19587308? ago

Oil is the blood of the earth

Burning it releases souls that are embedded in it into the environment

Rest assured that the intention therein must be demonic

19585252? ago

It doesn't say "MASON" though. It says "AONMS". I know you are taking it as some kind of code, but is it? This is worth keeping our eye on, but just because we can rearang some random letters into the name of an organization some already hate does not necessarily a code for it make. Also, we are no longer addicted to Arab oil, Satanic or otherwise since we are now producing enough oil for our use in our own country.

19585730? ago

Whats that burning Eye the Pray to on top of a Pyramid ? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3150083 Royal Masons in Napervile Worship a lidless eye wreathed in flame.

19588515? ago

"We are...watching you."

19583053? ago

Super true. Super old.

19583553? ago

maybe more suited to the conspiracy syb forums .... the Rome, Washington, Egypt, London all the same city cancer which once took flight? ? Dark Shadows was an old script and show: London's Burning is a Big Finish Productions original dramatic reading based on the long-running American horror soap opera series Dark Shadows....Reminds me of the Noland Batman movie ... a city so corrupt Burce Batman, we have infiltrated every level of its infrastructure .... When a forest grows too wild, a purging fire is inevitable and natural. @Anon83 @CognitiveDissident5 ... @Scroobius ... @Corpse_washer @BushChuck When you are young time is slow motion but over the years it becomes the blink of an eye compared to the age of civilisations and the ages of the universe, are we watching a train wreck in slow motion?

19583746? ago

No. You are sitting on a ferris wheel named history, and are currently heading downwards. It is nothing new if you read some history.

19582784? ago

Holy crap, UFO proof!
Bye Q
Hello aliens!

19582892? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3156629/18002984 It all makes more sense to me when I replace "ancient aliens" with satan and the fallen angels.

19582702? ago

Make Me Believe - Ep 18 - Adrenochrome https://voat.co/v/QRV/3248228/19582681 What are the Shriners, does it connect to Jews & the Masonics?

19582291? ago

Looks like the (((star of david))) to me...

19582666? ago

What was the real religion of Babylon the Open Borders, infiltartion, Egypt and Arab Pagan rituals even in Hollyweird, the Pioneers of Sexual Degeneracy https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3295105/19353284 In order for the planet to really heal, those perpetrators need to be brought to justice, each and every one of them. All dark secrets need to come to light for us to wake up and know truth again

19582619? ago

sigh It's not the Star of David. It's the Merkaba, it represents God. The unification of Male and Female energies. The rudimentary Male Symbol is an upward facing triangle, named the Blade. The rudimentary Female Symbol is a downward facing Triangle, dubbed The Chalice. The combination of the two elements to create the Divine Being of Action is represented by the Merkaba.

The (((Star of David))) is Cultural Appropriation of an Ancient Symbol that predates antiquity.

19585328? ago

When you get right down to it, many Christian symbols, including the Cross, are "cultural appropriations". There is nothing wrong with it, especially when the symbol is treated with the respect that the "Star of David"/ Merkaba or the Cross is.

19584285? ago

Correct. Long before the meaning of "Israel" held the arbitrarily assigned meaning of a "tribe", "place" or "state/country", it's original meaning was exactly this. The word "Israel" originally held this same meaning, combining the words:

  • "Isis" which represented the feminine energy (Goddess Isis)
  • "Ra" which represented the masculine energy (Sun God Ra)
  • "El" which represented the notion of being one with "God"

IsRaEl - YHVH/God after my own heart.

Nowadays the same meaning of the word is "IsRaEl" is used in the words enlightenment, awakening, self-realization, etc.

19585375? ago

Good explanation. I would only note that the only reason Israel is associated with the tribe of Israel is because that tribe is said to have descended from the Biblical Israel that you discuss.

19586171? ago

Herein lies all the confusion. The "lineage" has nothing to do with parents, genes, bloodlines, plots of geography, etc.

The "tribe" are those practicing and living by the spiritual laws/dictates. And none of it is about "what one knows/believes". Spiritual practice is all about what is emanating from, and vibrating/feeling within. Actions speak louder than words. Words are meaningless. Truly as simple as that.

19588358? ago

What you say is true, although it is a modern manifestation of those terms befitting our Western society of individualism.

19582761? ago

again the Demiurge, Baphomet thing? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3144313 I feel like the conversation on this board is constantly directed away from a certain group of <<<people>>>.

19582578? ago

Well, we know who owns the fed. And its definitely Jews.

"Masons" are just smoke and mirrors

19585577? ago

I think the modern Jews are probably best described as "the mixed multitude" from the Exodus. A group of petulant, crazy people, bent upon the destruction of everyone - seemingly from boredom.

Bill Cooper has said it isn't the Jews. There is plenty to criticize, but they're not a cult destroying the world. they're useful idiots at best.

19585840? ago

Useful idiots, true. Mixed multitude, true. From the Exodus? Not really the source. Nimrod, Babylon are the source.

Paganism, occultism, talmudic Judaism, Kabbalism, tammuz, astarte, Baal, molech, etc. Are the source of all of the evil traditions of man that pervert the Commandments of Yahweh.

The mixed multitude in Exodus made a golden calf to try and worship Yahweh, because they thought noses was dead. But they did not want to destroy anything especially not their relationship with the God who brought them out of Egypt.

Regardless, that doesn't change the fact that most people, whether Jews it otherwise, are not following the Commandments of their God, and are actually following God's adversary.

We are all useful idiots, but the truth will make you free

19589984? ago

Maybe you should reread. They nearly lead to the destruction of Isreal. They wanted to return to Egypt. They wanted to intermarry with Midian. Even more, if you read. You can see their influence throughout Israel's history. They rebel, they revolt, they supplant. They mixed with anyone with power. Etc.

Money, sex, power - they were there front and center.

19583059? ago


19583848? ago

Shit, even Adam Weishaupt was a jew. His succesor Guiseppe Mazzini was the very person who commisioned Karl Marx to write the communist manifesto and he also put albert pike at the helm of masonry. Karl Marx was a friend of Moses Hess who was theodore herzles (founder of the zionist state) biggest influence.

It always goes back to jews and crypto jews. Your either a jew trying to cover it up, or youre historically illiterate- in which case youre just a victim of the jews.

Jews have always controlled the masons and masonry is entirely based off of kaballah. He isnt wrong at all you greasy yid.

19585285? ago

You are scapegoating. There is way more to this than Jews, and way more good people who are Jews than those who are infested with evil.

19585954? ago

I'll add to yalls discussion: today's Jews means those post-babylonian, oral-tradition, rabbinical, blood-sacrificing Jews, not those inhabitants of Judea or those if the tribe of Judah, but those that call themselves Jews but are not. They are if their father the devil. The synagogue of Satan.

19588601? ago

It is an interesting discussion to have. The Kingdom of Judah was almost continuously a corrupt, idol worshipping society that was so bad that God had to let the Babylonians come in and take them captive for a few generations just so He could cleanse them and the land. The Synagogue of Satan I believe refered to the leadership which continuously and actively surppressed and persecuted the followers of Jesus. Are today's Jews a "synagogue of Satan"? They do continue to deny Jesus as the Messiah, but generally, Cabal notwithstanding, do not actively persecute others. This begs the question: is the Jewish element of the Cabal the modern continuation of the "Synagogue of Satan"?

19588781? ago

yes, but clearly that doesn't mean there isn't a Church of Satan, that says they are Christian but are not. Catholics, protestants, and eastern orthodox. Choosing to listen to the laws & traditions of man instead of God's is sin.

Everybody alive is guilty of sin, but some seem really bent on conquering over God's law; and it's high time to whip them out of the temple

19585533? ago

say hello to tel aviv for me you lying jew

19588164? ago

Not Jewish. I'm Christian to the core. Not lying. I am telling the truth. You are scapegoating, attributing all the evil to one specific group based on ethnicity, this does two things that are detrimental to humanity: First, it improperly attributes evil to innocent people who just happen to be identified with said ethnic group. Second, you are ignoring the evil that is coming from other sectors of humanity, allowing the evil to exist there.

19588729? ago

Not an argument, kike. History speaks for itself and its the jews every single time.

19601086? ago

Mao Zedong's Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution leading to the deaths of 60 million Chinese. The Kuomintang's "White Terror" campaign killing 10,000 Taiwanese. Pol Pot and the Killing Fields of Cambodia. Darfur in the 90's or any number of warlord lead massacres/ethnic cleansing campaigns in Africa, The Blackfoot American Indian tribe's conquest of the Great Plains and the associated wars and displacement of other Plains tribes in the 1820's. All caused by Jews? What you seek is an excuse to persecute Jews. You are what you accuse Jews of being. If you do ever actively persecute Jews for no reason other than that they are Jews, then you are sinning in the eyes of God and will be held accountable by Him. The proper approach is to judge individuals by their actions, not judge groups by their ethnicity.

19601268? ago


19606846? ago

Are you a Leftist? You are like a Leftist in that you don't debate the points. You just call names and belittle. This guy is telling us who is doing this stuff:


He was involved. It matches the descriptions given by Q. They are religious, but are Luciferians. not Jews. And the number is far smaller than the number of Jews in the world. Direct your efforts in the right direction. Unless maybe you are a Luciferian trying misdirection. That could be.

19582231? ago

Have Jester Lodge Criminals, House Pedophile Freemasons stolen $3-billion from Shriners Hospitals? Are all these seperate Masonic groups the same?? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3145210 The Odd Fellows runs it all by stealth.