19262838? ago

What are these Shriner idiots? So Babylon, Egypt, Rome had a bunch of old tombs, star gazers, knowledge on math ... the weirdass elite worship these old dead fools as space gods or something? @Koyote210 @The_Cat .... @dassaer @SumeJirke @tokui the old Masonics and Arabia pray to something before a low IQ jihadi mahommed came along and wrecked it all?

19269852? ago

Huh? Catastrophe wrecked havoc on the ancient world, most people are familiar with the flood but that was only one(although significant) event. Our ancestors had to watch the sky to anticipate these disasters. The "Gods" in most cases refer to the planets and were the agents of destruction. Im guessing the elite study this stuff, if they even do, because they recognize the possibility that "stuff" could happen again.

19255900? ago

Old News.

Been knowing this since 1985.

19256441? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3276925 Spirit Cooker Marina Abramovic ~~~ This Woman Had 3 Abortions So She Could Keep Making Meaningless Art

19255932? ago

Might I add that this muther focker is one of em too.