviews of dozens of women who accused both Brunel and Haddad of a litany of crimes, ranging from racist invective towards black models to violent rape. And in fact the hidden camera footage captured in filming the special caught it all- from Xavier lamenting about n**er models, to Haddad chuckling about drugging and raping 13 year old girls. According to Model At a retreat soon after the one-two punch delivered by the coverage, Haddad, Jean Luc Brunel and Casablancas were once again overheard (albeit not taped this time around) laughing about their crimes. Alternatively they were angry when confronted by interim scouting manager Trudi Tapscott-”I’m a man and I have needs, I will not apologize for that!” Casablancas is said to have declared.

There was, to be fair, fallout from these reports. Brunel and Haddad were condemned by Eileen Ford, and Casablancas never fully regained his public reputation. But the public and the insular world of fashion are very different animals, and within the latter the only repercussions any of the men faced was in retribution for airing the industries dirty laundry with their sloppiness. Haddad and Brunel kept their jobs, albeit not in an official capacity. And while Casablancas was removed from his official role as head of the “New Faces” division of Elite, where he had unrestrained access and influence over the youngest and most impressionable girls represented by his agency, he didn’t go very far. His unofficial capacity was far-reaching, and his behaviors were explained away by his replacements. One of the agents taking his place was Trudi Tapscott-the same woman who had tried unsuccessfully to confront John after his forced retirement. While initially she was furious at Casablancas, less than a year later she had softened her stance. Quoted in Model, she stated ”People in this business use their power to manipulate people in ways that are unfair”. But she nonetheless told the many parents who were concerned about Casablancas-who still retained an unofficial role in the division-that he was not a manipulator.... So the Ghislaine Maxwell is what British or Israeli? jezebel DOT com had an article ....FBI investigated Epstein, and identified around 40 underaged victims. Sarnoff reports that the FBI is also investigating MC2 and Brunel for possibly engaging in child sex trafficking. Since pleading guilty to reduced charges of soliciting sex with a minor and serving 13 months of part-time jail, Epstein has become the focus of numerous civil lawsuits from his victims. He has so far settled a dozen.

These same civil complaints allege that young girls from South America, Europe, and the former Soviet republics, few of whom spoke English, were recruited for Esptein’s sexual pleasure. According to a former bookkeeper, a number of the girls worked for MC2, the modeling agency owned by Jean Luc Brunel, a longtime acquaintance and frequent guest of Epstein’s. ....These accounts from Michael Gross’ 1995 book Model describe Brunel’s activities in Paris from the late 1970s onwards, when he worked for, and eventually owned, the modeling agency Karins, now known as Karin Paris:

“Jean-Luc is considered a danger,” says Jérôme Bonnouvrier. “Owning Karins was a dream for a playboy. His problem is that he knows exactly what girls in trouble are looking for. He’s always been on the edge of the system. John Casablancas gets with girls the healthy way. Girls would be with him if he was the butcher. They’re with Jean-Luc because he’s the boss. Jean-Luc likes drugs and silent rape. It excites him.”

“I really despise Jean-Luc as a human being for the way he’s cheapened the business,” says John Casablancas. “There is no justice. This is a guy who should be behind bars. There was a little group, Jean-Luc, Patrick Gilles, and Varsano...They were very well-known in Paris for roaming the clubs. They would invite girls and put drugs in their drinks. Everybody knew they were creeps.”

It should be noted that aside from being a professional rival, Casablancas, the founder of the agency Elite, was eventually drubbed out of the industry for his own modelizing. How pervy do you have to be for John Casablancas to call you a perv?

Pervy enough to drug and rape numerous teenagers, according to 60 Minutes and Diane Sawyer, who investigated Brunel in 1988. The program interviewed nearly two dozen models who said they had been sexually assaulted by Brunel and/or by his fellow agent, Claude Haddad. Even at that time, Brunel had a reputation as a man one could go to to procure a “date” with a young model. CBS spoke to five models who said that Brunel and/or his friends had drugged and raped them. Said producer Craig Pyes, “Hundreds of girls were not only harassed, but molested.”

When Gross interviewed Brunel, this is what he had to say for himself:

“You get laid tonight with a model, is that a crime? I don’t understand why people go into your personal life, what you do yourself, and to yourself, and they don’t look at things that are really important.”

Since then, Brunel has been involved with a succession of agencies in New York and Paris. Although the 60 Minutes scandal eventually led Eileen Ford to stop working with him, he continued his involvement with Karins. In 1988, when powerhouse agency Next opened its doors, Brunel took an ownership stake. He also “discovered” Christy Turlington when she was 14. MC2 is only his latest venture. Because no criminal charges were ever filed by any of his accusers, and because the industry has a short memory — most models working today weren’t even born when Sawyer and Pyes started looking into Brunel’s activities — Brunel has been free to continue as he pleases. A French citizen, he even avoided testifying in his friend Epstein’s trial.

And so Brunel is still criss-crossing the globe, trawling for 5’10” 13-year-olds from Eastern Europe and (the whiter parts of) South America. And apparently taking the occasional ride with them on Epstein’s private jet. Is there any better argument for the regulation of the modeling industry? ..... Lawyering up with superstar Alan Dershowitz, and making frequent $100,000 donations to the Palm Beach Police Department would insulate him from prosecution for his various depravities? More Slave and Abusive crap buying a 14-year-old Yugloslavian named Natalia Marcinkova from her parents in order to keep Marcinkova as his “sex slave”; paying a retinue of women to trawl Palm Beach for teenagers economically desperate enough to agree to give Epstein “massages” that often led to sexual contact; receiving two 12-year-old French girls as a “birthday present”; and befriending Michael Wolff. Conchita Sarnoff wrote at The Daily Beast:

Most disturbing, in terms of possible sex trafficking, was Epstein’s relationship with Jean Luc Brunel, owner of the MC2 modeling agency. According to a complaint filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida, an alleged victim said that Epstein, [assistant and girlfriend Ghislaine] Maxwell, Brunel, [house manager Alfredo] Rodriguez, and Marcinkova ‘deliberately engaged in a pattern of racketeering that involved luring minor children through MC2, mostly girls under the age of 17, to engage in sexual play for money.’ 

The FBI investigated Epstein, and identified around 40 underaged victims. Sarnoff reports that the FBI is also investigating MC2 and Brunel for possibly engaging in child sex trafficking. Since pleading guilty to reduced charges of soliciting sex with a minor and serving 13 months of part-time jail, Epstein has become the focus of numerous civil lawsuits from his victims. He has so far settled a dozen.

Complaints allege that young girls from South America, Europe, and the former Soviet republics, few of whom spoke English, were recruited for Esptein’s sexual pleasure. According to a former bookkeeper, a number of the girls worked for MC2, the modeling agency owned by Jean Luc Brunel, a longtime acquaintance and frequent guest of Epstein’s.

Brunel, along with numerous young models, was a frequent passenger on Epstein’s private jet, according to flight manifests. The agency owner also allegedly received $1 million from Epstein in 2005, when he founded MC2 with his partner, Jeffrey Fuller; although Fuller and Brunel denied any such payment from the billionaire pervert in 2007, when rumors started swirling, Sarnoff got confirmation from a former bookkeeper at the agency. Whether the money was a secret investment in MC2, or a payment for Brunel’s services as a procurer, is unknown. Brunel also visited Epstein in jail.

So who is Jean Luc Brunel? Although he did not respond to our interview request, we spoke to a number of people who have worked with his agency. While MC2 isn’t considered a major industry player, it isn’t exactly bottom-shelf, either: MC2 in New York most recently launched the career of Latvian editorial star Ginta Lapina (Brunel “discovered” Lapina via an MC2 scouting competition for young teens) and currently represents Vogue China covergirl Liu Dan. Worldwide, MC2 represents such stars as Sessilee Lopez in Miami, and top models Candace Swanepoel, Marina Lynchuk, Natalia Chabanenko, and Elisa Sednaoui in Tel Aviv

19617345? ago

Seriously? 9 and then 11 9/11? There are no coincidences.

19618423? ago

yes, came here to notice that as well!

19617467? ago

Rothschild Guinness Chander? and Who is this Maxwell woman? her father a British Media guy born born Ján Ludvík Hyman Binyamin, Jewish Cemetery, buried on the top of Jerusalem? ... something human tarfficking and blackmail going on? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3321373 'This woman is his pimp. She pilots planes to and from the island. I know because she told me. She is a sex trafficker.'

19617919? ago

Who is this Maxwell woman?

Her father is an Israeli spy.

19617032? ago

Getcha popcorn ready.

19635937? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/AskAnon/3321606 Masons and the Jewish Sabbati? Is there a Connection??

19617823? ago

Is it going to name names?

19617866? ago

Thats what the word is from Q, the chans and Twitter. Could blow things wide open very quickly and big names will fall.

19616890? ago

https://tweetsave.com/opinion_joe/status/1148040636274290689 :

Joe Nocera on Twitter: "Prepare theyself, Twittersphere: Jeffrey Epstein indictment unsealed at 9:00 am tomorrow (Monday). SDNY press conference at 11 am. Arraignment in the afternoon. Decent possibility that Epstein will enter the courtroom in cuffs and wearing orange."

This has been an automated message.

19616881? ago

German anon here, what is SDNY stand for?

19617268? ago

U.S. Attorneys offices of the Southern District of New York - SDNY.

19618395? ago

Crimes against children division

19617327? ago

Badges exist to shield those in power

19617844? ago

It should read "Existed"

19618348? ago

I hope you are right.

19616928? ago

Southern District New York. An FBI office.

19617259? ago

Also a Federal Court, I believe.

19618186? ago

Yes, the federal court

19616956? ago


19618335? ago

CDAN is believed to be an entertainment lawyer in hollywood. VERY legit; Heavy appears to be questionable at times.

19618220? ago

oh, this is good: "Maxwell is among those who do not want the documents unsealed." She's the front lines. If she's worried, it means she's i'll equipped to withstand the pressure that's about to be put on her to name names.