19391202? ago

Your title plus body equals 2727 English Ordinal (224 letters, 57 words).

Trump tweet #2727:

We are completely ready for hurricane Florence, as the storm gets even larger and more powerful. Be careful!

This tweet adds up to 1000 English Ordinal, and is (88 letters, 18 words).

A hint that the STORM is coming?

October 28th, 2017, at 8:22 AM, POTUS tweeted (tweet #1):

Very little reporting about the GREAT GDP numbers announced yesterday (3.0 despite the big hurricane hits). Best consecutive Q's in years!

This tweet contains exactly 112 alphanumeric characters, and exactly 22 words.

May 31st, 2019, at 3:12 PM, POTUS tweeted (tweet #6101):

As we celebrate LGBT Pride Month and recognize the outstanding contributions LGBT people have made to our great Nation, let us also stand in solidarity with the many LGBT people who live in dozens of countries worldwide that punish, imprison, or even execute individuals....

This tweet contains exactly 224 alphanumeric characters, and 44 words. Double the dimensions of the "hurricane" tweet which it links to above. This seems to be absolute confirmation that the LGBT tweet links to the hurricane tweet. If that wasn't enough, the "Reverse Full Reduction" Gematria method for the LGBT tweet adds up to 1224!

There were 3 consecutive Q's missing. This signals to us that the big hurricane AKA STORM is coming.

Now that we see that there is an absolute link due to POTUS utilizing the numbers 112 and 224, read on for your mind to be blown. 4chan anon made his thread before POTUS ever made his LGBT tweet, completing the link to the hurricane tweet.

4chan anon, in one of his final posts, used the phrase "July 4th, 2019. The Return of the King" ... So? July 4th, 2019 adds up to 112 and The Return of the King adds up to 224! This is extremely significant, and I believe it adds credibility to the idea that 4chan anon is a legit insider.

Trump's LGBT tweet was created as a warning that the storm is coming. Combine Trump's special numbers of 112 and 224 and you get 336...

Ezekiel 33:6 New International Version (NIV)

But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes someone’s life, that person’s life will be taken because of their sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for their blood.’

19390956? ago

I do KNOW that the Q team is pushing the July 4th date, but they have pushed dates in the past and nothing has happened.

4chan anon is legit and part of the Q team, and so is this voat anon.

June 20th, 2018, at 9:14:11 PM (21:14:11), Q makes post saying:

R they serious?


June 23rd, 2018, at 7:14:55 PM (19:14:55), 'R' makes his famous post.

The delta between these two posts is exactly 2 days, 22 hours and 44 seconds.

The voat anon also mentions the R post, and hides the number 1223 within his post:

Prepare for 'The Event' ! The choice is and has always been YOURS!

Title = (50 letters, 12 words)

Body of post = 1211 words. 1211 + 12 =


And then you have this other random voat anon hiding the number 1223 within his post. He even mentions JFK in the post.

CNN Says you cant investigate C_A because they operate in their own world. (Thats Excactly the problem!! May JFK's vision be done)

Title = (102 letters, 23 words)

Gematria value of the title itself ALSO adds up to 1223

Why do they keep showing us the number 1223? Look at Trump tweet #1223:

I have been briefed on the U.S. C-130 “Hercules” cargo plane from the Puerto Rico National Guard that crashed near Savannah Hilton Head International Airport. Please join me in thoughts and prayers for the victims, their families and the great men and women of the National Guard.

This tweet about a "plane crash", contains exactly 223 alphabetical characters, as well as being tweet number 1223... The Gematria value of the tweet adds up to 2446.

2446 / 2 = 1223. I believe this tweet was a secret reference to JFK Jr's plane crash, and a hint that he is still alive.

October 28th, 2017, at 5:09:57 PM, POTUS tweeted (tweet #5):

...addresses of any mentioned person who is still living. I am doing this for reasons of full disclosure, transparency and...

This was the second part of a tweet about JFK information being disclosed.

This tweet is (98 letters, 20 words).

June 18th, 2018, at 12:52:59 PM, Q makes post saying:


Ability to share [open].

(Heat) on who?

(Full) transparency _ DECLAS?

(Undiscovered) facts emerge?

Ability to move forward?

Occam's Razor.


This Q post also contains 20 words just like the POTUS tweet that it links to above. It contains the number 98 in it as well.

Who was the heat on? The heat was on JFK Jr. This is why he had to fake his own death in the plane crash. This Q post is telling us that we will eventually have full transparency about JFK Jr. and undiscovered facts will emerge.

19388100? ago

I smell bullshit. Bullshit everywhere.

19388524? ago

Naturally. You have your head up your ass.

19387584? ago

Freedom? We lost that many, many moons ago. We have no real freedom brother, and we're certainly not getting it back in the next couple weeks. It's nice to dream sometimes though.

19387456? ago

Tell us more about this "freedom" after you make it through the checkpoints on the Mall (or the checkpoints on the Virginia side if you're watching along the river).

19387982? ago

So, am I free to pick mushrooms? No? Well then, what is this "Freedom thing" I have heard about my whole life?

19388114? ago

You're free to do as we tell you. Now pay your taxes and obey the law!

19387382? ago

The smell of datefagging is in the air.