"it's the Jews!" "It's the Muslims!" "It's the Catholics!" It's the clever plan of the Evil One. People wake up! SATAN IS BEHIND ALL EVIL. each of the three groups have been created to cause caos and destroy the Truth of the Lord Jesus while at the same time hide who is really responsible. We don't easily grasp this concept because our education teaches us to see things as they appear. One guess who has been behind our education system? There is no stopping the Truth. Every knee shall bow soon.
Satan thought that if he could kill Jesus, God's only Son, he would be victorious. Satan (Lucifer) wanted to be God. He was jealous and wanted to take Jesus' place at the Father's side. He and the angels who sided with him fought in Heaven and were thrown out of Heaven. Though a very powerful angel, Satan did not understand the Plan the Father and Son had for their Creation. The Plan to reconcile us IF/WHEN we should fall by allowing us the freedom to choose good or evil.
Satan and his angels thought Jesus coming to earth was their opportunity to beat God. They walked right into the Plan. They realized their defeat as soon as Christ was raised from the death orchestrated by Satan. Jesus' death AND resurrection enabled man to be reconciled to the Father through is Son.
Look at history now. Look how everything has been engineered to draw attention away from the TRUTH OF JESUS. Truth will set you free. This is why establishments have been set up to cover Truth with lies. Even in our "Churches." God new this would happen. This is why He gave us Truth written down in the Bible. Study it. I prey eyes and hearts would be opened by this Truth. John 3:16 " For God so loved the world (all people) he gave (sacrificed) he's only begotten Son so that whoever believes in Him (faith) will have everlasting life." (The Father and Sons Plan the reconcile sinful man to themselves)
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19457181? ago
Jews are vetted as being evil shekel sheisters
19458444? ago
One Ring to Rule them all, some call out fake Christians, others say the elite have a connection with Jews, then we hear of abuse and the Shriner .... is there a connection? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3140712 I see an Arab Egypt Moongod, a Jewish Star, some kind of Pentagram and a dude riding a chariot of Horse through Clouds, and an 'S' like Sun Yat Sen lodge of Macau, a Star with Hole/Eye