19311594? ago

Hi officer, here's a case for you. It seems to be a hate crime: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3291426 "@virge hates Qews"

19311146? ago

How many investigations have you launched so from your office in your moms basement?

19310802? ago

Fuck off back to the SBBH vote farm.

19309899? ago

What is it like being the most retarded of all government agencies? Do you hurt inside for not having a high enough IQ to work or NSA? Or degenerate enough for CIA?

19309913? ago

Fuck off. The FBI is the best federal organization.

19309980? ago

Sounds like something a low Iq fed would say. I have friends in FBI, SS, CIA and NSA. FBI tools are the dumbest squares of the entire crew. If you don't know that already, you are living a lie or are not an actual fed.

19310012? ago

NSA Is only if you want to be a peeping tom. CIA is if you want to be a psychopath.

19310018? ago

Yes... they still test higher than you cavemen.

19309817? ago

why blow your cover? is j edgar hoover really wearing a dress in cryo-stasis? do you know Q?what does melainas underwear really smell like? & finally, how many jews are behind this?

19309787? ago

Welcome. Is there a fee for us to review our personal files at the FBI, and if so could you give us an idea how much?

19309265? ago

Were you born with Zero testicles or no testicles? This will be on a test later, so get it right!

19308761? ago

Ya because if they put someone in charge of qrv, they would know who they put in charge, therefore you’d be outed 🙄

19308698? ago

Hannity says some of you guys are good, but I think you are all faggots

19309949? ago

yeah hannity is fucked. FBI are little cunt shits. The daycare of government agencies.

19308701? ago

Fuck you.

19308656? ago

Why is there just one? Jews did 9/11

19308688? ago

  1. We have shifts. I do the 7:00-3:00 shift, Monday-Friday
  2. That is higher level stuff. I don't know.

19308588? ago

I bet you’ve yet to grow your first pubic hair.

LARP away laddie.

19308539? ago

How can the FBI hold Shaffer Cox in prison?

19308633? ago

He's a domestic terrorist faggot.

19308755? ago

Bet you know a lot about faggots don't you soy boy.

19308503? ago

Do you wear a helmet every time you lick the flag pole in the middle of winter?

19308492? ago

When is Q going to stop being a faggot and deliver?

19308515? ago

Never. He's a LARP. I know the agent who operates him.

19309864? ago

Obviously you dont know fuck all about how Q works

19308767? ago

OP is a faggot and he loves cock,

19309999? ago

well.... he IS a fed

19308466? ago

Must be a slow day over at SBBH.