19384496? ago

Yeah! But I get to be the first to dress homeless and poop in the streets

19378463? ago

The rich areas have the local cops in their pockets, so it's the only place where tent people will get rousted.

19375751? ago

Been saying this for years. I would be happy to see an Occupy Beverly Hills, or Occupy Hollywood sit in too.

19374338? ago

Anyone who promotes this mentality is saying its okay to flood the nation with illegal immigrants.

Unless you fucking retards forgot these are illegal immigrants who ought to be shot on site for invading the country not bussed further into our lands for the sake of a political joke.

19373975? ago

Now that's a fantastic idea. Someone needs to distribute directions to Hollywood areas where they have large grassy front lawns and the people are welcoming and wealthy.

19372097? ago

How about we don't and send them back like the president campaigned on

19371953? ago

The citizen homeless should seek refuge in the homes of the leftist elites.

19371784? ago

Organize an in-USA caravan

19370256? ago

This is a good idea. I'll bet if it works I can hear the Oy Veys from here in the Midwest.

19370218? ago

Have 8chan and 4chan make memes telling the homeless that they can have a literal "Beverly Hillbillies" dream just by going to Beverly Hills.

The masses of homeless show up on the streets and demand social "give me" from the taxpaying celebrities. Demand they be given stuff or else they are being discriminated for the crime of "economically challenged".

Make flyers or something and spread the message. Instead of "Please Give - Godbless", hold cards of "DeNiro destroyed my tent. I have nowhere to go. Help me."

19369757? ago

https://tweetsave.com/mitchellvii/status/1143515728173137920 :

Bill Mitchell on Twitter: "Rather than putting illegal children in holding areas while they are humanely processed, perhaps Democrats in Hollywood would like to step up and invite them to live in their mansions at no expense to taxpayers?

Let's turn Beverly Hills into a refugee tent city!"

This has been an automated message.

19369730? ago

I have no doubt the loving tolerant progressive would gladly open up their homes and spacious estates to the poor defenseless innocent criminal migrants.

19369655? ago

How about camps in front of Jimmy Kimmel show?

Live ... For all to see.

19370864? ago


19373191? ago

Quit telling people what to do, asshole!!

19371358? ago

I don't, but have a liberal friend that works there...they all are brainwashed and oblivious. This,would be a giant red pull, as they think this is right wing propaganda. They need to "experience" Socialism...shared misery 1st hand!

19369341? ago

Lots of room around De Niros house and I’m sure he’d bring them soup.