19486873? ago

I believe you when I start seeing Catholic and Islamic controlled banking cartels who charge exorbitant interest rates and watch their wealth run rampant while everyone else's wealth is stolen.

Until then, I will not equate the mob boss with the bribed politician on the mob's payroll.

19465347? ago

Have you even read the Koran? Start at chapter 9

19464426? ago

Its all of the above together.

19464308? ago

No you idiot it is you!.....to control THIS game you do need to self be clean. Clean from what you may ask?.......absolutely everything that is built in this world. The magic would never work otherwise. They are masters of thought YOU are not! Everything you do try to reach outer is a sin for them they reach for inner enlightenment. They have time almost endless of time because THEY dont want anything that you are reaching for. They rule by thought only....YOU are just a miserable fool running to buy some V8 you dreamed about. It is a mirage..a mirror or reflection of who in reality you are. You cant be a controller with a WANT/NEED that thought is gone....money for them is a fools game.

19463874? ago

Which one is satan and which one is lucifer? And what is the supposed big lie?

19463832? ago

it's the jews....

19463003? ago

If everyone and their dog thinks "Satan" is Evil and "God" is Good, you think maybe things aren't as they seem?

The masses gulp down the garbage lies they're told, then try to force them on others for justification. Something is very fishy about the whole "Devil vs God" dynamic.

Don't be a blind gulping fish.

19463508? ago

Christianity is not a dichotomy. Satan has no power outside of what God allows him. Satan needs permission to do anything, see the book of Job for example.

19462927? ago

It's the Knights of Malta they control everything.

19462825? ago

It's all three christ cuck.

19462769? ago

Wrong. It’s those pesky dems !!

19462139? ago

Don't forget to DONATE DONATE DONATE. The Church needs your money much more than you do. Give 'till it hurts and then give 10% MORE!

19461903? ago

A Jew wrote this tripe.

19460806? ago

But all those groups you mentioned do suck, and have a statistically higher rate of commiting certain fucked up crimes against humanity.

19460608? ago

Ya forgot It's The Mormons !!!

19458319? ago

No, It's definitely the jews. Always has been. Read your bible, these are the children of Satan. The enemy of humankind. Biological parasites.

19459416? ago

satan is a jewish concept, humans only need time to think

19462031? ago

There are two Satans.

Consider what John had to say on the relationship between Jesus (and Judas) and Satan(s).

19458079? ago

"HE" doesn't want anyone to cling to any religion that has been corrupted by evil. Pray in your own way

19457613? ago

This is exactly what's happening today!

19457492? ago

Yup...the haters don't even get how stupid they are and how they are being used (assuming they aren't part of the agenda).

19457183? ago

Blah blah blah excuses

19457181? ago

Jews are vetted as being evil shekel sheisters

19458471? ago

UHHH... HOLY SHIT, LOL. "In the 1990's, as the hotel was being refurbished, engineers noticed discrepancies in the blueprints. They discovered a majestic Masonic temple hidden behind false walls." https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3185313/19264516 This is what caught my attention:

“The Greek Masonic Temple was built with 12 different types of marble, all from Italy.”

With Masons and the occult in general it’s always about symbolism. Twelve different types of marble representative of the twelve apostles of Christ, but quarried from Italy alone it betrays a connection to the Roman Catholics. The twelve are chosen in malleable stone in reference to the Bible, as the twelve apostles are the twelve foundations of the New Jerusalem, each described in the Scriptures as being of a different type of precious stone. The Greek architecture combined with Biblical subtexts betrays a core of gnostic doctrine; combined with the Italian connection it’s a furthering of the old pagan system of Rome which traces back to Nimrod and the city/Tower of Babel. All pagan systems tracing back from the Masons of today to Nimrod have been facades, or illusions, as described in the provided Twitter thread.

Control of the masses has always been the goal. It’s no surprise that this was hidden in a mental hospital, as there would have been no shortage of test subjects for new manipulation methods and “magic”.

Interesting feed, I think the author posted it without understanding the full implications of what they found. This is an astounding insight into the modus operandi of the Masonic cult.

19459294? ago

searching "Liverpool Street Hotel Hidden Temple" does in fact bring up pictures of the hidden temple. I can't find amuch written about it.

19458444? ago

One Ring to Rule them all, some call out fake Christians, others say the elite have a connection with Jews, then we hear of abuse and the Shriner .... is there a connection? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3140712 I see an Arab Egypt Moongod, a Jewish Star, some kind of Pentagram and a dude riding a chariot of Horse through Clouds, and an 'S' like Sun Yat Sen lodge of Macau, a Star with Hole/Eye

19458220? ago

I can verify this fact.

19456962? ago

No, it's the catholics

19457316? ago

Well the Vatican is now controlled by the Jesuits and they are Jew magic snake worshippers. So........

19456632? ago

fuck off, go give money to the church and feel better

19457561? ago

You worship a Jew God and his jew prophet