19291775? ago

She wears the jewel of a Horned Creature? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3131598/17752203 things like this, to me, just have no explanation, there is no logical or rational outcome that could explain why this royal lady makes sure to always wear this. this was one of the many small things that really opened my eyes a while ago.

19291710? ago

Something about an island with Kevin Spacey, Shriners and Masons? Bankers, the flight logs??

19291736? ago

Masonic Lodge Branch BUSTED by Police in Sicily, Italy
https://voat.co/v/QRV/3116981/17612230 Sounds like the cops did a great job on this.

They even have charges against them for interfering in the judicial system and evidence tampering.

The masons have an absolute iron grip on every western nations legal system. That's why the pedos get such lenient treatment.

19287697? ago

Copy and paste "Allison Mack Rachel Chandler" into Qmap.pub and search... These people are sick!

19291913? ago

Rachel Chandler - the Rosetta Stone of modern trafficking? J'aimelesenfants, James Alefantis....Child Handler, Chandler ... Why is Rothschild unhappy with Q ?? https://www.voat.co/v/AskAnon/3112482

19291688? ago

Why the Red Shoes? https://www.voat.co/v/anon/3284388/19244451 It symbolises being trodden on the blood of the Innocent. It's a mocking ritual they do and the more that see the shoes the more powerful the magic becomes.