20303169? ago

Obama brought in 20,000 of the beasts through Tijuana in the last month of his treasonous reign.

20303136? ago

The niggers here are one ebt payment away from this. Arm yourself.

20246943? ago

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19567537? ago

They wuz Kangs ... the real wakanda? @RageAgainstTheAmish @RedHeadMaiden

19579499? ago

I do not support taylor swift.

20292692? ago

19566990? ago

Just another video to make whitey feel bad about something he can do nothing about. These are animals, nothing more.

19567174? ago

@Holonomic @decimatetheweek What this Wakanda vid ..... @AlexanderMorose13 so Africa got poo poo culture? @sum_yungai @QueensNewYorkGuy

19566977? ago

They need to bust their goddamn asses just like every other country has done to make their own great, they don't want to put in the work, just want a free ride off of those who have already put in the hard work. Fucking vile nasty goddamn niggers, every single one needs to be eliminated.

19547441? ago

dindoo wuz kangz n sheeeit ? @WeLiveInAClownWorld @necrophagist79 @whitemouse

19494623? ago

We need more people with IQs around 67. They make good Democrats.

20301684? ago

The Entertainment Industry wants open Borders? The average IQ of Africans is right about 67 @Joe_McCarthy @WilliamCutting ? @Fetalpig @ScannerDarkly @gentlemanadventurer

19499403? ago

That's about the size of it.

19566827? ago

the real Wakanda vid .... They were donated computers, given running water, arms guns, cell phones but Does Africa have civilisation @earlymac @Memediana_Jones ? @yiddlerontheroof @edistojim @ForTheUltimate a strange peoples

19566937? ago

I fucking just absolutely HATE niggers with a fueling passion that you can't even imagine.

19499224? ago

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19493870? ago

Niggers with no hands is almost like niggers with good manners.

19493770? ago

Say what you will about Hitler, but had he won, Europe would still be a white continent. Germany and France now look like third world nations, and that's exactly what the socialists want to do to America. Western civilization is fucked if we don't crush these maggots while we still have a chance. After Trump leaves office, we will never see another white male conservative president, simply because we'll be outnumbered.

Have you heard how many AFRICANS are coming across the southern border? Not just Central Americans, but fucking mud-pie eating Africans! How do people from the poorest nations on the face of the Earth find money to get here? Take a wild fucking guess.

Some of you don't wanna hear it, but we fought on the wrong side of World War Two...



19495930? ago

Winners are what is needed and the Europe right fascist are a failure, alt right are a joke in Europe. The alt right the fags only throw hissy fits when their soccer team lost some game. Read the history of the battles, also the people fighting, dying and winning, defeating the Germans on the beaches, they should not worship the losers of WW ii in the end Nazi Germany were losers

19496673? ago

Yup...Nazis were a bunch of pussies, tell that to the 20 million Russians they killed. A tiny nation of 39 million people (the population of California) nearly conquered the fucking world. Yeah, they lost, but mostly because Hitler made a lot of stupid mistakes, and the Jewish cabal sucked the United States into the conflict. Neither the Russians or the United States would have won World War Two if they didn't ally with one another...particularly ironic as we now view the Russians as our sworn enemy.

And yes, I've read the history, many times over the past 40 years. Regardless of your feelings towards Nazi Germany, the German military was perhaps the greatest the world has ever known...our own military is based upon a lot of their doctrine.

If we had simply stayed out of the European conflict and focused our wrath on the Japanese, the war would have been over in a year or two. The Germans in the meanwhile, would have permanently eliminated communism. America and Germanic Europe could have co-existed peacefully, and we would have avoided a half-century of "cold war" that teetered on the brink of nuclear Armageddon and cost millions of lives in proxy wars like Korea and Vietnam.

Just sayin'...

19493439? ago

Massive Red Pill. Hard to stomach, but important to take.

20303034? ago

Taylor now works for her Skeksis paymasters, most of the media tv heads and entertainment industry seem to be programmed. @TheKalergiFan @FlyinToadstar ? @Kleemin @DABBING_AT_AUSCHWITZ @con77

20303106? ago

sold her soul. next she'll be doing the one eye pose

19493642? ago

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19493605? ago

Cultures are not inherently equal Anon.

19493613? ago

We have clear evidence, based on the fruit some cultures bear - violence, pain, death, destruction, suffering - that some cultures have no usefulness, and have little in the way of virtue or value.

19492608? ago

Unfortunately, violence beyond comprehension is already inside of you and everyone else. It doesn't need to be imported.

Pray that it continues to be dormant. Some groups seem to be trying to activate this instinct here, and it will not be pretty if that happens.

19566972? ago

Blacks are more greatly predisposed to criminality, violence and rape than whites. You can't bring yourself to admitting that because you're a coward.

19493753? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3142670 Rotherham a Pakistani, ShrinerMasonic Ritual, abuse rape exploits Rochdale, Keighley, Aylesbury, Telford, Newcastle. Scandal bigger than Roman Catholic Church or Hollywood??? Mason Cops cover up,

19645696? ago

a freak aaaa !

19492036? ago

Hard to watch, but should be mandatory for EVERYONE. May sound sick, but people need to be cautioned and aware that they MUST BE CAREFUL OF WHAT THEY ASK FOR. What you see in the video is EXACTLY what open borders (lawlessness) is. It is also exactly what the CFR/rothschilds/DeepState want to see worldwide to us goyim (cattle, sheep). The fewer goyim on earth, the more earth for them (CFR/etc.).

19566903? ago

This is what's coming to our doorsteps.

The time for political correctness is over.

19600067? ago

Yes, I know. I saw the movie Mau Mau many years ago (late 50's, early 60's). I also downloaded hundreds of muslin and Mexican cartel beheadings from u-tube etc. since early 2000's.

I have seen hundreds of pics of dismembered, disemboweled, skinned alive bodies, and bodies hung from bridges and overpasses, all done in Mexico, and countries south.

Even a couple of videos where live young men were hung upside down from one leg, eyes duct taped, beaten, genitals hacked off, then killed by slow beheading; and done by residents of countries just south of our borders. Both males and females participating in the torture and murders.

I watched and downloaded videos of family members of Mexican law enforcement officials beaten and electrocuted to death by other Mexicans.

In these videos it was impossible to ignore the obvious delight and enthusiasm the evil bystanders and perpetrators of the horrendous crimes enjoyed in inflicting such pain and death on fellow HUMAN BEINGS.

Many of these invaders bring with them the most evil of all sicknesses: they are many and for the moment, silently among us.

It is these evil, sick bastards who have been allowed to freely enter our country AND the liberals and RINOS have passed laws mandating our tax dollars now provide work free living, housing, and medical for these evil bastards.

They are already here American taxes are supporting them.

19547518? ago

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19547508? ago

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19492129? ago

This is the real world @boekanier ? ... @noworldorder @vladthehampaler the Hard fact of life @WhitePaladin @tendiesonfloor ??

19491944? ago

Those third world countries are very rich in natural resources, but that wealth is stolen by the bankers with the help of the CIA. If this stops, then the people will not want to leave. Problem solved.

19492090? ago

based Roddenberry ? PRIME DIRECTIVE... you see an inferior primitive tribe....then ... Don't give them tech? In Star Trek it is the General Order 1 of the Starfleet and an oath every Starfleet Personnel has to take and uphold, even if it means death to them or their crew. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Prime%20Directive As the right of each sentient species to live in accordance with its normal cultural evolution is considered sacred, no Starfleet personnel, Federation citizen and/or representative may interfere with the normal and healthy development of alien life and culture. Such interference includes introducing superior knowledge, strength, or technology to a world whose society is incapable of handling such advantages wisely. Starfleet personnel may not violate this Prime Directive, even to save their lives and/or their ship/installation, unless they are acting to right an earlier violation or an accidental contamination of said culture. This directive takes precedence over any and all other considerations, and carries with it the highest moral obligation.

19492156? ago

Interesting. So, are you saying the bankers are following this directive?

19492065? ago

10 yrs to go? In 100 years, the Native French will be a zoo attraction."- A prediction from the 1930s https://i.imgtc.com/Yt8o4Di.jpg

19492134? ago

The bankers can afford to fund the immigrants.

19492022? ago

It was a mistake to give them or sell them idea idea of buying into stock markets, MBTs, Lockheed Hercules, Mobile Cell Phones and AK47s.

19491903? ago

Now which group would help Congoids and Negroid fighters from Nigeria to invade South Africa and kill the Native Khoisan and Capoid, which group attacked their own White Cousins, whihc group put their own European brothers into Concentration Camps and attacked the White Afrikaner during the Second Boer War?

19547810? ago

Lots of Dindoo Sheeeeit @drhitler @combatveteran something messed up with them ? @SuperSaiyanCock @Podge512 @88gasoline_shekel

19547910? ago

What the actual fuck the people who advocate for open borders, mass immigration and support for third world people would be able to watch that

19491939? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/ScienceAnon/3135051 Jared Taylor - Race differences in intelligence

19491812? ago

Ebola is coming anyway they said, That should wipe out all the cities. You get it by touching what they touch. Then a few billion down

19491892? ago

@markrod420 @Attac what does it mean? ....maybe down vote and ban offensive stuff @biaxident @sherlock_holmes @An_Hero_OP

19492066? ago

Not sure why youre tagging me on this. Markrod420 here. I usually dont comment much on taylor swift or ebola. Largely because im not really sure whats up with either of them. Both perplex me. Is tswift woke or just another tool. Is ebola a real threat or something being used to fearmonger. I have too little viable evidence to go either way at present.

19491824? ago

'The CIA has come in from the social media cold, joining Hollywood stars and celebrities by launching an account on Instagram. '

'On the desk, believed to be located inside CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, were a litany of objects associated with espionage. '

'Instagram, which is owned by Facebook, has over one billion users, It is perhaps best known for celebrities sharing red carpet snaps, and beach holiday "selfies". '

'America's top spy agency made its first foray on the picture-based network with a cryptic photograph of a cluttered desk, accompanied by the caption "I spy with my little eye...". ' https://www.voat.co/v/AskAnon/3184797 'The most followed "Instagrammers" in the world include Kim Kardashian, Beyonce, Ariana Grande, and footballer Cristiano Ronaldo, each of whom have over 100 million followers. '

19566788? ago

wack vid @tanukihat @MagnusVeritas what is going on ? @AntiMason @Splooge @Adrianmc

19566840? ago

It appears to be Taylor Swift's "Wildest Dreams" video, which in it's original form shows a very idealized version of Africa...but interspliced with footage from actual Africa, with cannibals and machetes and murdered corpses. Personally I find it more entertaining than the original.

19491799? ago

Threats to the Humanity, dangers to Civilization, the religions kills, Fascism and Race wars killed, Floods and Natural Disaster killed and maybecommunism killing the most

20293219? ago

Taylor and the Disco Niggaz? but the Real Wakanda be some kind of horror show @MaxineWaters @Nonymous608 ? @traviscrabtree @Plant_Boy @SanFranTrailerPark

20293449? ago

Don't care, if they have a problem with the state of their country then they have to be the ones to fix it. I'm struggling with my own crap, I don't need the burden of supporting niggers who just fuck around in Africa.

19547403? ago

Whats up with Aaah Freak Aaaaa @curomo @BrennKommando ? @HeebSlayer @AmericanBannedStand @Einsatzgruppen1939 angry, violent and the Low IQs ?

19549869? ago

Fuck off

19547408? ago

wutz ? @MockingDead @Thats_not_my_dog @LunaNova movies fur dindoos

19491841? ago

The Symbolism at music tv and hollywood awards? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3150083 Royal Masons in Napervile Worship a lidless eye wreathed in flame.

19491751? ago

Well, the honesty starts in France, the French have lost their country. "Hundreds Of "Black Vest" Migrants Seize Paris Airport Terminal: "France Does Not Belong To The French!" https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3230353/18720165 Population replacement. That is the goal.

19564594? ago

19491853? ago

and Venezuela? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3190956/18342961 'Thanks for this info'