19509117? ago

He would have been better converting to Islam and gang raping some white 12 year olds, probably would have got off on probation (with a social security bonus)

19502503? ago

thank the fat drunk fuck Churchill

19495033? ago

There is some fairly credible speculation that the Prince married a Tranny. Plenty of pics showing her false baby belly

19495588? ago

Haha, I wasn't aware of this since I try to avoid all the royal family crap. WTH? One day huge bump, next day nothing? If she was faking wouldn't they be smart enough to wear the bump out in the public in front of photographers every day? That deserves a HONK.

19494490? ago

Trump's friends the royals. What side is he on?

19496731? ago

President Trump was/is "friends" with many people, both good and bad.
Keep your friends close....your enemies closer

19496159? ago

So was Bush and Obama, i guess a longer game is played

19493643? ago

He got hooked up with a fucking lowlife nigger. Deserves all the shit anyone throws his way.

19493305? ago

All white British are slaves in their own Homeland.

Very sad

19492978? ago

4 years for laughing at him marrying a half nigger sheboon? Yet werewolf mudslimes roam the streets tearing vaginas and anuses as they shove dicks down little girls mouths. Islamists can film their rape on periscope laugh and get a lighter sentence.

Not everyone is going to like mutant, mixed-race, babies.

19492575? ago

Fucking hell, 4 years for a meme.....

19509131? ago

Exactly. A meme no worse than Snoop Dogg's video

19495999? ago

Royals ain't English, not even British they come from an old Belgium, Bulgarian, Germanic House named Saxe-Coburg and Gotha

19491804? ago

Wow... just wow... yet They have a country full of actual terrorists (amdnthwr masters) who want to exterminate the white race...

Ironically, Harry IS a traitor to his race, as is the judge who made this decision.

19493635? ago

.. Taylor Swift Africa Redpill - Wars, Culture? Some immigrants will b exposed to violence beyond comprehension. You Import the 3rd world. Become the 3rd world !! Protect UnitedStates Southern Borders. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3308856/19493439 Massive Red Pill. Hard to stomach, but important to take.

19491729? ago

Don't speak up against your masters.

19491521? ago

No such thing as a "race traitor"

19493010? ago

Mixing races is race genocide only for whites as whites are a minority on the planet. One drop of gook or nigger and poof the white race is exterminated. Perfect Jew plan. Race mix now.

19497852? ago

Race mixing is not genocide, it's voluntary relationships (mostly) and procreation.

Genocide is what people are murdered by (((your))) masters.

19491391? ago

Un-fuckin-believable. I despair of my country. Thank God i left.

19491223? ago

https://archive.ph/Mi2yY :

2019-06-18 | Michal Szewczuk gets 4 years for Prince Harry 'See Ya Later Race Traitor' post - Washington Times

This has been an automated message.

19499806? ago

Because the teens were white they were targeted and charged as "terrorists?" 4 years is way too much for offensive art or memes in UK and it shouldn't be considered terrorism when someone memes.

They don't have freedom of speech over there in UK. In USA a mentally unstable woman spread photos of herself holding a bloody beheaded Trump effigy and nothing happens.