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19477390? ago

Women can’t be Masons you fucking dumbass.

You do know that Masons are made up of just ordinary White mostly Christian males, right? Most are prior military, and are very generous.

The Jew hates them. Welcome to 2019.

19495970? ago

ask your brother why freemasons allied with the Poos and the Pakis

19498124? ago

Why don’t you ask them? Seriously, you brain dead moronic pile of shit.

It’s easy to join, and rise in ranks. My brother, in 7 years, is the worshipful master of one of the oldest lodges in Washington State. In a few years, he could even be elected to higher office.

This is exactly where you show yourself to be completely incapable of any logic.

Why don’t you, if the organization is soooo evil, join it, and in a few years, tell us all about all the children being raped, who did it, and where. Or, whatever the fuck else your completely retarded brain thinks is going on.

Seriously, do it faggot. If you weren’t such a no balls piece of shit, you would do this, so you could let everyone know just how fucking awful they are.

But you won’t. A: because you have no balls. B; it’s easy for you to just spout illogical derp and pretend you actually give a fuck about this incredible evil going on. (According to your pozzed brain.)

Lemme guess, you also think Q (JAMES BOND HISSELF!) is real, and he needs the help of socially awkward neets like you, to expose corruption.

You dumb fucks have no ability to use the smallest amount of logic, and are full of literal shit in your head.

19574556? ago

Spirit Cooker Marina Abramovic ~~~ This Woman Had 3 Abortions So She Could Keep Making Meaningless Art I'm surprised someone would actually want to f*ck that woman