19197254? ago

FAGGOTS ARE EVIL and deserve death.

tossed off a roof is way too nice... these dykes need to be placed in a male prison

19194602? ago

Left sickness psychosis. It must stop now. Silent majority allowed this by being lulled to sleep with entertainment. They ramped up the perv gross so fast in the last 20 years, we finally woke up. Now we see how we almost lost everything, and our children have been tortured and eaten for far too long. Baal/Molech/satanic sacrifice never died it went underground-literally. We consented by being oblivious. Hellywood kids have been trying to tell us for decades. Their behavior spoke loud and clear even when their words were unheard. Thank Q/Q+ & many anon autists who were awake long ago and are continuing in bringing these DS malignant crimes to mass public attention. United Prayer is the power to light up the world end the trafficking and destruction of humanity. Darkness being deleted from creation. We DO NOT CONSENT to this horror show any longer.

19196916? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3279811 Transgenderism, the homosexual agenda, transexual is pushed by elite Baphomet worshipers, it connects to an older religion from Babylon, Jew Occultists, Rome & Bacha bazi of Afghanistan

19198036? ago

Ancient worship of satanic origin. Jesus discussed it with the Jews who child &sex sacrificed in the High places. Jews were dispersed from Israel for that very reason, yet they have been an abomination to every nation they ere dispersed to. Pope kisses Rothschild(evil Jew) ring. How many in Congress have dual Jewish citizenship & Jewish last names? How many in Hellywood?, How many in Business & banking? We are a JUDEO Christian nation. The Talmudic Jew vs, the Torah Jew. Evil satanic vs. Godly. God keeps his promises. He has a remnant from Abraham, Isaac, Jacob's 12tribes of Judah, & King David's royal lineage set aside for himself. Israel's judgment is last because it God's judgment on His chosen people for infesting every nation with satan's perversions to humanity, especially our children. SB2 has some very elucidating occult studies on reddit. Their child torture & ritual blood sacrifice opening portals to the prison God chained them in until the last days. The blood deaths of wars & abortions & children are for demonic possessions of willing humans who sold themselves to darkness for power & greed. SB2 is working on providing more in the future for those who choose to know. Way sicker than we ever imagined. Baby farms to inject in utero & produce transgenders, etc Something about the male female mixed genetic codes of DNA being a better fit for the demonic spirits to live. More info coming about cures through genetics that the elite DS already have for themselves, and that they actually produce virus's, bird flu, Alzheimers, allergies, cancers, aids to allow big pharma to produce treatments that make BANK for all of them. Think Trump puchasing enough of a needed med to end Aids in America this year-he tweeted it but MSM barely touched it. Think Biden saying he would cure cancer if elected? Huh, do what? They have the cure because they created the disease. Ruth Ginsberg- colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, metastasized lung cancer with a lobectomy and she's still alive? The world is exposing the DS sickos, finally.

19194391? ago

No words smdh

19199066? ago

Spirit Cooker Marina Abramovic ~~~ This Woman Had 3 Abortions So She Could Keep Making Meaningless Art https://voat.co/v/QRV/3276925

19194051? ago

NOTHING to do with Q.

Why isn't Hillary under arrest yet?

19199175? ago

19199549? ago

It's important to understand if they were under drug influence, or if they are real degenerates.