19218327? ago

Fucking piece of shit, Get rid of the taxpayer funded Narcan program.

19215736? ago

I pwomise I’m not rasizt! Despite numer, horrendous crimes against white people, I want you niggers and spics to band together with me as one! Let horrific bygones be bygones!

19216501? ago

never relax?

19215570? ago

Niggers exist in all colors, shapes, and sizes. Anyone that doesn't have a basic respect or common decency about his fellow man is a NIGGER. Black people took the brunt of that insulting word but there are plenty of redneck niggers out there plotting and scheming. Lest we forget all races have their niggers.

19216438? ago

No. “Nigger” is a noun, not an adjective. (Many people make this mistake.)

19216125? ago

Black people know this and once they've admitted it to you, they know they cant use the race card anymore.

19221420? ago

I want some source on this

19224217? ago

Well, there's no easy way to say this, but you'll have to talk to some black people.

This question probably shouldn't be the first thing you ask.

19255279? ago


19214566? ago


19216464? ago

Have you seen the Gay Masonic Mafia Who pray to Baphomet? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3277533 Ask what are those Shriners doing ??

19214133? ago

I have no problem with interracial relationships. If you are threatened of black men with your women,that isnt anyone's faultbut ypur own. As long as you love FREEDOM, LIBERTY AND our beautiful nation, while sharing our values....then we are all good!!SKIN COLOR DOES NOT MATTER. HOW U ACT MATTERS.

19214347? ago

If you think skin colour is the only difference between negroes and Whites then you are as dumb as a box of rocks.

19216193? ago

You seem to have misplace all of your upvotes, so I found one for ya.

19214220? ago

Wuz gud boi ... he dindoo nuffinz

19214149? ago

Found the jew

19214577? ago

Found the "edgy" pre-teen.

19214723? ago

Yup that's me

19214842? ago

Yeah, no one likes you & your presence is as annoying as a house fly.

Have a nice day doing something productive!

19214912? ago

If I had 3 wishes I'd use one of them to choke your bitch neck

19216244? ago

It's a real shame that he's 250lbs of beefcake and you're 90lbs of light brown cucksauce.

Otherwise that might've worked out.

19216342? ago

I could kick both your bitch asses

19216469? ago

uh huh.

found the jew

19216922? ago


19214950? ago

Good thing we are all adults here who don't care about child-like wishes.

Go watch Aladdin & fuck yourself. You might become a happier child!

19215081? ago

I am right about you being a fukn jew though aren't I.

19217761? ago

Uh, no. Thank God I'm not Jewish, Hebrew seems too complicated for me.

Pro English all the way. As usual, you're wrong.

19221869? ago

jews are just a religion goy

Anon was right you are a filthy kike

19225836? ago

Nah, you're wrong, just like your existence.

19226489? ago

Jews are a race too retard. They even list Marx in their own who's who in world Jewry along with most of the communist parties and they were athiestical jews.

19214053? ago

How do we know you're not black guy pulling a Smollett, OP?

19218430? ago

Invading White nations is the race baiting.

Recognizing patterns is normal. This is the pattern leading to the white y chromosome genocide.

19214595? ago

I'll bet you 3.50 OP is a nigger

19225382? ago

How do we know you're not black?

19214636? ago

Tree fifee? Damn monsta!

19214243? ago

You can be a Black American Patriot but a Hoodrat who murders a Firefighter is just a Fucking Nigger Hoodrat plain and simple

19225384? ago

How do we know you're not exactly that?

19214411? ago

I'll stand alongside to this guy as he says it again.

19216095? ago

Different dude, if we get 2 more, we're a "gang"

19213836? ago

Jews banned race mixing in Israel? https://www.voat.co/v/anon/2654640

19213816? ago

Canada, India, Thailand, Mexico, Macron, Merkel all part of the same globalism? Thousands of Mosques in America? @InjusticeLeague @newoldwave @Mittermeyer @ravensedgesom do they say “KALERGI PLAN”? @Pubiclouse tv shows and movie run by weirdos and Mud sharks

19221838? ago

It's the jews leading them. They openly boast about it.

19213736? ago

Niggers do not belong in civilized society. The Jew media needs to be shut down.

19214139? ago

NICE TRY schill.

19215716? ago

What’s a schill

19215830? ago

A Scottish variant of shill.

19213864? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/AnonNews/2708977 NameTheJew? Most major (((porn sites))) are now owned by secretive "influencing" company MindGeek. They are why simulated teens, incest, cuckolding videos are taking over (((industry))) as of late.

19216082? ago

There's alot more BBC out there nowadays too that frankly, I could do without.