19300982? ago

Q has us focus on the Pizzagate stuff multiple times and even exposed the Vanderbilts involvement as well as paintings. Q never distracted us from it. As a matter of fact there’s a dedicated research thread on the 8ch board.

19302906? ago

So, how come there have been no high-level arrests of major deep state / cabal members?

19304048? ago

There’s a lot we don’t know. All we can do is take what we do know and speculate. Other options? Please suggest.

19301079? ago

I should also add that Q ‘told’ us that the networks/sources in NK and SA were taken out. I have also noticed an increase in trafficking busts in the US, though not at the scale I would expect.

19299566? ago

NXIVM is only where it starts , they are making sure the people can see it , obsorb it . I think they are pretty passionate about exposing the pizza they have to build on public abilities .

19302969? ago


The way you expose it is by telling people the truth.

19300855? ago

Moving money with fake Art a way for gansters, terrorists, criminals and abusers to esacape the taxes and what else ..... https://voat.co/v/QRV/3276925 Spirit Cooker Marina Abramovic ~~~ This Woman Had 3 Abortions So She Could Keep Making Meaningless Art

19299514? ago

Forget pizzagate, reports a far more exciting!!!

19302976? ago

Amen! I'm looking forward to the next 3 reports. Hopefully they'll take 6-8 months each to compile and cost millions of taxpayer dollars?

19299353? ago

The whole point of the Q movement was to brush Pizzagate under the carpet and it succeeded in doing just that.

Fuck reports, Fuck 2020 - lets get back to where we were and get back on track without the dumb distractions and political theatrics!

19299325? ago

pizza gate did not start the "whole" Q thing any more than water gate did.

19302993? ago

Q was a direct response to Pizzagate. It was a way to shut it down and redirect it into political circle jerking.

19309906? ago

like trump was a response to leona helmsly. wh'ev.

19300806? ago

She wears the jewel of a Horned Creature ? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3131598/17750897 She looks happy except where she slipped in one picture and showed the demon. But I bet she is a nice old lady. Someone that I bet loves to be around kids and gives them candy and lives in a gingerbread house.

19299311? ago

PPL of the world can't handle the evil shit done by our "leaders (yet). They are getting caught with other crimes so the world doenst revolt and chaos would arise. So they will be arrested for other shit and exposed of their more evil crimes much much much later. Normies would get heart attacks if it all came out at once.

19303023? ago

Maybe the world needs to revolt? Maybe chaos would help us to move forward? You're deluding yourself by thinking that we'll "expose their crimes much later". That's now how America works. Example: "Who shot JFK?" That happened over 56 years ago and we still don't know the truth. Maybe normies NEED to have heart attacks? Maybe that is the only way forward? We have replaced one group of evil masters who keep secrets from us with a different set of masters who do the same thing. The only way forward is the TRUTH!

19300823? ago

Q 714 Wizards & Warlocks: Ex-Master EXPOSES Freemasons, Corrupt Police, Lucifer https://voat.co/v/QRV/3141258/17840847 Who gives a fuck?

19298993? ago

its almost as if you're a stupid dupe

19303033? ago

It's almost like you're in denial.

19298959? ago

Q doesn't talk about a lot of things anymore.

Q went increasingly more silent after the midterms.

Q doesn't reference the Q clock anymore, no more Q+ posts, no more Q&A's, no more trip code changes and device checks, no more warnings of board attacks, no references to QRV other than the original one endorsing the site, etc...

19300843? ago

DISCUSS: Freemasons are fucking faggots. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3275881/19160724 footsoldiers of the antichrist

19301101? ago

Can’t you see?

Freemasonry is a way to control the smaller sections of communities. I know many Freemasons who are good men...they hold respectable jobs. But they are apart of a satanic power structure that allows them to be controlled. Extremely powerful when expanded across the entire country(every town, city, county).

19298973? ago

There are also distinct differences in the posting language and styles. It's almost as if there were multiple "Qs".

Why is this? Why not present a unified front to his followers?

19301111? ago

Lurk more please.

19303109? ago

Motherfucker, I've been lurking on Voat since 2014. When did you create your account?

19304015? ago

Lmao. Voat is gay af.

19301108? ago

Because it is a team. Military intelligence. Q+ posts are POTUS.

19303118? ago

A team of losers. When are we going to see some ACTUAL justice? When are the traitors going to be arrested?

19298936? ago

What ever happened to Hillary was on house arrest and her passport was taken? Lol. She is still out selling her stupid books at Costco.

19298955? ago

She also travels the world on the taxpayer's dime and fucks everything up. Why doesn't Trump stop her?

19301120? ago

“Stop her” is exactly what he’s doing. You don’t know what you don’t know.

19303096? ago

The only way to stop her is to kill her.

  1. Arrest her
  2. Give her a short military tribunal
  3. Tell the American people what she did
  4. Hang her live on national TV

19304023? ago

Did you come up with that plan in between shifts at McDonalds?

19298876? ago

The movement started and continues to be about bringing down the deep state and their crimes.

Pizzagate was only one aspect of a huge web of corruption and criminal activities.

19298882? ago

People were very very angry about Pizzagate until Q came along and redirected their energy elsewhere.

19298894? ago

People are less angry?

Not that I've seen

19298907? ago

Compare to 2017? Much more so. People are passive now. They are busy doing "decodes" and watching YouTube videos. People are getting excited about witty zingers that Trump posts on Twitter. Gone are the days of shock and horror and disgust as people figured out that Pizzagate was real. Without Q we would have turned into a giant, angry mob.

19301140? ago

Pizzagate died down after the FF shooting at comet pizza. Mossad paid Alex Jones supporting it only to flip and apologize while calling it crazy. Controlled op.

There is a war being fought.

You are clearly at the stage of your awakening where you want to prove/disprove things to yourself. Keep at it but don’t be trying to seed division and doubt. The anons probably won’t even waste their time talking to you if you do so.

19303069? ago

Just because you question the narrative or are skeptical doesn't mean you're "seeding division and doubt".

The idiots here need to stop being starry-eyed retards and wake the fuck up to the reality of the world.

19304035? ago

Trump is doing more than any leader in history. Are you blind?

19298957? ago

Perhaps you would have been a part of a "giant, angry mob" that's how Soros and the deep state operate.

You're correct that's far from what this movement is about. That's why the plan is so effective.

19298985? ago

"effective"?!?! Hillary and Obama are still running around free. Far from effective.

The difference is that the angry mob I would be a part of would be shooting Soros puppets in the head.

19299226? ago

You could argue that pizzagate is now unraveling through nxvim. It is in the judicial system now. That means the «Q team» are working on the next thing. That next thing I would assume is the Clinton crime syndicate, since it is so big and far reaching.

Or it could all be a psyop to distract boomers rage into solving political sudokus.

19299270? ago

Or it could all be a psyop to distract boomers rage into solving political sudokus.

Well said.

19298857? ago

Pay close attention to the NXIVM case. It's more closely connected to a lot of that stuff than most people realize.

19301209? ago

All the same players All different games that tie them all together. We have not forgotten!!!

19298869? ago

If Hillary Clinton and John Podesta dont' go to jail for treason then it is all a giant waste of time.

19299231? ago

I agree, but you can’t just shoot them with a sniper. It would create sympathy and their replacements would be even more powerdul.

19303244? ago

you can’t just shoot them with a sniper

Ohhhhh but that is where you are wrong! We have GREAT snipers in the US Military.

If anyone objects.... kill them too. If they pick evil replacements... kill them too.

Keep killing traitors until there are no more problems.

19299278? ago

Q could drop the hammer and Trump could tell the truth. Millions would wake up.

19300958? ago

We don’t know what we don’t know.

19298840? ago

Q said early on the the world wasn't ready for the dark shit. The awakening needed to be gradual and what people could absorb and understand.

20279453? ago

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19300868? ago

A famous Masonic Satanist hung out with the Broadmoor Ripper, the famous Mason was Knighted alongside Mugabe, Fred Goodwin, Kevin Spacey, Ceausescu ... jimcannotfixthis blogspot https://voat.co/v/QRV/3277909/19179232

You are right, I think all this is as old as the earth itself. Luciferianism is all about collecting souls rebelling against God.

From the line of Noah we got both Abraham and Ham and Canaan, the line of Noah brought brought the blessing of God in Jesus Christ, and on the other side it brought those who worship Baal and Moloch. The whole history of the Israelites was about bringing the redemption of God through the Holy one of Israel, Jesus Christ. It was through his faith in God that Abraham prospered, and it is through faith in Christ that all humanity is redeemed.

God's creation and our daily battle is to choose the good of God or the evil of this World, if you expect the World to love you for holding to the good, just remember they hated Jesus and Crucified him for holding to the good. The World hated him, and the if you hold to him the World will hate you too.

19298858? ago

Send them to the hospital! They have to find out one way or another.

Ripping the bandaid off fast is less painful than pulling it off slowly.

19298925? ago

You might be fucking ready, but the public aren't you self entitled cunt.

19298962? ago

The clock is running out. If the arrests don't happen before Nov. 2020 then Trump won't win re-election.

19298998? ago

Lol ... fucking retard who believes the MSM.

19299238? ago

You don’t have to downvote everyone that disagrees with you. Not all dissenters are paid shills. I hope you know that. Some reasonable scapticism is healthy for a movement.

19305921? ago

I rarely downvoat and haven't here. It seems that Patriots agree with me.