19310042? ago

Pizzagate Exposed Artist Jeff Koons as a Pedophile Involved in Money Laundering - His 'Rabbit' Scupture Just Sold for a Record $91 Million to the Father of Treasury Secretary Mnuchin https://voat.co/v/QRV/3222006/18639486 Why are artists and and artwork so arrogantly idolized? People place importance upon them that they don't really have.

19310000? ago

This post is an educated guess, an informed opinion. I find it very plausible. You would to if you are an anon and have been researching

19318124? ago

2004, a 76-year-old Mason, Albert Eid, carrying two guns, He reached into his right pants pocket, pulled out the wrong gun and shot William James, a 47-year-old fellow Mason, in the face, killing him https://voat.co/v/QRV/3112465 One member, Michael Paquette, said that when he was initiated into the group five years ago, two mouse traps were placed before him, and he was told that one worked, and one was broken, he said. Another member tested the broken trap, then told Mr. Paquette to touch the live one. He did, and discovered that it, too, was a dud. ''It was really harmless things,'' Mr. Paquette said. ''It was just for you to be there and realize you were in good hands, and you didn't have to fear anything.''

Just read that part and had to comment. Why would they have to fear anything in the first place???? Hmmm? Weird. What would cause you to have fear and not think you are in good hands when joining any other club?

19312185? ago

Because of all the information available to us I have long thought we would all get a chunk of money and debts forgiven.

19307777? ago

Just remember what happened in the French revolution.

Kek. Just how old do you think we are?

19310096? ago

Memory Holed Much?

19306553? ago

Interesting, it would actually be cool if this were true. It makes the most sense. As long as it all comes out in the open, that's all I care about.

19306687? ago

I agree. Not all are irredeemable. The truth MUST be made known far and wide. The whole world must know.

19307301? ago

So who do you supposedly represent though? I'm not knocking what you were saying in the OP, but kinda sounds like you're playing the High Level Insider angle...so what? Are their like 3000 year old 'good guy' secret fraternities that have been trying to help humanity against the 'bad guy' secret fraternities/mobs?

Are you going to be pushing for a space elevator next? Jk..just curious

19310127? ago

I just wanted to present my take on the whole dark to light phenomenon that we are in. My take on it has some Devine intervention aspects to it

19309230? ago

Not sure what you're talking about. I was not the OP.

19311081? ago

...oh...i should learn voat one of these days

19306407? ago

but... i want vigilante justice... :*

19313557? ago

no, you've been lied to in order to condition you to want it

19322523? ago

nope, pretty sure i just want to satisfy my sadism on those who deserve it. but thanks for your analysis doc.

19322653? ago

you don't think your sadism could be a result of being lied to so much?

19305536? ago


19305296? ago

Sounds wonderful! Problem is that it's 100% Bullshit.

19305087? ago

Sigh. This doesn't go far enough and really underestimates the size of the enemy army. Sorry. "The Negative groups of people involving - Jesuits, Rothschild's, Rockefellers' and Illuminati about 1 - 2000, people will all be removed from power after 'The Event'." -- One to two thousand? Are you kidding? What are you smoking (whomever wrote this - which apparently wasn't the @OP)

First of all - there are 6 MILLION Freemasons. There are 17,000 Jesuits that we know of - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsVVQdJO3OY There are untold millions of illuminati minions. We were brainwashed all our lives about those evil Mafioso without realizing our very own C_A was far worse, and destroying far more lives than the Sicilian Mob ever did. And at least the Mob had some code of behavior, that the thugs and evil DS don't have.

If you understand Blood Oaths, you'll know that very few are going to pull away. "Basically had no choice" also includes being brainwashed with numerous Alters who don't even know who the others are that live in that body. This is a fracturing of the mind that only God or Death will relieve. The deeply criminal, sick, evil elements at the Core of the Deep State are only the tip of the iceberg. And the Sheeple in the US and around the world have been raised on so much propaganda they don't know what is true and what is fake.

Read the excellent book - Nobody Died at Sandy Hook -- the prologue is a huge history lesson on how we've been duped going back to the Titanic. (Which wasn't the Titanic that Sunk! It was it's sister ship, the Olympia, which was about to be scrapped because it couldn't be repaired. So they swapped them out and arranged for the sinking of the Titanic with the men on board who would have saved us from the FED!)

We have been so thoroughly lied to, so deeply embedded with fear programs and fear responses that it's difficult for most of us to ferret out the truth.

That being said, I DO believe this Q Awakening process is real. I DO believe many humans have finally come to a place where we can wipe the dust out of our eyes and start to see the Truth. We can hear varying opinions and sort through them without freaking out about the conclusions. The shills on here and on all revelatory websites and videos who shriek and accuse and yell LARP! are not there yet. Some need to yell loudly so they finally wake themselves up. Sometimes it takes reacting and responding to things that are uncomfortable to find the truth.

For myself, I have not given up HOPE. I hate the phrase "hope porn" - which takes a good human trait and mixes it with something as profane as porn. It's good to have faith and hope. It's also good to have more discernment. Whoever wrote this piece sounds almost like someone trying to lull us all into leaving it up to someone else.

But - for drill, read Dave Grossman's Sheep, Sheepdogs & Wolves piece - https://www.policeone.com/police-products/training-products/articles/1709289-Book-Excerpt-On-Sheep-Wolves-and-Sheepdogs/

IMHO, the majority of good souls on here are the Sheepdogs. The Shills and bots are the wolves. Or rather, the wolf pups, because they have no conviction of their own, only a paid kneejerk response like a human bot. One can only hope more of the NPC's - the sheep - wake up. But some never will. Some cling to their fairytales because they never developed the constitutional fortitude of self-reliance. So we will do what we can to save and serve them.

As for the "Event" -- that's in God's hands and in the hands of the MI Q team. It will be up to sheepdogs to ensure that once things are more or less settled, we go back to a saner, less military-style govt.

19311991? ago

interesting comment, i agree with many points.

there may be around 2000 highest level cabalists but there are, as far as i intuit, maybe 10 million mid-level minions and maybe a 100 million low-level minions who have no clue but are willing participants of the system. most of them will flip though, i sense, when given the opportunity.

there are 6 MILLION Freemasons.

that means nothing. most freemasons are decent people, nothing luciferian about them. only the high levels are involved.

19324802? ago

I'm not so sure. I used to think so, as I know a couple of FM's. At first blush it seems you're right. Then some conversations after several adult beverages started to turn a little creepy. I think past the first couple of degrees, most of them are corrupted to a certain level, and it seems to get worse. Also a lot of secrecy. Mentioned to one that I was in a used bookstore and saw a really cool collection of stuff from a FM who had passed away. Looked like family didn't know what it was and dumped it off at the used bookstore. He got very agitated and needed to know name and address of bookstore. Suddenly remembered he had an "appointment" and left quickly. Always thought that was odd. But now that I know more, not surprised at all.

19303832? ago

To the OP you are delusional this will never happen patriots are not in control patriots are being played the cabal are still in complete control.

19313888? ago


19307405? ago

Oh Jew ;)

19303899? ago

Ok thank you

19303028? ago

Also into Cobra's intel. Thanks for sharing this OP. The everyday people need the bigger picture of the plan as Q doesn't share all of it.

19303217? ago

One of Qs original Boards was named the great 0awakening, potus and q said something about the changing of the guards , the age of enlightenment or the age of aquarius I cant bring myself to look it up but hinting in this matter.

There are no coincidence

19312052? ago

Q144: (New) Age of Enlightenment .

19302577? ago

Exactly none of that is ever going to happen.

19303025? ago

It's literally a copy-pasta of a kooky newage site: https://www.veritasgalacticsweden.net/the-event

19302022? ago

No private witch hunts will be allowed as this deprives others of the catharsis and balancing process.

That's the core msg here right ? To protect the jewlords like Soros so that they can bid time to continue their white genocide plan. Once the plan is done, no one will care about the pussy "catharsis and balancing process".

19308822? ago

Nobody's protecting the controllers. This is about making it so we ALL get to deliver justice as a COLLECTIVE. In a fair, legal mature process.

IOW, the adults are going to handle it and not a bunch of revenge obsessed people acting like children who have watched too many "Purge" movies. All that does is perpetuate the wheel of karma which fucks up the plan of (truly) wiping things clean.

19308871? ago

I not sure how you can be so sure of your own wishful thinking.

What I can be sure is that the controllers must be very happy if they know you are thinking this way.

19316353? ago

You don't think those apocalyptic movies aren't produced by the controllers?

Maybe this would be a good time to consider whether you're being manipulated into another cycle of karma.

Just sayin '...

expand your thinking

19315952? ago

The people they are grateful for are those who think it's all gonna go to shit.

(Law of attraction is real)

19302703? ago

If a certain individual was Born to a Loving Family but was kidnapped as a child and was raised by agents who used MK ultra to fragment the brain to be able to withstand rape and torture by disassociating from reality. Then that individual is subconsciously programmed with trigger words to bypass free will and do evil things for his handlers.

Let's imagine for one second that the sealed indictments are all wrapped up and the guilty Nonamed. Would it be fair to allow the healing of that certain individual to take place, free from the slavery that he had been subjected too. Why would it be ok for some revenge fulled maniac to take matters in to their hands filling our freshly cleaned streets with blood and our collective with Pain.

19303059? ago

JewLords keep walking free in the streets and patriots / witnesses / whistleblowers die like flies.

And you can keep on imagining and dreaming and doing nothing. Neat. Is this the new shill tactic ?

19303408? ago

And you can keep on imagining and dreaming and doing nothing.

To Some familiar with the law of attraction and the power of manifestation would probably beg to differ and would probably point out that the things you mentioned are huge part of being a creator

19303600? ago

I see what's the prob here now.

Just don't be off the meds, okay ?

19304124? ago


D Morning sun brings heat. Full moon coming. Undiscovered stars learned. Missions forward. Q


19302000? ago

Sauce? Soujds great but we need some sauce on all that.

19303453? ago

Hope porn... THERE IS NO HOPE!

19301941? ago

Says who ?

19301940? ago

Benjamin Fulford, is this you?

19301960? ago

Fulford is circumcised, I'm not

19302017? ago

So where's your evidence that what you say will happen will happen? What did you say? Oh right ....

19303738? ago

I'm putting this here because I belive Q is my evidence

19304005? ago

When did Q say he is arresting the top elites as what you are trying to say in your post?

19308480? ago

Others like Cobra, Wilcock etc have been discussing "The Event" for years - long before Q came on the scene. The Event involves mass arrests, full disclosure, the release of suppressed technology, a currency reset and the psychological rebalance and healing of humanity as a collective. I think this has been a plan for decades, and Q is what brought it more mainstream.

Believe or disbelieve, but remember our thoughts manifest reality ;)

You can go to PrepareForChange.net for more info on The Event.

19304621? ago



Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: c3f516 No.231058  Jan 31 2018 23:42:36 (EST)

Effective yesterday, while standing under the statue of FREEDOM, POTUS FREED those ‘good’ people who are currently being blackmailed, threatened and enslaved. Those who stood chanting “USA” were FREED. The shot heard around the world. TG> WE, THE PEOPLE. FREEDOM DAY. LIGHT. Q


19301845? ago

You idiots really will believe anything.

I bet you think David Wilcock is a legitimate source of info and Corey Goode really meets with aliens, don't you?

19301880? ago

No. I'll give you a not so secret way to discern information. Shills Glow

19304075? ago

Right and your glowing so much I had to put my shades on . This is the biggest crock and you are in a cult ! The age of Aquarius cult!

19301915? ago

shills glow

You don't even know what that means.

Are you just trying to make q followers look dumb?

They don't really need your help with that.

19302023? ago

I agree he doesn't know what that means.

I'm gonna go tell everyone Wilcox is an anti-semite.

19304201? ago

And so is the OP . Read through his comments

19312903? ago

Was a joke, I assume everyone here is literally hitler.

19302759? ago

Lol the best way to turn qtards off of ol david

19301522? ago

What's that smell? Oh it's copy pasta: https://www.veritasgalacticsweden.net/the-event

Why not provide a link to the source if you're going to copy it verbatim?

19305097? ago

thank you

19303843? ago

Lol and look at all the people upvoating smh..

19305301? ago

Wishful thinking boomer idiots.

19310433? ago

I hear the Cheetos harvest is in- it's a bumper crop! Fly, millidiot, fly

19301584? ago

If I provide the pasta it's up to you to bring the souce. Do your own research, you know how this goes.

19301936? ago

If you copy and paste from anyone you are supposed to put the whole thing in quotes. Preferably with the source.

19301886? ago

If I provide the pasta it's up to you to bring the souce.

Bad form, bad form indeed.

19301819? ago

That's not how things work. At least source your bullshit instead of trying to pass it off as your own, liar.

19301810? ago

I think it's far more likely that you were afraid people would disregard your post because that site contains quite a lot of unsubstantiated new age hope porn type stuff. Additionally, based on your other comments I can see that you're trying to pass yourself off as an authority on the subject when the reality is you're just a parrot.

19308651? ago

That's what this community will eventually degenerate into: Hope porn merchant and wishful thinking idiots.

19303647? ago

You got me.

19301432? ago

Sounds too good to be true. I really don't think anything will be resolved until the battle of Armageddon and the return of Jesus.

19304175? ago

I agree with you .

19301858? ago

You are Jesus, christ conciousness is yours, they cant take that away from you. What they can do is make you forget.

Jesus had no cheat codes and came to earth in a human vessel, no different from your body or mine. He manifested miracles and healed all with the same equipment we are working with.

It is no coincidence that Rome reinvented it self to hijack the teachings that jesus laid out for us, and subdue the message he worked so hard to deliver. We must realize that Rome sole purpose is to implant the lie that God is one sick mofo who sent his only son to be brutally murdered for teaching to love thy neighbor.

19307782? ago


19304228? ago

We are not Jesus!?

19301933? ago


19301428? ago

I read there are about 50 to 65 men that need to be removed, and probably 8500 people total.

19301319? ago

All of their wealth and property should be seized.

Reparations made to the rest of us who have been put into a state of Slavery since Lincoln's assassination.

19301453? ago

I'm glad you bring that up

Everyone will receive $100,000 from collateral accounts. Debts up to $100,000 will be forgiven. If over that amount, it will be analyzed. Real outstanding debt will be taken from that amount or if not enough, you will be advised to go into bankruptcy. All countries’ debts will be forgiven. Mortgages will be cancelled out. Retirement accounts will be preserved. Social security/retirement/health care will be changed; free health insurance will be provided for a new, advanced medical system.

19305318? ago

This is a great LARP! Keep going!

19302036? ago

sauce on that nice round number... What if you have no debt? you get fucked?

19302778? ago

If you have no debt you were never fucked to begin with. It's like if they are giving free bagel bites samples at Costco, but you had a great lunch at home and lack appetite at the time. Would you consider yourself Fucked for missing out on something you didnt need in the first place?

19303402? ago

Or I have no debt because I was fucked from the start like everyone everywhere and chose to live a massively degraded lifestyle for a long time to have a home and a degree and a business all debt free. Grasshopper and the ant story, except this time someone swoops in and saves the grasshoppers in the middle of winter and evevates them to the level of the ant through no effort and no good choices of their own. I wonder how likely it is that the grasshopper will end up EVEN WORSE OFF next time needing to steal from the ant even more resources! I wonder why they call them locusts.

No, this will lead to failure and even more bad choices by those most likely to make bad choices speeding their destruction in even greater fashion... Does this sound familiar? It should... THIS IS HOW WE GOT HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!!!

19303538? ago

You are right but dont worry it is all wishful thinking and I am extreamly proud of you and I am honored to be able to exchange ideas with a well adjusted, hard working individual, God bless and WWG1WGA

19301983? ago

This guy is an idiot, do you have any idea how destructive it would be to give every person $100,000 ?

It would make Gas $400/gallon, a loaf of bread would be $3,000, not exact numbers but you get the idea.

You cannot just saturate the market with free money, you will destroy all value.

I am fairly convinced you are an idiot who is larping his head off in fantasyland.

19313365? ago

the movie "in time" demonstrated this very well -- when they gave people "extra time" the loan rates went up

19302923? ago

I think the Cabal and OPEC are one in the same so if they get taken care of so will the grosly inflated cost of gas. To be fair we have suppressed technology that would make certain things that you mentioned obsolete. Plus if it is public information that the corrupt individuals making our life almost impossible to live due to Taxes, inflation and Price Fixing are being Eliminated, are you really going to Charge some one $3000 dollars for a loaf of bread. How fucken Jewish do you have to be that you cant resist the urge to price Gouche you kike bastard.

19304581? ago

Those without ability to "think", don't know what "reasoning" is, so Instead, they must have "scapegoats", someone to blame for anything they don't like.

It's called "ignorance", and you are demonstrating it clearly here, with your "kike" nonsense.

19312953? ago

Thanks, I did call him an idiot though, halfway through his comment, I was prepared to apologize and commend him on his stellar reply, then I read the rest and it all went downhill from there.

To the OP purpleguy: I'm not jewish. It wouldn't be me price gouging, economics and systems of value, while completely imaginary, are real the way we implement them, and unless the end of days makes everyone suddenly want to share freely (communism), then your economic model is seriously fucked and while my numbers were exaggerations I'm pretty sure there is a historical precedence of this occurring (again, not my numbers, but still outrageous).

19301914? ago

If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Free money? Debt forgiveness? This could be the mark of the beast.

19301913? ago

JUST give me justice and I can make my own bed.

19301878? ago

Sounds good! you say this quite readily and as if it is a fact. Are you wishing this to be so or do you have reason to believe it will be so?

19301925? ago

Are you wishing this to be so or do you have reason to believe it will be so?

Everyone on QRV (except for the paid shills and the energy Vampires) would say it is both

19301772? ago


$100K?? Where did you come up with this? And your mortgage analysis is retarded. Only homeowners get free houses?

What about me? I just sold my house to build my dream home, but I am renting until we break ground. So I get fucked out of a free house?

19301479? ago

That sounds about right at a gold value of $20.67 per ounce. ~5,000 ounces of gold in specie.

19301436? ago

Reparations for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

19301275? ago

Wonderful information, sounds a little too good to be tru tho. Isnt it up to ourselves to fight and get rid of evil instead of hoping of this magical "Event" that will save our lives?

19301600? ago

The event is not a humanity generated occurrence. It is a cosmic occurrence that brings about with it a shift in the energy of the earth and its inhabitants. The MSM touch on it as the next major carrington event, but it’s much more than that. It will be a time of change for everything on earth.

19302157? ago

I would very much like to believe it but there is no evidence.

19302116? ago

Newage Hopeporn...

19301513? ago

You are correct but the grip on humanity was so strong that help was necessary. Plus it was time for the new guards to step In the age of aquarius is here the problem is that the old guard isn't going with out a fight. Who can blame them they had it real good.

19301537? ago

How did you get this information? Sounds a lot like David Wilcock, Cobra or Benjamin Fulford.

19301596? ago


19301335? ago

Trying to dig up the truth would seem to be more important. Documents are rapidly being destroyed as others come to light. Than in itself is very revealing. It is getting harder for the msm to push their nonsense as people are learning the truth.

19301223? ago

Noice, not to put myself in the center but what about zoomers, doomers and boomers that sacrificed their time and sanity researching this? I've dug myself so deep, right now I can't imagine how I would manage living a normal life again

19303194? ago

The patriot warriors job will never be concluded. In this scenario the tree of Liberty will be satisfied for a generation or 2. Part of our job will to be vilify the and educate the young people on the value of liberty and the deception of collectivism.

19301924? ago

How weak-willed are you?!

19301956? ago


19301482? ago

Some of us are the equivalent to Thomas Payne's.... Some of us are the equivalent to Paul Revere.... After this mess is cleaned up, we go back to living life. Farming, producing, servicing, etc. We go back to doing our daily lives, but without the bulk of corruption taking our wealth through unanswered redistribution [pocketing it (charitable donations that 1% of procedes actually get donated), "pay to play" schemes, international aid (while skimming the top), etc.

When that time comes, I will not stop with the knowledge I have accumulated, but I will still continue to research and I will continue living the way we did before, but with a renewed confidence that the "American Dream" was not turned into "We the People's" nightmare.

We have damage control needed. Adjusting back to the normal way of life will need some guidance. The liberal mentality of always entitled need to come off their high horse and realize that they are not the ones in charge. Remember that all the cleanup starts at home first.

19302653? ago

for the vast majority what 'we go back to' may very soon need to be adjusted for new conditions of existence. Solar activity is dormant currently at 200 year low, headed towards 400 year low. Jetstream changes, lowered magnetosphere, crop failings, volcanic activity uptick -> mini ice age will likely be upon us.

19302003? ago

After this mess is cleaned up, we go back to living life. Farming, producing, servicing, etc. We go back to doing our daily lives, but without the bulk of corruption taking our wealth... My God, that would be so wonderful.

19301653? ago

You are right life as it is Carry water Chop wood Life after the deep state Carry water Chop wood But hopefully there will be a lot less missing children

19301944? ago

After the Event, private acts of violence against members of the former Cabal will not be tolerated and will be treated as crime under common law.

I aint no light worker and all your pretty words wont save your kin.

I have a different outlook, here watch I can type too....

"After the event, those motherfuckers will be hanging from lamp posts"

I like mine better. Go sell your wannabe hippie bullshit to someone without a chest full of medals.

19302226? ago

9/11 was hard on me too.

I thank God that that the passports of the hijackers were able to survive the extreme heat that coused all 3 WTC buildings to collapse. Just imagine Chief Investigator Muller trying to find who done it if God himself wouldn't of intervened in the protection of such key evidence. I am a bit disappointed that the Pentagon got hit right trough the book keeping department just one day after the public disclosure of trillions of dollars that were unaccounted for. Thank God soldiers like your self are given medals for the bravery you show while following the wishes of the private banks. Thanks to you Israel has expanded greatly.

Make sure your uniform is pressed and your medals are polished because you never know when your next closed casket funeral will be, after all PTSD is a mother fucker.

19313088? ago

Yea ok buddy, thats what they tell us down at the recruiting station too, they say "You will serve private isreali banks"

Our friends and families throw parties, because after all, they love the banks too.

Virtually everyone in society respects what we do, and it's not because they love the banks.

It's because the idea we were really sold, was defense of our country and that matters to us.

You would not say these things in person, and I know you know that.

Did we serve the cabals needs? Maybe.... but never was this our intent, no our intent was to protect the nation of betacucks that allowed domestic invasion while we were deployed. If anyone failed at their sacred duty, it's not us.

19314607? ago

Will you be encouraging your kids to serve?


19331454? ago


19333512? ago

Thank you for your service and I wish that the Oath a service man or (person now in days) takes is fully entrenched in a soldiers brain because God know we have sevral domestic enemies destroying us from with in

19333478? ago

God bless you

19313323? ago

something something "don't obey unlawful commands" something?

19313953? ago

Never have, you'd know if we had.

19307814? ago

if God himself wouldn't of intervened

Wouldn't have, muppet.

19301473? ago

Well, there's already a big applicant pool sitting right here on voat/qrv, should any newly vacated jobs need to be filled ! Just sayin. I know I'd be up for it....

19301143? ago

works for me, lol

19310032? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3135857 Three families combined form the NWO (House of Saud, Rothschild and Soros). Through many generations, their bloodlines have accumulated mass wealth and power.