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19188964? ago

Maybe he left. We already have more topics to research, than we can get to in a hundred years. How's your research on this stuff going?

19188985? ago

Da fuk is research gonna do to fix this bullshit? Q has you so fucking brainwashed you think reading shit online is gonna solve the problem.

19189059? ago

Da fuk is shilling the 'larp' gonna do to fix this bullshit? You are so indocrtrinated that you think shilling a 'cult/larp' is going to solve the problem.

19198526? ago

Red pilling solves the problem. Support for our President is ever growing because of the news we dig up and spread.

19198682? ago

Yes I know, I was just making fun of the retard above who came here to troll us:

"Da fuk is research gonna do to fix this bullshit? Q has you so fucking brainwashed you think reading shit online is gonna solve the problem."

He was saying that our research wouldn't solve any problems, my point was that his shilling on what he considers to be a cult/larp is not going to solve any problems.

19198954? ago

Oh, my mistake for replying to you. My reply was meant for the same shill. KEK

19199017? ago

No problem. Go get him, I couldn't get a response out of him.

19199144? ago

I seldom do get responses from shills. Mainly because I call them out as just kids. And well, children should be seen and not heard, right?

19199222? ago

That's right, I don't think sbbh received this memo though.

19199425? ago

Probably shilling in someone else’s thread by now. I’m noticing that they’re like dive bombers. They come in, drop their load. Then disappear. Most of them have to be bona fide kids. They just don’t get it, that they don’t make the impression on us they so desperately want to. They hate boomer because well, we see right through their Marxist bullshit, and that stops them in their tracks. Who is sbbh?

19200021? ago

SBBH is soapboxbanhammer They are the retards of voat, the majority of the trolls and shills on qrv are members of that sub, they are also responsible for the porn posts here and the division post- Muh jews, muh niggers posts etc.

They tried a coup attempt against our sub recently, a manufactured crisis of troll posts, and porn posts in an effort to get the owner of voat to give control of our sub to someone else, most likely 'srazie', the old owner of GreatAwakening, who had been friends with all of them and even made some of them moderators at GA.

They wanted our anon status removed so that they could target individuals here and down vote brigade us and run us off of voat. They claim to be right wing but they hate Trump and Q and us.

Yes they hate boomers despite the fact that some of them are boomers, they hate blacks yet one, or more, of them is black, they hate Latinos yet some of them are Latinos. One of them, who was previously married to a Latino and has a daughter with her, just married a woman who has a black child from a previous marriage and now this self proclaimed nigger hater has one in his own house. This is the one called zyclon_b who just made a sub called beatlestrollarmy, when the current BS on voat settles down he will be attacking us again with his 'troll army'.

Keep an eye out for this clown: Mine is the first comment on that post calling him out, he is a troll/shill from sbbh, who made a bet with his troll/shills buddies at sbbh that he could convince 'The stupid Qtards' that he is 'The Son of God' returned to save humanity.

Anyway I have lurked a lot on voat and have learned quite a bit so if you have any other questions I would be happy to answer them if I can. Have a good day Patriot.

19227487? ago

Wow. Thanks for that. There are a few more abbreviations I never could catch onto. IMO, and C_A.

19231276? ago

Your welcome.

IMO is In My Opinion

C_A is CIA

19243410? ago

Thx again.