19434676? ago

Q has posted: [Future Comms] Pre_stage ele_y Pre_stage sec_y Pre_stage dir_y Pre_stage cap_y [OnReady] Q

On 1314 4 May 2018 On 2465 on 9 Nov 2018 And now again on 3351 on 27 Jun 2019

All three posts are identical in wording.

Not sure what to make of it. Why would Q post the same thing three times over a 14 month period?

19429426? ago

I'm so excited.

19428292? ago

Fuck - when Q says ready - it means JACKSHIT is actually going to happen. Another wasted week, no doubt.

19428221? ago

What a dumb statement after a month. WTF are we supposed to be ready for exactly? Q is wasting our time.

19426599? ago

Seems like we are about here: [Placeholder - OIG report > Umbrella SPY & Targeting] - Normies find out O admin spied on them publicly? [Placeholder - OIG report > OTR_C_] - No idea. Maybe the abuse from Occupational Therapists?

19430333? ago

OTR = Off The Record

19425965? ago

Born ready.

19424886? ago

Be ready? Really? What the fuck is this even supposed to mean? How the fuck are you supposed to prepare? Be ready for what? When something happens, what are people supposed to do?

19424362? ago

Interesting Caroline just put Jackie O's estate in Martha's Vineyard for sale. Big show coming out on JFK Jr. 7/15. POTUS said something good will happen in 2 weeks...something we've been talking about. I hope to God something happens. Soon. (Maybe Jr. will buy the estate anonymously...)

19422887? ago

Yeah bitches

19422854? ago

For nothing?

Can and will do.

19422845? ago

Gone for month. 30 days in the hole.

19422509? ago

Are you ready for this shit or what?

19422237? ago

We been ready, bruh, let's see something!

19422101? ago

At the ready.

19422008? ago

Are you ready shill mother fuckers? Your whole world is going to be fucked in the ass without the common courtesy of a reach-around?

19428396? ago

Yawn. 2 years now.

19421895? ago

I was born ready... But I just bought some extra ammo just in case. Lets do it.

19421552? ago

This popcorn has gone stale. I was ready three years ago. Put up or shut up.

19421917? ago

So why in the world would you bother to keep checking in for three years? Glutton for punishment

or: Are you a danger to yourself or others?

19421952? ago

I've been posting to voat the entire time and then some. this place just keeps popping up in /v/all

Never seems to actually deliver though.

19422382? ago

Never is a long time. Perhaps you have little patience. Perhaps you cannot comprehend what it takes to overturn thousands of years of debauchery. Perhaps you can't deal with the reality of what you're waking up to. Not everyone awakens at the same rate, nor should they or can they.

19423605? ago

No, I just think it's foolish and pointless to wait for those still asleep to wake up. Shock them out of their slumber, they don't deserve it.

19431511? ago

Sounds like: I want it now!! Guess what. This isn't Burger King.

19421544? ago

I am ready for anything.

19421382? ago

Q seems to be preparing for what twatter announced about shadow banning POTUS and other patriot pols. Just how it all reads to me. So.....what will happen when the leftards try this? 🤔

19421198? ago

I hope what happens is done with extreme prejudice. If the 'upcoming' booms do not include all the elite that we all know of (including Soros and his son), the 2020 election will be massively rigged because the rigged the 2016 elected but became a bit complacent - they all thought she would win 1 mill to 0.

19421180? ago

Ok, he's just taking the piss now

19421098? ago

Did General Michael Flynn change his Twitter banner? I don't remember seeing this one https://mobile.twitter.com/GenFlynn/header_photo

19421030? ago

Tired of waiting.

Bodies had better start dropping.

19421882? ago

So if you're so tired, why in the world would you bother to keep checking in?

And to your second comment - or what? Are you a danger to yourself or others?

19431295? ago

How can you type with your dad's balls on your chin?

19431551? ago

It's not an issue. We put Dad in the Ground 18 years ago. Thanks for the reminder. He was a great guy. Oh, btw, Foff.

19435380? ago

So you get your "mom" to dress up?

19437377? ago

Are you going out of your way to become a complete asshat or does it simply come naturally? We buried my Mom in 2007. Get you a glass eye and have it installed in your navel. Perhaps you can figure out what's what.

19439380? ago

I love it when you liberals have sex with your siblings.

19444825? ago

Congratulations. You've graduated!

19445371? ago

I got all my graduation done before the best part of you dribbled down your mom's leg.

19445569? ago

Oh! Were you a flaming asshole even then, but just recently graduated to mind full of mush, empty-headed adult shill? BTW, Can you define the difference between a Patriot, a Liberal and a shill?

19447323? ago

Let the liberal flow....

Have you got your safe space ready?

19474717? ago

Come visit, ID yourself instead of hiding in the basement. You'll discover the difference between patriots and twits.. but don't expect a book deal. You may not have time to write it.

19478114? ago

I don't do homoerotic fantasies.


19478995? ago

I really don't give a crap what you do - or don't, but out of pure curiosity, have you ever in your life accomplished anything you can point to with pride and say: "I was responsible for that!" Another stupid smartass answer will be accepted as "Hell No, why should I?", and I will accept that as your own verdict on your wasted life.

19479511? ago

There are many people alive today because of my direct intervention.

What the fuck have you done other than waste oxygen and search for homo companionship?

19479907? ago

OK, I accept your right to live a wasted life. All your vitriol is so far off base as to be laughable. NO, you didn't give me anything but more vitriol and BS. (That's YOUR own BuS coming at you.)

19480656? ago

You're the one spewing vitriol.

Get a dictionary.

19420603? ago

Someone needs to sit Q down and tell him a story about the boy who cried wolf.

19420379? ago


19420204? ago

Notable on 8chan.. Q - Be Ready - National Guard - #AlwaysReadyAlwaysThere


19420040? ago

Take a look at this /v/QRV/3289759

Someone brought up this bill

and providing for proceedings during the period from June 28, 2019, through July 8, 2019.

Also pointed out a view qresearch has been watching the view count to 144k for a year. That averaged 500/day for a year but Tuesday it increased 1k and another 2k yesterday to hit 144k before midnight. Someone was trying to reach that goal before 6/28. Trump's at G20 which is out of the country and I've read the currency reset was taking place when Trump was in-air or over seas.

lets see if that 6/28 - 7/8 isn't the 10 days of internet outage

19419884? ago

Did you ever teach a hyper dog to play catch with a tennis ball, and you pick up the ball and go outside into the field, and act like your getting ready to throw it, but you hold onto it for a long time, and you watch the dog that is really excited and slobbering and dancing all over the place and wagging his whole body in anticipation?

19419881? ago

Ready? After a month...... Be ready?? Bruh.

19419528? ago

19419503? ago

Q is back with his game face on, and POTUS is overseas. Be ready, patriots.

19419885? ago

Yeah heard this before

19420025? ago

Maybe you should just go back to jerking off to gay porn then.

19420080? ago

Sorry you got twiggered, sweetie

19420294? ago

no pwobwem, honey bunch

19419775? ago

Not just POTUS a bunch of world leaders. Cant be more heavy security. Somethings going down.

19419854? ago

Let me see your war face!

19419261? ago

Wasn't there a Q post about 10 20 30? Been 30 days of darkness this time.

19427182? ago

yeah I was thinking about that too🤔

19419248? ago

We have been ready Q! Do it already. It doesn’t feel like winning when hoards are still pouring over the border and justice still hasn’t shown her face. Drop the hammer.

19419182? ago

The mod GA been ready ho sent me her naked pics.

19419133? ago

my body is ready

19419104? ago

What are we/they supposed to be ready for? After just getting snowed with that FAKE Robert Mueller indictment, I believe NOTHING anymore.

19419033? ago

Bout the 10th time Qs posted something similar, odds this pans out?

19419719? ago

Water World- "They'll row for a month."

19419791? ago

Great insight!

19418986? ago

Been ready. Let’s rumble!

19418960? ago

Timing is so crucial leading up to the 2020 election. If things happen too early, the dems can reshuffle their candidates and come up with a new game plan; and also it wouldn't be 100% fresh in peoples minds at the voting booths. Things need to happen at the perfect time in order to secure a 2020 victory.

My gut and my hopes are telling me that the team can't act on the big fish until closer to the 2020 election. And the small to medium fish need to fry only after the dems have more debates, have more candidates front and center in the media, and so the voters can hear all of the talking points from the dems.

19419046? ago

You know what? None of this should revolve around politics or any election! For God's sake, I thought this all about 'saving the world'!!! If this is all as big as a war of good vs evil across the planet, do you really thing a fucking US election should dictate what/when shit goes down? Just let that sink in for a couple minutes.

19419128? ago

What you said is you want us to blow our load right now, put a deep state dem in power in 2020, and the show continues exactly as it has since the beginning of the jew.

You are clearly not one for logic and tactics of this magnitude. It's basically, would you kill 1 person now to save a million or would you save one person now knowing a million will die in the next 10 years.

You can't look at this in a short sighted way. This is the future of fucking humanity at stake here that can echo throughout future history for hundreds of years. Blowing our load now can fuck up the future. What say you to that?

19420702? ago

kinda hard to be in power from jail.

19419165? ago

Well, YOU just BLEW your attempted cover.

19419181? ago


19418869? ago

This was to PF board

19418847? ago

grab your red-pills and do your part.

19419074? ago

For whom? Banned from social media. Already tried with as many family and friends I can.

19419840? ago

Meme war's abrewin'. Do your part there.

19419215? ago

lol good question, where there is a will there is a way, get creative.Focus on a few that you may be able to wake up.

focus on one or two people at a time, focus on just a few issues, get them questioning even if its over a single idea.

19418664? ago

Fucking snore...

19419592? ago

Good luck fucking snore. Wear a glove as she gets around.

Happy shilling.

19418547? ago

FINALLY, you fucking fuck! Was that so fucking hard?!?!?

19421231? ago

Who fucking downvoted me? Huh? Show yourself, faggot!!!!!

19418532? ago

Boom! We're on. Ready and engaged.
Let it rip...

19418361? ago

For what?

19418238? ago

Be ready for moooooorrrrrreeeeee nothing.

19419605? ago


Little baby shill.

19418206? ago

We've been ready since day 1 Q, now we've just been waiting. Zzzzzzz zzzzz zzzzzzz

19428478? ago

We've been ready, but America has not been. It's more ready now than it was back in 2017 when I was ready, but the world was not.

19425439? ago

We might have been but the country wasn’t.

19427048? ago


19419829? ago

They mean, be really really really double ready this time!

19418082? ago


19419309? ago

The calm before the storm before again of course.

19419737? ago

Semper Gumby. Standing by to stand by.

19418027? ago


19417850? ago

Adl on speed dial

19417819? ago


The 2020 Democrats are losing it. They’ve spent over TWO YEARS trying to tear down me and my administration, only to fail. RIDICULOUS.

Corrupt SOCIALISTS like Sleepy Joe, Crazy Bernie and Pocahontas know they can’t win. They heard we raised a RECORD BREAKING $24.8 MILLION on the day of my Second Term Presidential Run announcement and now they’re panicking.

I want to keep this momentum going, NAME OMITTED. Let’s do something so HUGE and so INCREDIBLE, they won’t be able to ignore how strong our movement is.

Our critical FEC End-of-Quarter fundraising deadline is coming up and it will be the FIRST time our FEC numbers will be publicly released since I launched my 2020 campaign. I need YOUR help to raise $3,000,000 by June 30th at 11:59 PM to finish the quarter STRONG.

I want to know who stood with me when it mattered most so I’ve asked my team to send me a list of EVERY AMERICAN PATRIOT who donates.

(Just got this email from Trumps team, probably coded considering the use of capitol letters as he does in tweets, maybe an autist can confirm)

19419516? ago

Thanks for posting this and it's a good reminder that EVERYONE should be donating to the campaign. The extra money you made in your taxes? Give it right back. You weren't expecting it anyway AND we'll get four more years and even MORE money.

tldr: Donate donate donate!

19419010? ago

Retard. They are asking you for money. They EMPHASIS words to get you to gibs dem dat moolah.

19420241? ago

YEP! AND once you do, you get contacted damn near everyday to donate more. This is the GOP, riding POTUS coat tails. Not saying NOT to donate though. Just sayin...

19417805? ago

Reading this today was CAH-RAZY!!!

19417792? ago

Locked and Loaded JK is this the part where I go heavy on the canned goods on my next run to the store?

19418104? ago

I was thinking an extra dozen eggs. I'm out of room in my freezer for that sort of thing.

19420136? ago

Get a chicken to lay your eggs for you...;)

19418395? ago

Make sure you stock up on Astroglide too!

19420032? ago


19417755? ago

So not one word in a whole month and then 3 in one day. All of them clearly sounding like war is about to start.

Well, that's what it sounds like to me anyway.

I mean for God and Country? That's not something you say for a declas or some arrest. That's what people say when they charge into real live battle with bullets flying.

19419149? ago

Q has said basically identical shit on about 10 separate occassions.

19421119? ago

This is the third time he's posted this message. On Nov 2018, May 2018 and today.

10 times, don't exaggerate. #FactsMatter

19421240? ago

Again fool it's to get them to expend their ammo. Or are you so conditioned to post knee jerk reactions.

19421311? ago

So says the genius who can't fucking count.

19427756? ago

Don't be such a penishead. People use hyperbole. We say there were a million people in line today at the gas station. He didn't go count but knew it was multiple times.

19428116? ago

Learn2Code Learn2Count NotThatHard

19429536? ago

Learn2Hyperbole Learn2BasicConstuctsOfHumanInteraction #NotThatHard

19435267? ago

You're not even creative enough to come up with your own insults, so you use mine? I mean, thank you? Flattery and all.

But if you're going to come on a forum and debate, you might might want to develop a personality of your own.

You're a perfect little democrat lemming. Doing exactly as you're told. Good boy. Do you want a cookie? Good boy gets cookie.

Holy shit, I just realized my, my dog is LESS of an NPC than you are! What a cuck you are!

You're an NPC

19419989? ago

And make no mistake, patriots have been ready every time.

19420035? ago

The Q movement is significantly smaller now than it ever has been.

19428467? ago

That's not my personal experience. When my FIL and BIL start asking me, the known 9/11 truther about Q and telling me they think history is bullshit, that tells me that normies are starting to sit up straight and watch. I never imagined they'd say anything prior to the event. I red pilled them on a few things, planted some seeds, and let them know my door is open if they have any more questions.

I'm Ready.

19421172? ago

And by "smaller" it means "bigger"

19420276? ago

Found the shill bot.

19420311? ago

It is.

19419173? ago

And FF attacks followed each time.

Ammo expended yet?

19419278? ago

No they didn't

19421440? ago

yeah they did

19420441? ago

yeah huh. keep up faggot

19419096? ago

War for Israel, not America. We need to end this senseless list of wars we jump in to for the benefit of Israel.

19418084? ago

Yeah, that's exactly what it sounds like. A message to the Q team to Lock n load, put on your Kevlar, and carry Extra ammo.

19426523? ago

Put on the whole armor of God.

19420992? ago

I'm sorry but that's literally not what Q has ever said or been about. The forces we are fighting are the thought police, who would love nothing more than for Q to be inciting violence in a war of ideas.

19428333? ago

Again hyperbole

19421647? ago

You misunderstood what I said. I am not on the Q team, nor are you.

19417736? ago

I am from India. Trumps recent attack on Indian tariffs is brilliant. Our economy is crippled and useless and it needs to be opened but nobody from inside will do it. Only US could pressure the govt to open it. It would be a huge service.

19428273? ago


19426374? ago


19423999? ago

Im from Canada and I believe once Trump gets this all going all our countries will be better off.

19421786? ago

Welcome desi-kike. Modi FOREVER!

19421309? ago

If it's opened Home Depot can sell India some toilets

19421343? ago

We promise to take kamala riding to office Harris and Pocahontas and keep them on Andaman and Nicobar islands if you will prepare a shipment of a million toilets. No joke.

19421144? ago

Do you poop on the sidewalks?

19421278? ago

I happen to have a toilet but many of my countrymen aren't so lucky. But of course, sometimes I do poop on the sidewalk, which is the gentleman's choice of lavatory.

19421795? ago


19422040? ago

Think of it this way. Get bad service at a restaurant? You have more options for expressing your discontent.

19421113? ago

Good to see you, India Anon! WWG1WGA

19420331? ago

Excuse the rude idiots shilling on this channel, you will know a true patriot by his compassion. WWG1WGA

19421199? ago

Including compassion to Jews and niggers?

19421363? ago


19421449? ago


19421093? ago

Nah it's all good. I lurk around often and many times I post and blend amongst you peeps. I like all the banter and jokes. But yes, compassion is awesome! And you are awesome.

19419793? ago

What’s the political rationale for not opening trade?

19421067? ago

It's very simple. "We are protecting our small and domestic traders". "From predatory large foreign companies". Nobody will ever tell you how they are predatory, they won't event try. They just say that and that's it. They won't even try to realise it's all voluntary and most Indians would love American products. But nope. The specific political rationale is that much of the economy is composed of informal small traders and agriculture, and they sit in large unions who absolutely loathe competition and liberal policies. They have a lot of influence and no political will seriously touch this topic. The average consumer loses out in all this.

19421141? ago

While I see your point, there is also some truth to what they say. It might hurt your economy to abstain from trade with the rest of the world, but if western companies got a firm hold in India, I don’t doubt that they would immediately begin looking for ways to subvert your country and it’s culture. It has probably been happening already anyway.

19421194? ago

No. That is not true. Define subversion. Especially as it relates to culture. Sure, They would have an impact. I am not convinced American companies would usher in something like communism- counter productive. That's the only real danger.

19421317? ago

Google and Facebook are American companies and they are screwing us over with digital authoritarianism in our own country. Our pharmaceutical companies poison us with ineffective medicines and load our food down with pollutants and other toxins. Monsanto even sold Indian farmers large amounts of GMO seeds that resulted in failed crops and massive losses. Large corporations can be as corrupt as any other moneyed interest.

19421381? ago

True. Definitely. But being almost completely closed off is foolish and churlish. It deprives us of all opportunities- good and bad. That is what I am against.

19421412? ago

Yes, I understand. I think the bottom line is that before international leftism came under serious attack, there were no perfect options. Every choice had some drawback.

19421450? ago

Yes. And at the end of the Day, if you are struggling to feed your people, you have to make serious decisions.

19419197? ago

Thumbs up!

19420411? ago


19420547? ago

Correct. Coke with black pepper.

19419081? ago


19418721? ago

Glad to hear it could be a positive for India. When it was reported, I was afraid that it would hurt your economy.

19421111? ago

No,it will do the direct opposite if trump is successful.

19439668? ago

You know so little a thimble could fit your knowledge and an elephant

19457145? ago

Please enlighten me. I demand you to. Let us take this to its conclusion and prove who is the fool, you or I, And if I am proven foolish, I will learn and mend my ways. Please start and tell me where I have erred, and if you do not step up to the challenge- I declare you to be unfit to defend your nation.

19469521? ago

my comment was to the dude saying it will do the opposite if Trump is successful not you

19472896? ago

Okay. You accidentally replied to me though.

19420998? ago

No. Our country has been befitting from privileges granted under the generalised system of preferences, all trump has done is take those away because we didn't give the US good access to our economy. What hurts us is our inability to interface with the global economy. We need to be open and let foreign investment in and stop pearl clutching about the domestic producers, who produce shit.

19427109? ago

I hadn't thought about that angle. That's great!

19423894? ago

Is any of that related to Bhopal? I can see how a natural reaction to that would be to shut down foreign business access.

19422124? ago

I have no doubt that India does have some products that are of a good quality.

19425884? ago

India still produces some of the most beautiful handcrafted goods in the world. Woven carpets, bone inlay furniture, glass mosaics, block printed cottons, sand casted metal .. I work in home furnishings and many of our high end accessories are produced there. Had the pleasure of spending 2 wonderful years in India. Miss it. Wonderful country!! Modi?? Not so sure about him.

19418666? ago


19428308? ago


19420261? ago

Now all we need are some Iranons and Chinanons.

19424018? ago

Ive seen Iranians speak in here. Iranians are not the enemy their leaders are.

19429437? ago

Do their leaders make them beat women to death on the regular?

Family members?

If your brother rapes your sister then you set her on fire, is that congress's fault?

19421510? ago

Q 3348 https://twitter.com/Ph03n1x24/status/1132671753212387329📁 Japan_public China_non_public SK_non_public Q

19421023? ago

And Mexicanons

19421154? ago

Brexitannon reporting for duty

19421302? ago

How much do I pay you to annex India again?

19605879? ago

Your talking about the Colonialannons. Today 50% of UK trade is with former Commonwealth countries who have all said they would support Brexit. Then there is always the potential to partner with the USA and help their businessannons reach new international markets.

19419501? ago

Ever funnier if by some miracle his last name is Jones.

19421165? ago

Unfortunately, it isn't. It's curry.

19420783? ago

Indianon_Jones user name.

19419698? ago

He’s Indian.

19419724? ago

He kicked my dog.

19421472? ago

It now need operation?

19421123? ago

Correction: I poured curry on your dog.

19421849? ago

You fucking guy

19421140? ago

How dare you sir

19421243? ago

It's revenge for you guys cancelling Appu. #representationmatters

19418825? ago


19421323? ago

No, no, it's indianaan

19419590? ago


19418889? ago

You're named after the dog?!

19418686? ago

Made me laugh

19417967? ago

Welcome Indian Anon.

19425027? ago

watch where you step, there is a lot of shi......

19420054? ago

God Bless you and keep you India Anon.

19421137? ago

You too. Thanks

19417658? ago


19417653? ago

More fun when Q posts while POTUS is out of country.

19419816? ago

When POTUS is away, the Qs will play.

19417648? ago

No SRSLY guyz it's happening now fo reelz!!!!!1

19417647? ago

These were posted on the patriotsfight board. my guess is declass is right around the corner. probably not until the DS makes another move though. watch out for FF!!

19417987? ago

DECLAS before Mueller.

19426458? ago

Q Post #2856 "Mueller > DECLAS > OIG > Truth > Justice" Unless that was disinformation, we should expect Mueller's testimony before DECLAS.

19431189? ago

I never take Q literally. Disinformation. Makes sense to DECLAS before. Unless you want to have Mueller and co caught in a lie.

19421992? ago

Or Mueller before DECLAS

19419202? ago

Don’t hold your breath. Laura Ingraham said last night no IG report until maybe end of month.

19425365? ago

She said it would not come before Mueller testified on the 17th

19430147? ago

So much for the end of May huh? This delay shit has been going on a long time.

19420305? ago

Ummm... it’s the 27th....

19421376? ago

Next month. July

19419455? ago

Declas before IG

19419630? ago

I thought it was Comey before IG report?

19425414? ago

I don’t think anybody really fucking knows. It’s a free for all at this point between Comey, IG report, and DECLAS. Laura Ingraham did say last night though, that she has a source tell her that we would not have the IG report before Mueller testified on the 17th. DiGenova said it’s Wray’s fault for stonewalling Horowitz. I’m slightly convinced though that DiGenova and his wife Victoria are disinformation artists

19430158? ago

Yeah Joe D always has something strong to say, wink wink on good authority, that never comes to pass. I think he’s just full of himself.

19417640? ago

Do it Q!!!

19417613? ago

Q, What do you want us Combat veterans to do? We stand ready for anything you need, Even as Giving Witness statements against these TRAITORS we are ready Sir.

19427261? ago

Train others.

19427057? ago

Thank you for your service.

19421214? ago

Sit tight Patriot.

I'll be calling on you once the mass arrests start any day now.

bE REadY

19419792? ago

Buy Popcorn Enjoy the Show -Q

19419088? ago

I was a whistleblower once before, I'd do it again.

19420288? ago

Like...on a train? Plz elaborate....

19421976? ago

Chuckle... literal humor, doesn't get much better than that.

19420378? ago

I reported on my military leaders while I was in the Army.

19422370? ago

Thank you - true patriot

19426309? ago

Thank you and all the glory goes to Jesus.

19419002? ago

Share your skills

19418805? ago

Buy ammo....

19423711? ago

I don't think shooting people is what Q has in mind...

19423916? ago

I think Q had the exact opposite in mind.

19423843? ago

I'm going to shoot anyone who comes into my house uninvited.

I'm going to shoot any liberal who is a threat to my life, in my home.

I'm going to do everything in power to protect the ones that I love.

Feel free to do nothing, as leftists come confiscate your guns.

19422349? ago

to shoot eachother? How will that help

19422354? ago

To protect your family from radical leftists, if it wasn't obvious. Their mental illness knows no bounds.

19427750? ago

Q said a certain percent of the population is too far gone to be saved. What do you think is going to happen to those people? If they are not eliminated we are going to have a full blown insurgency on our hands because there are hundreds of thousands of people who will not accept the truth and will likely use violence as a way to "resist".

19427897? ago

That's why all we have to do is teach them about Christ. Choosing to reject Christ, means eternal damnation for their souls.

Love is the key. If they reject love, they are an enemy.

There's also a reason we respect the constitution, especially the 1st and 2nd.

You better be ready to protect your family.

19418290? ago

Q wants you to blow up a gas station, he told me personally.

-Qs fren

19418975? ago

Do you want to get QRV quarantined? Because that's how you get QRV quarantined! HAHAHAHAHAHA

19418495? ago

It must be difficult to be so empty inside.

19419131? ago

Not empty, full of some sort of red liquid.

19418755? ago

That could help swimming.

19418727? ago

made me laugh

19417601? ago


19417555? ago

Been ready, pull the trigger Q, fucking faggot is in 7th grade

19417510? ago

Yeah boi. You got it Q. Do your thang.

19420689? ago

Q is so over.

19422159? ago

Then get the fuck out. We don’t need you here- you bring nothing to the discussion.

19422340? ago

I bring Truth and Awareness. I lift the mentally challenged from the fog of Q. I am a cult breaker. I bring the Great Awakening.

19423607? ago

You’re a fucking hero! Fuck off faggot.

19423706? ago

Kneel before my greatness, dear child, and abandon the fraud that Q beholds.

19426312? ago

The fraud that Q LOOKS AT?

Wrong word, illiterate dumbass.

19428670? ago

Yes! The same fraud that you follow.

19422776? ago

Autism is a mental gift. The mentally challenged are the Qlowns.

19417932? ago

Dick pick^^

19418924? ago

No, it's a link to a bunch of q proofs, you fucking kike.

19418626? ago

Damn I still clicked

19421291? ago

Admit it, you lingered there too. It was alright huh?

19417798? ago

Amen!! God bless!

19417796? ago


19417612? ago

Our thing.

This is Patriots fight not Q fight

19419908? ago

Lol behind your computer screen? Stay complacent

19421274? ago

Make more memes Patriot.

19419779? ago

Q wrote, "Enjoy the show."

19417450? ago

Totes ready!

19417385? ago

Uninspiring drops so far.

19418017? ago

I am sure that Q is very hurt that you said this. He will def change his plans to suite your needs.

19417452? ago

said the NPC. Too bad because for those who are inspired, it's GLOOOORIOUS. Reeeeeeeeee

19417279? ago

Boom. Been Ready!