19409306? ago

When the work is done Q is quiet.

19402158? ago

2020 is a choice between Trump and the National Socialists.

19401571? ago

Not that it means much but tomorrow is tne 27th, the same date as on the watch in drop 3232. The time on that watch was 15:06. Who knows.

19429839? ago

Clap. Good call!

19400038? ago

Don't be discouraged. It is a possibility for sure .

19399454? ago


19399057? ago


Beyond tired of this bait and switch/ha-gotcha-DS-fooled-you bullshit. Look, I understand the need for disinfo, but the rollercoaster ride is now boring. I just want it to fucking end. This means the big fish get caught, filleted, and fried NOW. There is SO much evidence to do this, yet nothing. Hitlery ALONE could rack up so many life sentences/execution it'd be a laughable trial.


19398462? ago

Good work Patriot. Great share. Good calculations. I like how you think and calculate.

I also had this feeling somethings big is happening soon July 4th! Next week, keep eyes open.

19394818? ago

You're correct, but OP, realize those numbers mean more than you realize. Keep digging. Use the bible.

19400150? ago

Which Books, in which Testament, though?

19400244? ago

Simply search 40 days, and 5:5, for starters

19407273? ago

Okay...guess you mean digital search of on-line Bibles; otherwise...40 days and 40 nights, I'll be searching. kek. TY

19408128? ago

Yes, that would be easiest.

Sign of Jonah

Sign of Noah

Jesus said those were the only signs that would be given.

Aside from that Jesus was in the wilderness for 40 days.

If we want to skip to 45 days...

There is a gap of 45 days between the 1290 and 1335 days.

Blessed is he who waits for and reaches the 1335 days.

Q post 1335... SKY EVENT

what'll really bake your noodle is Rev 5:5.... who IS the lion??? Open your eye, and you'll see him.

19440281? ago

Just read your post again, and, without having looked around at all, I'm pinged by the Q repetition of Sky and Water. That would be Noah and Jonah, with 45 sounding the 'coming?' btw, I'm not tripping; this is how my 'mind' normally functions. ;-)

19440391? ago

Very nice...

19430048? ago

Never did understand what "Lion of Judah" meant. My guy has dreams where he's in that cave on Patmos, writing Revelations. Hoot, mon! He's been no help whatsoever in Q-bible deriddling. kek. He flipped out over a bumper sticker (rare in this blue town) "Trump 2020: Make the Liberals Cry Again." He said it was an "angry old woman driving a Sienna (car model relevant how?)." I said, "I'm rather angry, myself. And the context of that meme is..." He zeroed in on the idea of Meaness...deliberately making people cry. Echoing, of course, the narrative of why liberals are crying. "No!" he shrieks, and covers his ears like a 2-yr-old (he's 69 Earth years), jabering na na na na..." Cognitive Dissonance coming for my dear 'conflicted other.' I'd like to be supportive when the meltdown happens, but is it truly 'safe' to be be present with a person (a large man) who is temporarily non compos mentis, and who consider YOU the trigger for their meltdown?

19430804? ago

They are losing their minds, literally.

We are the planet of the CROSS/ing we are crossing the galactic equator as we speak. It is charged with energy. Each side are mirror images of each other. Positive and negative charged. Once the crossing occurs, it abruptly flips the magnetic poles/polarity of the planet. Our brains are nothing more than electromagnetic devices. Our brains are tuned into this.

It causes all life with a brain to lose their minds. Mass animal die offs, mass human die offs. We go crazy. UNLESS....

WE HAVE THE ARMOR OF GOD. Supernatural protection afforded to creatures who follow the LAW of God, which is described in the armor of God verses. Truth, Love, etc..

The cabal and most of the left have none of this.

19440119? ago

Yep. [They] either lost, or sold, [their] God-given Ballast. Spiritual recycling or rehab for those folks, imo. I have to Not Watch gifs and vid clips lately, because the dissonance in their presentations, words--whatever, is actually 'sickening.'

19429813? ago


19440487? ago

You, patriot, have been blessed with eyes to see.

19430825? ago


19440367? ago

Yayus! Yugest Ever!

19394143? ago

So if there's a Q post in the next week, the storm isn't upon us any more?

19393794? ago


19393087? ago

Imagine how enlightened you think you are. Imagine that enlightenment and stick it up your ass. Jew trump isnt going to send a q tard out to send cryptic messages to save us all.

this is as cancerous as the jews themselves.

19392579? ago


19392351? ago

40 DAYS works including END DATE.

May 26 2019 12:01:33 (EST) QPOST 3349



19392293? ago

Sure, another decipher with dates, codes and letters of the alphabet. Give up, there is no storm on the horizon unless it is unleashed by we the people taking over the streets.

19391958? ago

Next week's winning lotto numbers please!

19391520? ago

The Storm came and went.

Right now it's only a mop up event.

They are so fucked.

19391412? ago

"Look to twitter" Surely it won't be Q+ who posts this. Who would it be?

19391160? ago

Meanwhile, in real life, nothing will actually happen.

19391104? ago

I don't understand. Why are you cherry picking post 55? Explain please.

19391273? ago

What do you mean?? 5 weeks, 5 days. 5:5 (Q), 55. Not that hard.

19390308? ago

Uh huh.

19390123? ago


19398519? ago

How DARE you question the goat entrails?! Surely their prophecy is self evident!

19390058? ago

Hannity said something big. Possibly today. However, his tick-tock record ain't so good.

19390822? ago

He says that shit all the time...

19389959? ago

This anonymous shit is ludacrous. You have to know who the op is because credibility is earned.

19390702? ago


19391076? ago

why is that a nice try? what do you think my motivation is? you think i'm some kind of deep state buttboy? bullshit.

19391375? ago

We need to namefag because credibility

Oh please glow harder my eyes are getting wrecked from reading in the dark.

19391732? ago

i'm @drstrangegov . your argument is invalid.

19392308? ago

Stupid alias.

19392722? ago

I'm sure yours is just as stupid. But we'll never know until you stand up and own your words.

19389958? ago

This is like the 100th date prediction holy shit

19391910? ago

Yeah but this one real tho.

19392716? ago

Alrighty. I'll be here on July 5th ready to read the next "but disinfo was necessary" excuses and the "but totally August for sure" predictions.

19398532? ago

You think it's ok to let evil cabal knows what's happening and when it'll happen?

You don't believe in fishing for intel?

You don't believe in giving out bait?

You believe that evil cabal should know what is happening, and when and not do anything about it?

You don't believe in tricking the evil cabal, to bait them, make them make mistakes, and use it against them???

19407687? ago

Until there is proof only a fool would think 100% that any of this is more than a clever PR campaign. Proof being actual arrests or tribunals of consequence or perhaps public "turning" if those being used to catch the big fish.... hopefully Mueller is this and it happens in July. Maybe not. The point is, dont be a fool - think for yourself and question authority, even when that authority is Q.itself... pretty sure that is what Q would want if it's real - for you to question all the way til there are real actual results.

19420612? ago

Nothing is ever 100%.

Example: You think the Sun is hot? If so, why is it more cold the higher you go? Think that through. I'll bet your brain can't handle this question, and you think it's impossible, and will dismiss it as this thought comes to you.

Q 3156: https://qmap.pub/read/3156

Ray Chandler = Allison Mack x 100


Allison Mack of ‘Smallville’ Pleads Guilty in Case of Nxivm ‘Sex Cult’ Where Women Were Branded. That's from the fake news as well https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/08/nyregion/nxivm-allison-mack.html

That's actual results for you.

So you see, you will get your major arrest soon. Working from bottom to top.

19389903? ago

Damn anon, that's some interdasting shit, well done!

19389888? ago

Suddenly another one awakens; claiming greatness Carry on

19389634? ago

Dear Lord, please let it be!!

19389499? ago

Does anyone even bother to check work or confirm for themselves?

This guy is INCLUDING END DATE IN CALCULATION (1 day is added) which is not a standard method of calculating dates.

May 26th to July 4th is ACTUALLY 39 days...

With this in mind, I still KNOW that the Q team is pushing the July 4th date, but they have pushed dates in the past and nothing has happened.

4chan anon is legit and part of the Q team, and so is this voat anon.

June 20th, 2018, at 9:14:11 PM (21:14:11), Q makes post saying:

R they serious?


June 23rd, 2018, at 7:14:55 PM (19:14:55), 'R' makes his famous post.

The delta between these two posts is exactly 2 days, 22 hours and 44 seconds.

The voat anon also mentions the R post, and hides the number 1223 within his post:

Prepare for 'The Event' ! The choice is and has always been YOURS!

Title = (50 letters, 12 words)

Body of post = 1211 words. 1211 + 12 =


And then you have this other random voat anon hiding the number 1223 within his post. He even mentions JFK in the post.

CNN Says you cant investigate C_A because they operate in their own world. (Thats Excactly the problem!! May JFK's vision be done)

Title = (102 letters, 23 words)

English Ordinal Gematria value of the title itself ALSO adds up to 1223

Why do they keep showing us the number 1223? Look at Trump tweet #1223:

I have been briefed on the U.S. C-130 “Hercules” cargo plane from the Puerto Rico National Guard that crashed near Savannah Hilton Head International Airport. Please join me in thoughts and prayers for the victims, their families and the great men and women of the National Guard.

It's about a plane crash. Remember how JFK Jr. "died" in a plane crash?

19399431? ago

Good share Patriot.

Trump did say he has big news coming. Could be next week July 4th. Would be nice to see this theory proven correct. Way too many coincidences for this to be a nothing burger.

It's like Trump and Q has been giving out clues, then we got a big scent, they denied it

Time will tell if it's true or not.

19393601? ago

The 223 is the reverse of the Skull and Bones number of 322. The White Hats are sending them a message when they code that into the messages, that they are in control, and have inverted (((their))) game, with Patriots in control. It's a head fuck by the patriots, and appears WAY more than you think. Go back through ALL of Q's posts and POTUS tweets. A lot of 911 and 1911 too FYI. Peace.


19389409? ago

Comey is set to testify on the 17th, the night of the 16th is the Full Buck Moon, also known as a Full Thunder Moon signifying the start of the summer storms or the Full Hay Moon signifying the start of the Harvests.


19389272? ago

I’ve heard this claim before

19389233? ago

The quality of content on QRV has improved over the last week.


19390953? ago

No it hasn't. You obviously weren't here when the real research was habbenin

19391090? ago

10 months (9/13) ago when Q announced the board - decodes lacking or hit / miss. It’s my opinion that the last week has been good- remarkably so as compared to the last few months.

19389203? ago


High Profile Arrests INCOMING

19389194? ago

I think there will be an announcement by DJT on the 4th. I'm not expecting Blackhawks to arrive and ship the cabalists to Guantanamo Bay but he will definitely make a stride towards their downfall.

19389031? ago

Until you see jews listed as foreign enemy combatants, nothing is being done.

19390139? ago

Are you a jew, posting anti-jew narrative to both attack and divide the Q movement on QRV, and defend satanists by omission?

19390878? ago

Oh, you don't yet realize who's behind the "Cabal" yet.

That's unfortunate.

19391395? ago

How do we know you're not one of them.

19391388? ago

Because the Pope is a Jew

You idiots never tell us how the Pope and the Israeli's are connected. We see you vatican shekel niggers.

19396533? ago

The Catholic church was taken over by jews long ago. The pope is a nigger feet-lickin' jew

19388845? ago

Hope you’re correct. Hopium

19388267? ago

So what is going to happen on July 4th? No bullshit, let's speculate

19389148? ago

I turn 1 score and 13 years.

Woot woot

19389437? ago

That's my B'day too big 60 yikes

19389495? ago

Awesome. Well I'll shoot the cannon for you too. Only once though: don't have the powder for 60

19388075? ago

"My fellow Americans, ...Arrests or GTFO!"

19388251? ago

Patience, or STFU. Don't you ever get tired of being dumb?

19388380? ago

Let me guess? We'll have to be patient right up until the 2020 election. Then, we'll have to vote for Trump before we can see any justice?

19388689? ago

NXVIM trial guilty verdict led to a lot of information that is now actionable. So a window just recently opened that wasn't before. Expect strategically timed fallout, allow for optics and public consciousness shift.

19390133? ago

"blah blah blah muh optics blah blah excuses blah blah delays blah blah stalling blah blah blah"

This is all just leading up to Nov. 2020 when Q tells everyone: "You have to re-elect Trump before you can see any justice"

It never was about justice or rule of law. It was always about a psyop to re-elect Trump.

19393801? ago


19387913? ago

Now that your bullshit leader disappears for another month, you fucking retards have nothing better to do than play dumb ass math games so you can make your OWN bullshit predictions that never come true?

19387826? ago

I know right?

and if you take 50 and divide 5 then multiply by 4 and subtract 4, then take the square root and then add 11 (sum of all fears) to it - it's 17 !! Q = 17

The other day, I calculated 248, which I think we all know what that means, that God himself is about to come down and whoop ass on the democrats. It's essentially written in the bible! I read it on the internets, so iz true!

More amazing, it's that if you do this on a wednesday night at midnight on the 3rd week of the month only during April and then you turn around 3 times while singing Mary had a little lamb and dancing the hokey pokey - you STILL come up with 17 !!

No shit! I'm not kidding. (Kidding = 1 + 6 = 7 and then ADD 10 (who knows why), and it's again 17!!! PS. You can also just take 20 and subtract 3. That works too but is less exciting.

19388860? ago

Yeah. Except you’re just going off of the deep end. Are you trying to say that Trump and team wouldn’t use code? Even though Q has done this from the beginning? Lurk more newfag.

19390575? ago

That's not a code that's occult numerology, it's closer to a horoscope than anything.

19388763? ago

I had always suspected. Thanks for the confirmation anon.

19388687? ago

Jew ^

19387732? ago

KEPP IT UP DELUSIONAL HICK NUTCASES! Great comedy! Totally hilarious!!!! LOL So Goobers, it's HAPPENING again?

19387517? ago

finally its happening!!!

19387510? ago

Well done. More 'maf' using the rule of 12 and 24. Q post 1240 = Reagan "We Must Fight" video. Q post 2440 = "Be Proud Patriots, Today America is Reunited". WWG1WGA! MAGA! KAG!

19387493? ago

Not bad.

19387443? ago

I think you're right. Storm clouds have really been building. Normies around me starting to listen. Some lifelong Democrats I know asking what happened to their party. I talk to people all day and everyone I talk to wants a secure border. They think late term abortion is murder. They dont want to be Islamicized. They hate what the DEMONRATS did to Kavanaugh and they say they'll vote for Trump even if they hate him because they've become afraid of the DEMOKKKRAT party and its intentions. Amazing! Can't wait to have them coming more and asking more questions. Every day they do because they dont believe the media anymore and I've proven my research accurate so many times now, they think I'm some kind of insider. Lol.

19393356? ago

I agree, am seeing friends unanimously talking about border security. Slowly wakening up.

19390834? ago

you are an insider ; )

19390618? ago

You are an "Insider"...that's why we're here. people will need help understanding "what is happening". God Bless us all, Patriot!

19389025? ago

Or could simply be 55 days from 5/26 which is 7/20? That might be more likely, I don’t see them doing anything before the Mueller testimony 7/17. But his testimony could really open eyes on things that weren’t looked into. And Dems have til 7/7 to strike an immigration plan. Don’t see 7/4 being special in the public arena.

19391497? ago

so, i love OP's theory. But i'm tempted to side with your logic ONLY because of what happened on D-Day - nothing. Q Team won't do anything to overshadow the importance of the moment. Hopeful it's the 4th (because a tweet about the "storm is upon us would be some real pyrotechnics!) but thinking it will be the 20th - mueller's testimony will be the signal. His part in the show? Expose everything. He will tell the truth. Expect nadler banging his gavel saying "you're out of order. And you're out of order. Strike the defendant's testimony." Ugh can't unring that bell, I'm afraid. You're on live TV and you, sir, have just been Q'd

19399209? ago

The 4th or otherwise, we all know something is afoot. I am beginning to think that Mueller's use of Wiseman and the resulting antics....were bait for the dems. Look at the date of the testimony. 7/17...717. Notice anything curious? Bad moon rising for the dems.

19390114? ago

you think Mueller is going really - as in really - going to testify? How many times has Lucy pulled the football on you?

19399220? ago

Look at the date.

19390315? ago

Whether he does, or whether he doesn't - nothing can stop what's coming. His role is finished. All he's done since is try to muck things up. Fail!

19389999? ago

Silence stands out on the 4th. Silence of the DC mayor
Trump cancelled the victory parade/celebration(11:11) blaming the mayor
The unholy Trinity ?? under White Hat attack
Trump has unloaded on the Vatican & London

Time for the White Hats to unload on DC
Glorious times ahead. ENJOY the RIDE

19390348? ago

Spiritual, financial, military - the three ways the enemy will try to attack us all before they fall. The three cities - they're coming. But their time is short.

19389132? ago

You're most likely right. By my logic, the only reason you wouldn't be right is if those events you mentioned were to give the baddies a false sense of security.

19398315? ago

I tend to agree that nothing will happen before Muller, BUT it would be great to drop a ton of evidence on the 5th then BBQ Mueller under oath. Give him the choice of purjury or confirm the treason of many.

19398376? ago

mmm, BBQ on the 4th.

sorry got distracted

19389126? ago

You know the President took over the 4th of July celebration this year, right?

It sent the ((( MSM ))) into a tizzy. That alone is reason to believe something special is afoot.

19396174? ago

No mystery- The Dims are accusing Trump of hijacking the 4th for political gain. He will make a totally non-political speech ala The Gettysburg Address. They will be once again discredited and delightfully apoplectic.

19390363? ago

I didn't know that - awesome!! :D

19388775? ago

When Trump tweets "Presidential Harassment!" it is a "storm" marker. He always goes on a retweet storm the next morning!

Look at trump twitter archive. The marker was his last tweet last night, then sure enough, he wakes up and does a bunch of retweets!

19388829? ago

I don’t think he actually sleeps. Dude is inhuman.

19390283? ago

God made him special, just for this time and for what needs to be accomplished. I don't know when I've ever seen anyone so lacking in fear, so immune to intimidation.

19396210? ago

so immune to, intimidation
he's quite aware of what he's, going through

19401322? ago

...turn and face the ch ch changes ...

19389068? ago

It's a team effort.

19393927? ago

Yes, but even so, he has incredible stamina. To work at that incredible pace with such a major agenda, with psychopathic enemies without and within undermining you at every turn and constantly spewing lies and hatred...quite amazing.

19398408? ago

His operation in perpetual Flow State entails photosynthesis and nidra sleep cycles.

19394857? ago

No doubt about it, anon. The President has incredible stamina and energy for any person, regardless of age and itinerary.

I've only ever needed about 5.5 hours of sleep a day, too. I consider that a blessing.

19389076? ago

Most certainly!

19388236? ago

Fuck yeah. America is back.

19390127? ago

Those two drops on that info graphic aren't in Qmap. Were they from Q?

19396369? ago

Ah I see my confusion. The timestamps didn't match because the info graphic is in CDT and I'm in EST.

19389384? ago


19389405? ago

Love all of us. America always wins.

19389441? ago

Pizza delivery guy asked me if it’s a holiday because of all my flags and the TX flag and all my Americana on my front porch. I told him everyday is a holiday when you are American. 👊🏻

19389508? ago

You are a fucking rock star. I have a couple small flags outside on my path towards my house. My real prize is a Trump sign in my front window that I have had there since the day Trump announced his candidacy. I've update the sign with a new one once, but that's the only change I ever made to it.

19388813? ago

I love our Country so fucking much !

19399910? ago

I love our President

19389397? ago

Born in the USA is not a fucking black mark. We kick ass. Always and every day.

19390940? ago

And work harder than anyone every day

19387429? ago

Holy shit

19393931? ago

What the germatria Of the STORM?

19388506? ago

Check your pants!

19388818? ago

ha! excellent !