19616991? ago

It has my attention, but IMO it will sway no ones opinion. Everyone is settled on their own reality and you won’t convince anyone of anything anymore. Nothing at all from anyone or anywhere can be believed.

19609736? ago

Hmmm? Ah yes mmm. Mmmhmmm. Aaaah.

19605931? ago

The cuck-shills will NEVER acknowledge anything. They are nothing but faggot traitors who suck each other off while wearing their antifa masks I’m mamas basement.

19603496? ago

Yep Trump will be exposed as the sicko he is.

19602274? ago


19601333? ago

Prove the unbelievable and then the rest of their crimes will be much easier to swallow. Most people simply don't understand or believe how pervasive pedophilia and slavery are in the world, particularly in the U.S. and Europe.

19602633? ago

I agree. I knew it was pretty bad, but had no idea how bad it really is. Since I have always been keenly aware of what I understood to be part of “the evil empire,” or what we now refer to as the cabal, I have been ready for this to happen. I could have never guessed the sheer scale of this undertaking. Since all these criminals are so intimately linked by their perversions, it’s going to be quite a show watching them crumble.

19600767? ago

The shills are out on steroids on reddit... every single thread now about Epstein has a title twisted to implicate trump, and comments everywhere are flooded with the story of him raping a 13 year old using Epstein as proof it could have happened.

I fucking hate the folks behind all the dis/mis info..

Maybe trump isnt innocent even, let's say that for shits and giggles hypothetically - every story about Epstein still shouldnt be pointing to trump. People who fall for this are so indoctrinated it makes me depressed. Aggggghhh

19599800? ago

Dude these q hating fags got so pissed off when I made fun of them for going full shrilltard after the 4th of July celebration! It's been great. They post some innocuous reply to a comment and when you sink their battleship they get so triggered they turn the conversation into attacks. Not only that but when you ignore them after they literally film themselves choking on dicks to get you to pay attention to them. More than once too! There was one shrill Marxist that was so anti-Q and begging for attention he showed himself suckng a dick in every comment thread reply he made. Different dicks too.

19599799? ago

just because someone doesn't agree with 100% of what you think doesn't make them a "shill." People are simply understandably frustrated that no government officials - STILL - have been arrested. There's enough public info that should put Comey and McCabe behind bars right now, plus those that we don't even know have evidence against that is not public. I certainly can see the frustration, especially with Epstein's case itself underscoring the preferential treatment that politically-connected people get via the legal system. Kerry et. al. are STILL violating the Logan Act. Obama likely too One would think with that talk, they'd say "oh...well, let's not violate laws." But they're obviously not caring OR stopping.

I do think arrests will eventually come, but I can also see the frustration with so many "Q-drops" hinting thy're coming but just....don't. At least not so far. While Epstein and Raniere might have CONNECTIONS to he Clintons or other gov't officials, they, themselves, are NOT government officials. Neither is Allison Mack. It's the GOVERNMENT corruption people are wanting taken down, the cabal on the inside. These are ancillary players at best, but in due time SHOULD implicate the Clintons, but therein lies the rub. How many times have we seen "criminal investgations" STOP SHORT of the people at the top? What kind of punishment did, say, John Corzine, who Joe Biden once sad was "the smartest man I know," receive in jail from his theft of BILLIONS of dollars from customer accounts at MF Global?

See, people remember this sort of thing, have seen this movie all before many, many times. They simply demand that the writers re-do things and get the ending right this time, and that has yet to be seen. Too often it's a few minor players that get long sentences while the core group goes free, and I've seen nothing to change that story yet, but it hasn't yet played out, either.

It's not so much that people don't trust Trump or Q. They don't trust the SYSTEM that Trump has been fighting all this time, and they're understandably frustrated. I think once someone like Comey is in custody THEN we'll see people breathing some sighs of relief...but not until then.

19600078? ago

BTW, Maurene Comey, the daughter of James Comey, appears to be one of the prosecutors.

19599215? ago

rainiere was the warm-up, he is less popular. epstein is much bigger, and here we have the clinton connection.

DJTs tweet about epstein being a great guy? same city, same societal circles, what to say about people? I have read and heard him call many people great. part of the game.

'young women' was worded in a double-meaning way which leaves room for interpretation. coded. after all, DJT is supposed to have been an FBI informant in the past. he is also supposed to have been on lolita express once. sounds to me like 'no thanks, never again, not my thing'.

19598996? ago

As we shills have been saying all along, convictions or get the fuck out! (See what I did there? I'm a professional!)

19598991? ago

Gas gas gas the Jews, gas them one by one, merrily merrily merrily merrily, till the job is done!

19598861? ago

Why are arrests necessary ? ]]

To protect against sudden suicide / door knob hanging / heart attack gun ?

19598674? ago

More than happy to be eating crow

19598475? ago

I had to make an account just to lol at this one line....

Neither the Raniere arrest NOR the Epstein arrest have anything to do with Q. They do have to do with quality journalism from the mainstream media.

Am I the only one who thinks that is batshit crazy??


19599513? ago

Hey I made an account too! Just to laugh at those who couldn't put an argument up against his facts. Like you. You're so behind the idea of "fake news" that you can't give credit where it's due when the facts are put right under your nose.

19616374? ago

Shills gotta shill. Can't blame you.

19598906? ago

Am I the only one who thinks that is batshit crazy??


You're not the only one.

"Quality Journalism from the mainstream media"


What a joke.

19602210? ago

Poor quality journalism, methinks.

19598522? ago


Go to the search bar, type in "Epstein" and read.

Now kindly fuck off!

19598965? ago

I think you misunderstood what he meant there.

He is laughing at the person who made this comment (the third comment in this post):

"Neither the Rainiere arrest or the Epstein arrest have anything to do with Q. They have to do with quality journalism by the mainstream media."

He is laughing at them for giving the credit to the main stream media.

19597900? ago

I'd say that the PizzaGate investigation crowd should be upbeat - in fact the only arrest we see reported are the pedophiles being steadily rounded up - now with some marquee names in the mix.

Sure need to see some arrest of Deep State fags now

19597014? ago


19600799? ago

Titus Frost - Rachel Chandler, Robert Maxwell, Epstein, Mossad, Eminem, Waris, NXIVM, etc. https://voat.co/v/pizzagateuncensored/3135072

19596848? ago

It's a good start. Let's see where this takes us

19596754? ago

I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it–Jeffrey enjoys his social life. -- Donald J Trump New York Magazine 2002

19601019? ago

This was a quote from Trump, when asked about Epstein during a magazine interview. "The Atlantic" I believe....


Trump had already ejected Epstein from going to Mar-A-Lago for hitting on young girls. The interviewer probably knew the story...people who run in those circles gossip as much as anyone.

Trump was INSULTING Epstein, in a sophisticated way, in the magazine interview.

Context matters.

19598776? ago

Coded message

19598429? ago

That moment you realize an informant trolled on you. Lol.

19597304? ago

You know what?


Every single Patriot in this Country knows the context of that fucking statement! You backwards-assed motherfucking RETARD!

I saw you yesterday in the fucking park trying to suck fucking dick for 20 bucks a pop.

Motherfuckers like YOU are the reason that NOBODY can ever have nice shit. It's always some fucking "Mujooo" cock-sucking millennial piece of human excrement with a 9 inch pity-dick in their mouth that has to fuck shit up for all the REAL motherfuckers that are trying REALLY hard to fix ALL the fucking shit that has happened in the last 30 years! You low-life cocksuckers deserve to have EVERY MOTHERFUCKING SQUARE INCH OF YOUR SHILL_FUCKING-MUHJOOZ-ASS KICKED WITHIN AN INCH OF YOUR LIFE.

I apologize to all the true REAL MOTHERFUCKERS in this forum. I know that I say fuck too much, but if you dick-sucking motherfuckers wanna go, then let's go.

By the way, My name is WAMP.

You best remember it, too, because I'll be the one stomping ALL UP AND DOWN on your fucking ass on a regular fucking basis.

I am NOT the motherfucker with whom you need to FUCK!

You hear me talking cocksucker?

Yeah. I KNOW you do.


19598480? ago

Copypasta right here!

19597165? ago

Here you go; POTUS also said this:


And barred Epstein for life from Trump properties after he found out Epstein liked underage girls.

19596692? ago

Not a shill but I’m just maintaining a wait and see attitude about all this.

19600000? ago

I posted actually a couple of replies on this idea and why we're not "shills" but simply have seen too many connected people walk...like the same article basically says Epstein walked some fifteen years ago. I'm with you...they say "trust the plan;" I say "Trust, but Verify."

19610369? ago

Roger. Trust but verify.

19601834? ago

Trust but verify is the correct position. Even according to Q.

The fact people have historically walked is proof of the vastness of corruption. It's also proof of shills who scream arrests or GTFO. Because they are openly advocating for the protection of these people until the courts, fbi, and doj are fixed. Which is precisely what the last two years have been about

Without any doubt, "arrests or GTFO", are shills, low iq people, or demoralized, contagious, useful idiots. Only an idiot would listen to anything they have to say on any topic. In all cases they are useless people; except to Communists.

19602243? ago

...they are openly advocating for the protection of these people until the courts, fbi, and doj are fixed. Which is precisely what the last two years have been about


19596613? ago

Uhhh...."expose the powerful"? Not exactly.... Epstein? Of Lolita express and Pedophile Island notoriety? With WJC and HRC, both, with frequent visits and on the passenger manifests??? History and 20/20 hindsight says that anyone with dirt on the Clintons are on the short list to become mysteriously unexplainable Arkancides.

19597417? ago

Trump was friends with Epstein since the 1980's.

19597538? ago

friend does not equal frequent flyer to Pedophile island on the Lolita express. By comparison, the Clintons are on the flight manifests, over 30 trips, between them...

19596503? ago

Hillary and Podesta? What?!

19597770? ago

In the post.

19596499? ago

Dershowitz? I think FOX NEWS is gonna have some 'splainin to do if there are links to Epstein...https://www.miamiherald.com/news/state/florida/article232312102.html

19598466? ago

Fox already has some splainin to do. I see Hannity going on and on about the Russia hoax. I can agree with him on most all of his points. That’s how cointelpro works. Not a word about NXIVM this whole time. But filling time up with things I agreed with just to steer me away from things I should be learning about.

19597150? ago

I'll 'splain for you:


As part of a settlement announced Friday, Dershowitz agreed to drop his claims that the lawyers had behaved unethically. For their part, Edwards and Cassell said they'd drop their defamation suit and even acknowledged that Dershowitz shouldn't have been implicated in the Epstein case in the first place. "Edwards and Cassell acknowledge that it was a mistake to have filed sexual misconduct accusations against Dershowitz," the lawyers said in a joint statement.

19597209? ago

I guess we'll see soon enough...I like him on Fox...controlled opposition or not.

19596394? ago

Yeah, seriously. I get so tired of the fucking shills screaming for the arrests. I was funny for about one month, but then it was just a sign of being dumb. Patience and STFU morons. In the meantime, Epstein getting taken down is a big victory. He had a private island where he's probably enslaved a shit ton of underage girls, who might be on their way to finally being freed. And Keith Raniere getting a daily golden shower in prison is just icing on the cake. I can't wait for the prisons to start filling up with these pedo fucks and hear about them getting pissed and shit on all day until they die. They might not die quick with a red hot bullet, but I'll take the long, slow, painful shit covered death over that one. My only request is that someone donate some money to the rest of the prisoners' commissary funds so they can have a wide variety of shit to throw at these fucks.

19603507? ago

Hopefully the fellow prison inmates live up to their reputation of abusing pedophiles that end up with them in prison. It is just added justice for such people.

19605309? ago

Yeah, no kidding.

19600028? ago

Maurene Comey, the daughter of former FBI director James Comey, is one of the prosecutors, according to a source with knowledge of the case.

19599886? ago

...it's a sign that they've been paying attention to how they've been treated in the PAST. It even says that Epstein was already arrested for activity from 2002-2005 and got a very light sentence. THAT'S the stuff people are sick of. If it had been you or me in Epstein's shoes the FIRST time, we'd be under the jail! I posted a longer bit about the same thing as a reply to the OP, but please don't get mad at people who have "seen this movie before." They're skeptical not because of Trump or Q, but the SYSTEM that they're fighting against.

How many times has someone in gov't gotten arrested before Trump where the punishment "could be up to hundreds of years" and then they get a light sentence (EPSTEIN DID) or no jail at all (former PA Gov. John Corzine/MF Global) and YOU said or thought, "I'll believe it when I see it?" That's the same dynamic as what's going on with the..."shills" as you call them. They're just frustrated over the system for so long that they're quite understandably skeptical.

19602138? ago

That's the same dynamic as what's going on with the..."shills" as you call them. They're just frustrated over the system for so long that they're quite understandably skeptical.

I disagree. If they aren't shills, then they are extremely low IQ individuals who haven't understood any Q posts and have no idea what's going on. (Either way, I pity them. But I don't excuse them for disrupting research and casting doubt.)

19603286? ago

I agree. If not shills, then either low IQ, little patience, little faith, or some combination.

19605249? ago

Or, they've seen decades of the system protecting itself and the machine marching onward and are skeptical of too much of any substance actually coming from it. I think this time around, the cat is already way too far gone out of the bag to cover up and woah, talk about the Emperor Has No Clothes, this is the Digital Age to add to evidence. But that leads to another problem of individual privacy but that's another discussion w/Big Tech's part.

19599540? ago

Podestas next? Art in Embassies Program Gave Podestas, Jeff Koons, Rockefellers, Marina Abramovic, Rothschilds even Alefantis access to a private shipping channel that could bypass airport security? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3317704 Ex-police officer Dionne Miller: "The British Government wilfully allowed British children to become prey to Pakistani rape gangs. They issued a blanket ban on investigations."

19602178? ago

They issued a blanket ban on investigations.

And prosecute Tommy Robinson (twice) for the heinous crime of asking polite questions of pedophiles. Grasping at straws and desperate to convict him, they chose the only route possible: "contempt of court". As an expat brit I can tell you that many UK judges deserve all the contempt that they get.

19609915? ago

It's past time you guys got with the program and expelled that bullshit inbred islamist monarchy that's been squashing your nation and people under it's shit-crusted jackboot.

19599489? ago

.... Patience and STFU morons. In the meantime, ... I can't wait for the prisons to start filling up with these pedo fucks

Patience and STFU moron.

19596370? ago

Yeah but no wall and no mass deportation of illegals.

19596260? ago

Keith Raniere (born August 26, 1960) is the founder of NXIVM, a multi-level marketing organization that has been described as a cult.

This name is a little less known than the other, so this is to help clarify.

19596240? ago

Epstein...is that a....Jewish name? Nah...couldn't be.

19600427? ago

Thanks kike!

19598866? ago

MOSSAD Assed given about billion dollars to spend on woman doing different things to blackmail politicians and businessman

there is Epstein in every state you just know one name now

19599315? ago

This is what I assume too.

19599480? ago

What a narrative of assumptions you must have constructed in your head.

19596860? ago

Juan Epstein was a Puerto Rican Jew.

19599535? ago

Yep. And MSNPC will label him a Republican and will only show the photo between him and Trump.

19602064? ago

Neither the Raniere arrest NOR the Epstein arrest have anything to do with Q. They do have to do with quality journalism from the mainstream media.

You missed a word out. Let me help you:

"They do have to do with poor quality journalism from the mainstream media."

19597306? ago

To the OP, let me put a much more plausible theory.

Neither the Raniere arrest NOR the Epstein arrest have anything to do with Q. They do have to do with quality journalism from the mainstream media.

Did Q ever mention NXIVM before the NY Times wrote their article on the branding within NXIVM? Because that became public because of defectors with NXIVM, not every in the group was aware of this secret group DOS within NXIVM. When they heard about it they went to the press. First to upstate blogger who was a long time critic of the cult and then to the NY Times.

The NY Times blew the whole case open. The Department of Justice admitted they learned about the branding and blackmailing of women from the NY Times. Several women went on record with their names to the NY Times and thus law enforcement knew who they could interview, they had the names of defectors and that's what made the case.

The Jeffrey Epstein thing was most likely caused by the recent reporting by the Miami Herald this past fall with their massive investigation Perversion of Justice. People had been saying for years Epstein got a sweetheart deal by the US attorney. Then in February 2017 he was nominated by President Trump to be the US Secretary of Labor. So the Miami Herald started looking into the case again. And they did something else too, they started to look for Jeffrey Epstein's victims. They were mostly Jane Does in legal documents, but the Herald located 60 of them and 8 went on record. And this investigation started way before Q existed. And it got a ton of publicity

Again after great work by the mainstream media, Law Enforcement now knew who to interview they had the names of these girls who are now women who went on the record with press. The indictment will be revealed on Monday, my guess is that some of these women said that Epstein brought them to New York. So the Southern District of NY was able to file charges on those specific crimes.

Here's the Miami Herald's Perversion of Justice Series.

How a future Trump Cabinet member gave a serial sex abuser the deal of a lifetime


Cops worked to put serial sex abuser in prison. Prosecutors worked to cut him a break


Even from jail, sex abuser manipulated the system. His victims were kept in the dark


Here's their article about the investigation itself


After the nomination of former Miami U.S. Attorney Alexander Acosta to President Trump’s Cabinet in February of that year, the Herald began to take a closer look at what role Acosta played in helping orchestrate a secret plea bargain that prosecutors struck with Epstein in 2007, and finalized in 2008.

Read more here: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/article221957120.html#storylink=cpy

I'm hearing the Public Corruption Unit of the SDNY is involved. That unit deals with government officials. If I were Alexander Acosta, I would be shitting a brick right now.

19600672? ago

Why do you think Trump appointed Acosta? Could it be it was the only way to get any reporting from MSM on this decades old plea deal that would have should have been HUGE news at the time? Are you people completely incapable of recognizing patterns?

19603437? ago

I'm beginning to wonder if this theory is correct. Trump suspected about Epstein. Acosta let him off bigtime. Trump has made the fight against pedophilism and human trafficking one of his signature campaigns. It makes no sense that Trump would want the man who got an obvious pedo and suspected trafficker off in his administration unless it was to bait the courts and the media into returning to a discussion of this issue.

19599796? ago

Yeah and Robert Mueller is shitting boulders. Not to mention the Clintons et al.

19631517? ago

Robert Mueller is shitting boulders.

You're out of your mind.

19599409? ago

I read that U.S. Attorney Alexander Acosta approached Trump before being placed as Labor Secretary and told Trump that he was threatened to give the sweetheart deal to Epstein or they would destroy his career. Who "they" might be, I'm guessing HRC's gang. Remember the story that came out of the State Department about pedophilia and prostitution with a Ambassador and others. This story was squashed by higher ups....HRC was Secretary of State at the time.

19631721? ago

I read that U.S. Attorney Alexander Acosta approached Trump before being placed as Labor Secretary and told Trump that he was threatened to give the sweetheart deal to Epstein or they would destroy his career.

What a load of shite. He should have risked his career.

Remember the story that came out of the State Department about pedophilia and prostitution with a Ambassador and others. This story was squashed by higher ups....HRC was Secretary of State at the time.

I remember this story. Do you remember when the OIG report came out a year later and said this was a bunch of bunk? It had to do with the Diplomatic Security Service and never went up to the level of Secretary of State? And the ambassador was cleared?

You don't? Yeah funny how that part didn't get as much attention. Basically there was a "whistle-blower" who made these allegations of multiple coverups, but she was never involved in the actual cases, but was passing along office gossip, gossip that didn't match the actual details of the cases.

Here's the ambassador telling his story. https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/magazine/the-ambassadors-tale-lessons-i-learned-about-success-and-scandal/2015/07/13/6f0bd038-bb76-11e4-bdfa-b8e8f594e6ee_story.html?utm_term=.64093619adca

19632567? ago

Wow, triggered!!

19599469? ago

You read it and therefore it's true

19598780? ago

They do have to do with quality journalism from the mainstream media.

19597396? ago

You missed something.

Notice that neither of these folks are going to GITMO like Q claimed. Good old regular civilian court.

19600847? ago

Awww....working SO hard to find a silver lining. LMAO

These are Federal charges. Good old regular FEDERAL court.

19631493? ago

Silver lining? You kidding yourself. Epstein's a sleaze and I'm happy real justice is coming to him. And I'm happy the Miami Herald did their series on him and busted this case open.....as the US Attorney acknowledged in his press conference today thank the good investigative journalism that helped them build their case.

19599731? ago

Q never claimed citizens are going to gitmo only government traitors. Epstein was never government but might be considered a foreign agent, enemy combatant, or spy.

19631619? ago

Treason is also tried in federal court. And nobody will be charged with treason as AG Barr pointed out....we have to be in a declared state of war for treason charges to apply and that hasn't happened since WWII.

Foreign agents and spies are routinely tried in federal court too. Epstein cannot be declared an enemy combatant, because he is not a combatant of any kind. You need to be caught on a battlefield or some other extreme circumstance for that to apply

19597392? ago

Re: "I'm hearing the Public Corruption Unit of the SDNY is involved." … Would it apply to Huma and Hillary also because they were Government officials when they were involved with Epstein?

19597440? ago

How was Huma related to Epstein?

I know Bill used his plane, but what's the connection to Hillary?

Granted the charges are unknown right now, but you're also making a pretty big leap past Acosta since Acosta was the only one who held Epstein's fate in his hands. Huma or Hillary couldn't give him a lenient sentence or make state charges go away.

19598767? ago

Trump rode on the plane too

19603062? ago



19604932? ago

He took his own plane you fucking idiot.

19605152? ago



19610013? ago

Wow, Panic much?

19600795? ago

Dumbass: Flight manifests matter.

Trump accepted ONE ride to his home in PALM BEACH.

Both Bill and Hillary flew to PEDO ISLAND multiple times. Big diff.

19601075? ago

You do know Trump has his own plane ... The Clinton's didn't

19609871? ago

Trump owning his own plane means nothing. You can't land a plane on Epstein's island.

19609940? ago

You really don't understand how traveling works, do you?

19610104? ago

I've done lots of it but maybe I missed something. Want to fill me in.

19603087? ago



19605185? ago

You stupid motherfucker. No SHIT HE HAS HIS OWN PLANE.


19609993? ago

I'm sorry I hurt your feelings and interrupted your safe space.

19610230? ago


19601156? ago

Yeah. His plane is a magic plane that never needs repairs and is never unavailable due to servicing.

Trump never went to Pedo Island either. The Clintons ONLY flew to Pedo Island, almost 30 times between them.

19600330? ago

They tried to lure Trump in but he didn't take the bait. They had a honeypot operation at Epstein Island.

19601088? ago

Trump's own plane landed there 25 times.

19603342? ago


19603477? ago


19603075? ago

Are you fucking retarded??


19601275? ago


19599362? ago

Trump did rub elbows with those in Washington but I heard him say he always got out before it got dark. He didn't attend after hours parties, never let himself be put in incriminating situations. He knew these people to well. They will put date rape drugs in your drink and you wake up later in a bed with underage girls by your side. Pictures taken, blackmail held over your head... Trump was to cautious, they couldn't get him.

19603357? ago

Wonder if something like this ever happened to Chief Justice John Roberts?

19599382? ago

You heard him say huh, y'all buddies. Ok.

19598436? ago

Yeah, Hillary never had the influence to make charges go away. Someone is trying to sell us something. Q never gave credit to the NYT--in fact what he did was mess with them.

I'm guessing that NYT tried to spin this in the other direction and just failed to get a handle on it.

19597531? ago

Hillary and Huma were regular visitors to the Island also. There is even footage of them from the security cams. They were doing despicable things to children. There is a lot of info out about this on youtube and other places..

19599466? ago

You saw it on youtube therefore it's true

19605798? ago

You can try the Q Research Boards. https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/6801530.html#q6801807

19598774? ago

You're hallucinating

19596852? ago

Oy vey

19596197? ago

i would think they are the top of the food chain. they both must have incredible little black books.

19596140? ago

Coinikadink? Please God open Weiner's laptop to the Light!!!

19599940? ago

how ironic that, given the subject matter, the "evidence is on Anthony Weiner's laptop?"

You literally could not make this sh*t up any better...this tops Monica Lewinsky's dress stain by miles lol

19596117? ago

This will not satisfy them. They will just shift tactics to saying Epstein arrests are actually about Trump. When that is falsified, they will go back to “nothing is happening”, or another excuse.

Q is real bitches. Cope.

19601131? ago

If Q is real, then almost everyone in large cities such as NYC are living in completely fabricated, delusional, absolute f-ing LIES.

19606844? ago

Do you honestly believe that they are not?

19598424? ago

That is EXACTLY what was going on on Twitter when this story first broke. Every post was like "Ohh, Trumps best friend Jeff is getting arrested!"

19599911? ago

I hear ya (and them) but their posts aren't even believable saying that. How many times did Slick Willie um...."take a ride on the Lolita Express," again? like 16 flights or something, and Epstein's Trump's buddy? How convenient. Ur right - definitely paid-for by Soros.

19600077? ago

More than 22 or 24 times.

19606834? ago

Nope, you guys, that does not matter. It only matters that Trump went (and also it doesn’t matter what he did after that). Use your heads.


19596107? ago

You’ll get ziltch from shills. Their funds are about to be diverted.

19597919? ago

some of "the shills" are happy to see him arrested and wants to see more.

19597954? ago

More as in NXIVM? Yea we got that.

19597978? ago

There's lots more, a LOT more.

19596866? ago

Oh no! What will they do without their SHEKELS!😆😆😆

19597069? ago

Probably play with their butthole.

19596516? ago

you'll soon discover most trolls do it for fun because Q is a lying piece of shit.

19597086? ago

If you are right, it means people are more pathetic than I have previously suspected.

19597354? ago

but not as pathetic as you...amirite? loathe some more doomer

19597418? ago

Lol. Says the guy that can’t stop himself from interacting with QRV. lol. Wow. Wag at a fuckin loser.

19597115? ago

your idea of lulz is watching TV. my idea of lulz is shitting in your oatmeal.

19597310? ago

Jeffrey Epstein Was arrested so suck it shill.

19597431? ago

it's going to backfire... watch.

19597911? ago

I’m watching with popcorn. Lol

19596832? ago

All are doing it for fun. No one is paying anyone to do shit here. Q is irrelevant as fuck. Nothing Q says has made or will make any difference to whatever is or isn’t going to happen.

19598401? ago

I’ve heard people argue against the existence of God less passionately than you just did Q.

Be more mad.

Then go get me a coffee, bitchmouth.

19599049? ago

I’m not angry. I’m not a follower of Q.

However, your name-calling shows you are defensive and therefore find my points valid.

19598290? ago

If Q is irrelevant, why are you responding to comments on QRV? Lol. You’re such a dumb ass.

19599055? ago

Ugh. At least you didn’t say “Your.”

19601484? ago

What kind of answer is ugh? Do you like discussing “irrelevant” things?

19601592? ago

The discussion isn’t irrelevant. Q is irrelevant. Dingleberry.

19601703? ago

And you are such a loser that you are here basking in the “irrelevant.” Lol. You people are stupid.

19601985? ago

Then show us one example of Q being relevant. Since it can’t be done I expect an excuse for not providing one.. or a mindless Qlown attack.

19602087? ago

Q and the community has been discussing how the elite partake in pedophilia and human trafficking. Jeffery Epstein was arrested yesterday. Seems pretty relevant. Lol.

19602711? ago

But Q had nothing to do with it, foo.

19606995? ago

We are in QRV. Discussing subject such as human trafficking and pedophilia. So yea. You’re dumb. Why are you here?

19598252? ago

Q isn’t supposed to be a fucking handbook to freedom. Lol. It’s a counterintelligence operation. We are the news. We inform ourselves. Q hasn’t been posting because the deep state finally started figuring out that Q was a disinformation plant to set them up. They fell for it. At the same time it created a community of like minded individuals that want nothing more than to expose the cabal and their bullshit. We don’t need Q. We never did. We just needed to unite. Q was an operation against the deep state. One of many. One that accomplished more than one thing. It just happened to be the thing that united us. We are united now. It was inevitable regardless. Qs purpose was disinformation for the deep state. We are entering faze 2. Buckle up buckaroo.

19597627? ago

You lying mother fucker! Fuck off.

19599067? ago

You don’t even know what “lying” means.

19604302? ago

Sure I do. I'm Human remember? You aren't. I member...

19605794? ago

I do see you are a Qlown.

‘Nuff said.

19597357? ago

that's sweet kiddo...now let go of the internet the adults are using it.

19597446? ago

you mean the stupid old boomer fucks?

19598439? ago

He can’t hear you. Here—let me.



19599837? ago

like Epstein and the Clintons?

19596800? ago

you'll soon discover you're a fat loser with no life and ENDGAME is here.





19596822? ago

I'm quite skinny.

sorry grandpa... try again.

19598281? ago

Is mom not buying you Cheeto’s anymore?

19595967? ago

Damn straight patriot, wwg1wga!