19484715? ago

I don't know if I am lucky or not, I have ADHD and don't have a good memory but I do remember a 007 movie, When Jaws a guy with metal teeth meet his girlfriend for the first time she smiles and she had "braces" it was love at first sight Now She never had braces in this reality! I first learned about Mandela effect (M.e.) when my Wife was study for her citizenship test, She turn to me and said I know they want me to say there are 50 States in the United States but I know there's are 51 states, one thing about my wife she has a memory like an elephant she can remember something happened 14 years ago on a specific day and everything about that day name, numbers what clothes we was wearing ect .. As a good husband I searched up when the last two states was inducted into the Union. That when I stumble onto the Mandela effect where whole group of people had same memory like my wife. 3 months later I work with a young Marine had alot Altered memories as a result of the Mandela effect.

19483879? ago

That's a fake news:

https://youtu.be/PEC1C4p0k3E?t=829 timestamped, JFK

19483736? ago

Where are you even seeing this quote?

I believe the Mandela Effect is real but want to know more on where this applies. It's still correct AFAIK:


19476874? ago

We should start a Mandela Effect Subverse and everyone post their best memes on it - that would be a fun site

19476737? ago

This is the only pic I know that seems to be of the Mandela Effect. However, I do not know if it's real.

spelling: JCPenneys.


19477652? ago

There are whole websites dedicated to the changing logos. It's just crazy.

19481030? ago

Got a link?

19482961? ago

Easily searchable...

19476496? ago

This is good recap for those who haven't heard of this - https://mandelaeffect.net/mandela-effect-examples/ We should write to this guy and tell him to add the Sandy Hook Hoax, the Boston Marathon Hoax, and the Russia Collusion Hoax.

Also - A heads up for all you research anons -- start to watch an interesting thing I've been noticing: The "news feed" thread that runs across the bottom of "news" shows. Most people are completely unaware of them, but their brains are logging all that fake news in without them realizing. I'll try to capture some of them, if I can stomach watching their BS shows long enough to do it.

19473417? ago

Mandela effect is REAL, I see a majority of the effects though a few are false

Who/what is doing this? CERN? D wave quantum computers? demons? (all of these?)

19480826? ago

I think the least un-likely explanation is time travel effects. They say the universe is intelligent and self healing, if you hurt it with time travel, it will heal it's self. It's like a temporal paradox is the same as a wound, leave it alone and it heals it's self. I think the Mandela effect is simply the scar left behind. I know time travel is science fiction, yet if you read "1900 or the last president" by Ingersol Lockwood (1890) it sure looks like we have a time traveling president. (same goes for "The adventures of little Baron Trump" same author) Hey like Q says "Future proves past" ~Q

19478461? ago

real Mandela effect = necklacing

19480479? ago

Well like everyone always says... "Judge not lest ye be judged" Oh wait did I quote that correctly? The bible might actually use different words in that verse right? I triple dog dare you to look it up.... (That verse has CHANGED, there's NO WAY anyone would quote it the way we ALL do.....) Go ahead, quote the actual verse in the bible let the people decide if its just "necklacing".

19481811? ago


burning bush - yes

burning tire - no

19476633? ago

No it's not. People often remember things wrong the first time they try and recall it then each time they reference it they are referencing the incorrect memory. Fact.

19477638? ago

Fact: Mandella effect is real.

I guess thousands of people who all have the same memory of an event are misremembering? And thousands of others who all have the same memory but with a different ending are misremembering?

Yall are trying too hard.

19476592? ago

It's not real. Humans just have the memory of a goldfish. YouTube for "lemino" he has an awesome video going over many Mandela effect topics and debunking them, showing how none of them are actually real.

19477590? ago


19474761? ago

I heared about examples of the Mandela effect. I didn't knew why it was called Mandela effect. Then I found out. It's very obvious, thousands of morons claim they remember Mandela dying in prison. It's not real

19480334? ago

Fake? I wish. I DARE you to find the bible verse "Judge not lest ye be judged" It's completely changed now. No human would EVER confuse what that verse has become with what it used to be, no one would ever remember it the way it is always said in common speech. Go ahead, there's tons of bible versions online. Look at the oldest the newest translations, it's not there anymore in history, but its STILL on TONS of tattoos, and even preachers' sermons done from memory. Spooky.

"The truth would put the 99% in the hospital" ~Q

19483681? ago

Exactly. Where's the original? It's gone. I looked in antique printed bibles, bibles from the 80's, from the 1800's, from early 1900's, then I looked up the historical accounts, nothing. It's gone from history. They all have this weird worded version. I remember reading in my own bible "Judge not, lest ye be judged." Plus that's what all the tattoos of that verse say word for word. Not everyone has that bad a memory.

LOL also I don't care what you or Sinbad says, he was in a frikkin' genie movie, I had to watch it with kids I didn't like on movie rental Sunday back in the 80's. I wanted to see the one with Shaq. AND they were NEVER the "stained" bears I would've called them the 'Baren-poop-stained' bears, no doubts in my mind, I had trouble spelling "Berenstein". But whatever just bad memories I'm sure.

Oh also there's the matter of "1900 or The Last President" by Ingersol Lockwood making Trump look like a time-traveling bad-ass, who's son "Little Baron Trump" is going to explore inner-Earth at some point in the future, but then again Q said "The end will not be for everyone", and "future proves past". So either way we'll see, no worries here man.

Hey I'm an honest man, so when I realize I'm wrong, I either stop being wrong or stop being honest, right? It's possible we all remembered some things wrong, it's just my bet we aren't all that wrong. My annie-up is taking time to make this post. I thank you for the response, the more we talk about this stuff the more it gets into the collective.

19474150? ago

it is not real, not at all, fucking people with bad memory and fucking liars is all it is

19474643? ago

Mandela died in prison. I remember the breaking news story on TV in the 90's. Fuck you.

19478856? ago

Mandela died in prison.

I wonder how this could happen to a man who died in prison?


19474702? ago

nonsense, you have a faulty memory

19477564? ago


19477814? ago

lets see your vhs tape of that news

19477897? ago

Different poster.

19474241? ago

Just because you are not afflicted by the ME doesn't give you the authority to decide what is real or not. I am afflicted and have no reason to lie. Of course I have considered bad memories and confabulation, but I have personal proof that the ME is real.

19477583? ago

As do I...it is real.

19474293? ago

every case of someone stating mandela effect is bullshit, straight out lies, there is no truth to any of it at all

19474050? ago

We don't know yet. I tend to believe that what we see is the side effects of something else, or maybe these are the effects of tests made by those who have just discovered time travel or something.

19472901? ago

Wrong President,

"Read my lips, no new citizens" " I did not have sex with that migrant" "If you want to keep your migrant, you can"!

19474459? ago


19473672? ago

Who Shot Bobby? Do the elite have an odd religion? Babylonian Black Magick and Occult Secret Societies https://voat.co/v/QRV/3271839 Qanon - the (((Assassination))) of John F Kennedy - July 4th 2019 Return of the King

19472873? ago

Lol, that's a pretty good one.

19472756? ago

Sorry fren, but the Jew re-wrote our history again.

Remembering personal experiences the "wrong way" will get you locked in a cage.