19619387? ago

No links yet.

19608459? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/8chan/3319958 THE "RAY" (Rachael) CHANDLER FALLOUT - COMPLIMENTS OF "Q"

19601235? ago

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19600101? ago

Seams like the play is to make it seam Trump and the Clintons had the same relationship with Epstein , Zerohedge already debunked this over a year ago. Share this link around on all the news sites that still allow comments https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-12-12/fusion-gps-tried-and-failed-link-trump-jeffrey-epstein

19601424? ago

https://voat.co/v/anon/3319972 Rachel Chandler or that may be the name of her handler.... Epstein... She was also friends with Paris Hilton.

19600745? ago

Rachel Chandler's Mom Is Nancy Salzman-President of NXIVM https://voat.co/v/whatever/3302334

19598308? ago

I suspect we're going to see an uptick in suicides.

19597482? ago

Trumps doj attacking citizens who have already been tried and punished for their crimes. The dangers of double jeapordy, next on CNN.

19596078? ago

Those sealed records were protecting a ton of hi-end scum. This could be a big week!

19616911? ago

Branson, Kevin Spacey?.... https://voat.co/v/QRV/3320344/19609284 That's Townshend

19644938? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3324236 Who here is old enough to remember when Jeffrey Epstein Island was a conspiracy theory?

19596016? ago

The fallout from this will be huge. That's why it was hidden for so long.

19595783? ago

JudeoCorporate Media bout to be BLOWN THE FUCK OUT!!

19595098? ago

I'm guessing you are understanding why California is having earthquakes and the "gas leak" explosion in Florida. They really are pulling out all the stops

19595028? ago

Wonder if anything is going to be brought up about his corporation. The research corporation that does genetic research and believe the corporate office is in NYC.

19594030? ago

Learn about her upbringing and background. I did after Q pointed us toward her.

She wasn’t doing any of that shit 2002-2005. Sorry.

19593947? ago

July 4th, BOOM July 10th, BOOM July 20th, BOOM

Here we go Brothers and Sisters!!

19593843? ago

I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it–Jeffrey enjoys his social life.

Donal Trump praising the pedo in New York Magazine back in 2002

19599321? ago

Awwwww. poor baby

19595113? ago

and here is Donald Trump kicking your leftist shit filled ass to hell in 2019. Fuck you leftist cunt. Your time is over, It is our time now

19594661? ago

Trump even back in 2002 was aiming for him ..... amazing.

19594452? ago

Did you miss the part where he booted him from Mar A Lago?

19594031? ago

It's true, because this faggot on the internet said it was true...right guys?

19593957? ago

Or calling him out with the last part of the statement?

19592982? ago

Is this what POTUS meant when asked about Pence being called back to Washington?

He said we would find out in a week or so, but that it didnt have anything to do with the White House.

19599619? ago

Second woman claims billionaire perv Jeffrey Epstein ‘directed’ her to have sex with Alan Dershowitz https://voat.co/v/QRV/3222006/18639555 money laundering... By lowering standards, the Modern Art movement deliberately created a market for low effort, easy to produce pieces.

Warhol, Koons, Picasso, Basquiat, and Pollock are the Big 5

19593129? ago

I was thinking the same exact thing!

Pence is a pedo and a human trafficker.... so it's a possibility !

19595138? ago

Chicago dem slime attempting to project onto Indiana

19594672? ago

And why HRC was pulled from her cybersecurity speaking gig?!

19598617? ago

The cancellation of HRC's cyberspeaking event followed shortly after Judicial Watch revealed evidence that the Obama administration knew that Hillary Clinton was operating an unauthorised and unsecured server to send emails (including classified documents) in clear mode over the internet in violation of government rules and the federal Records Act not to mention espionage Act felonies to people who had not been security cleared or vetted to see these documents. This also included sending a copy of all her emails to China which the CIA failed to carry out a threat assessment on when it was discovered but likely according to several reports after led to the death of a number of operatives in China.

19599016? ago



19595276? ago

Excellent connection. Clintons love Epstein

19592970? ago

This is the top of the big one people Hillary and them won't go down on government charges but they will go down on sexual charges

19596059? ago

They got Al Capone for tax evasion. Whatever gets them locked up is OK with me.

19594583? ago

Al Capone was on taxes.

19593490? ago

Good. I want Bill and Hillary to go down for Haiti and the sex trafficking. Let the treason charges be sprinkles on top of the sundae.

19594635? ago

Did Barry and Honey know anything?

19593243? ago

You know, after pondering this a bit, I reckon that all of the big dogs going down on sexual abuse of minors charges will piss the general population off much more than them being taken down for political crimes. People hear "politics" and go, meh. Messing with kids is a whole 'nother critter. The political crimes can come later and will be icing on the cake.

19598634? ago

This is so close to Bill Clinton and may be the first stage to getting at Hillary.

19598710? ago

Man, I hope so. When the evidence of her crimes against children comes out, everyone will be calling for her head.

19594606? ago

As they say .... it's those noisy people who cling to their guns and bibles.....

19594188? ago

Exactly. I have multiple normie family members who won't hear a thing about politics but are TOTALLY against any type of human/child trafficking.

Maybe this is what was meant by the first indictments will unite.

19594381? ago

You may be spot on with this. If all the child molesting, trafficing, murder is disclosed, it will certainly unite the populace like nothing else.

19594670? ago

Yep, we need to just cut to the chase.

My mother in law is as Democrat as can be, but recently told me "anyone who abuses kids or animals is not redeemable". There will be no getting out of these crimes, and unlike politics - no way to spin them.

19594044? ago

Excellent observation

19592438? ago

Cannot wait to see how the Menorah Shekel Menorah media tries to spin this!

19601344? ago

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19593950? ago

Shareblue is already trying to divert.....

19595093? ago

They will certainly try.

19593996? ago

^JIDF projecting their subversiveness

19593236? ago

I'll tell you how thy will spin it.... " Newsflash! Jeffrey Epstein, disgraced financier and ex-associate of Donald Trump..." The only way they will report it is they will link the old Trump Epstien connection....people outside of NY don't realize that JE was connected to just about everyone in NY...that does not imply guilt by association. BTW - look for them to try to take down Alan Dershowitz too.

19594688? ago

19593437? ago

Already saw this tactic being deployed on Twitter. They're all trying to project on Trump and Dershowitz right now. Meanwhile ignoring Bill Clinton's trips on the Lolita Express and the FBI plea deal struck with Muller.


19598444? ago

So we all agree Dershowitz is a good guy yeah?

19592951? ago

I believe this will lead to more arrest of top people and it will be more and more difficult for the MSM to spin. This arrest will be one stone killing 3 birds: MSM will be forced into a corner, more corrupt powerful people will be exposed, and normies will be redpilled en masse.

19593108? ago

yep, and DJT may also highlight some of the arrests with tweets, I can see it now "these people are sick!"

19592476? ago

they'll report it the same way they reported NXIVM ... "just barely"

19599009? ago

WTF are talking about?

The entire NXIVM case happened because of a NY Times article.

19599300? ago

Thanks Rabbi

19592802? ago

With Slick Willie involved, those stories are already in their burn buckets.

19592618? ago

right, but ray chandler involved with epstein is a much bigger deal...

Q said that it's huge compared to NXIVM..... going to take more effort to cover this one up, but I am sure they'll try...


19593815? ago

You fucking dope. These charges involve events from 2002-2005. Rachel chandler was like 13-16 years old at the time. You’re saying she was recruiting for Epstein during those years?

19605972? ago

Why do you think when the Law comes knocking so many Hollyweirdos flee to places like France etc did you see Mary -Kate Olsen and that French Olivier Sarkozy? For some this is kind of regular, in Arabia, Africa its even worse!!

19647645? ago

I suggest you do some research on Rachel Chandler, her family, and her background and upbringing. I think you will quickly see why there was no possible way she was wrangling girls for Epstein during 2002-2005.

19596033? ago

She was getting fucked by him back then. No doubt about that.

19595606? ago

13-16 yo.. to other 13-16 yo's 'hey! wanna go to a party?' its not a big leap...

19594321? ago


19593886? ago

Yes look at the pictures that Q shared. She was young

19594038? ago

Learn about her upbringing and background. I did after Q pointed us toward her.

She wasn’t doing any of that shit 2002-2005. Sorry.