19194625? ago

working behind the scenes while slowly weaning us off. breast feeding time is over, we know how to research and pick up the hints from the tweets and other messages.

19207049? ago

Kind of agree with you. It just does not make sense that Trump would want to cut the pipe on the movement because it generates enthusiasm among some really good diggers. i don't see an 8chan site that takes Trumps tweets and does an equal amount of research. Trump would never willing cut off an E-Cash Cow that has such high ROI as the Q boards, in my view.

19208072? ago

dont think trump cuts off the digital army. its required to drain the swamp and get him re-elected.

however, its sensitive times right now and no possible obstruction should be in the way when the declas comes. i think thats the main reason Q is silent right now.

19212064? ago

Right. Mr. Trump, we have credible information from someone named Q, that says he is part of your administration, that you obtained these servers in July of 2018. Why did you not notify the IC, and congress that you had access to this information at that time.

19191476? ago

What or who is Q?

19207054? ago

Warning: Soros Shill\BOT Detected. Every post he/she/it creates earns 50-cents. Starve the Soros Troll\BOT®

19191172? ago

He's busy helping agitate for war against Iran in Israel's name. Be patient. Trust (((the plan)))

19207068? ago

So your saying that you have identified Q as John Bolton? I hope Iran is not Trumps Gulf of Tonkin.

19191692? ago

Iran next

19191726? ago

Uh certainly...

19191080? ago

This is chapter 1 of the movie playing out.

I’m uncertain if a Q post would add any additional context to the MSM and libtards trying to monkey-fuck a football.

19207076? ago


19190183? ago

Q has said its happening. So unless justice finally comes, what is Q going to say? ”Okay, it happening for real this time.”

19188964? ago

Maybe he left. We already have more topics to research, than we can get to in a hundred years. How's your research on this stuff going?

19188985? ago

Da fuk is research gonna do to fix this bullshit? Q has you so fucking brainwashed you think reading shit online is gonna solve the problem.

19190846? ago

Research how to spell, "the fuck". Start there.

19190826? ago

Q's got you so twisted up you're in here worrying about how we think about it. Go away fuckhead this place isn't for you.

19189126? ago

I don't read shit online. That seems to be your job. Garbage in. Garbage out.

19189335? ago

"I don't read shit online"....ummm...kinda read this post prior to your reply -- duh.

19190839? ago

Retard. Addicted to a psyop. You can't even keep up with the topic. Want me to walk you through it? I know, let me speak your language, "baaaaaa baaaaa".

19191572? ago

And yet you’re here...


19191602? ago

I'm sorry you're sad, moron.

19194726? ago

Durr dur dur durr durrrrr

19189059? ago

Da fuk is shilling the 'larp' gonna do to fix this bullshit? You are so indocrtrinated that you think shilling a 'cult/larp' is going to solve the problem.

19198526? ago

Red pilling solves the problem. Support for our President is ever growing because of the news we dig up and spread.

19198682? ago

Yes I know, I was just making fun of the retard above who came here to troll us:

"Da fuk is research gonna do to fix this bullshit? Q has you so fucking brainwashed you think reading shit online is gonna solve the problem."

He was saying that our research wouldn't solve any problems, my point was that his shilling on what he considers to be a cult/larp is not going to solve any problems.

19198954? ago

Oh, my mistake for replying to you. My reply was meant for the same shill. KEK

19199017? ago

No problem. Go get him, I couldn't get a response out of him.

19199144? ago

I seldom do get responses from shills. Mainly because I call them out as just kids. And well, children should be seen and not heard, right?

19199222? ago

That's right, I don't think sbbh received this memo though.

19199425? ago

Probably shilling in someone else’s thread by now. I’m noticing that they’re like dive bombers. They come in, drop their load. Then disappear. Most of them have to be bona fide kids. They just don’t get it, that they don’t make the impression on us they so desperately want to. They hate boomer because well, we see right through their Marxist bullshit, and that stops them in their tracks. Who is sbbh?

19200021? ago

SBBH is soapboxbanhammer https://www.voat.co/v/soapboxbanhammer They are the retards of voat, the majority of the trolls and shills on qrv are members of that sub, they are also responsible for the porn posts here and the division post- Muh jews, muh niggers posts etc.

They tried a coup attempt against our sub recently, a manufactured crisis of troll posts, and porn posts in an effort to get the owner of voat to give control of our sub to someone else, most likely 'srazie', the old owner of GreatAwakening, who had been friends with all of them and even made some of them moderators at GA.

They wanted our anon status removed so that they could target individuals here and down vote brigade us and run us off of voat. They claim to be right wing but they hate Trump and Q and us.

Yes they hate boomers despite the fact that some of them are boomers, they hate blacks yet one, or more, of them is black, they hate Latinos yet some of them are Latinos. One of them, who was previously married to a Latino and has a daughter with her, just married a woman who has a black child from a previous marriage and now this self proclaimed nigger hater has one in his own house. This is the one called zyclon_b who just made a sub called beatlestrollarmy, when the current BS on voat settles down he will be attacking us again with his 'troll army'.

Keep an eye out for this clown: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3279888 Mine is the first comment on that post calling him out, he is a troll/shill from sbbh, who made a bet with his troll/shills buddies at sbbh that he could convince 'The stupid Qtards' that he is 'The Son of God' returned to save humanity.

Anyway I have lurked a lot on voat and have learned quite a bit so if you have any other questions I would be happy to answer them if I can. Have a good day Patriot.

19227487? ago

Wow. Thanks for that. There are a few more abbreviations I never could catch onto. IMO, and C_A.

19231276? ago

Your welcome.

IMO is In My Opinion

C_A is CIA

19243410? ago

Thx again.

19189030? ago

He even said it himself, Hes got more then enough things to look at on his puter for a hundred years! what a dream come true!

19190809? ago

Who are you quoting? Go back to your Dick and Jane books.

19188949? ago

Not shilling

If the DS took out Q team, would we know? The very last post has always remained suspect to me.

19190305? ago

Q is fine.

19189095? ago

Since that is a possibility we should all log out now, hang our heads low and just give up.

19188927? ago

Dropping a deuce, most likely.

19189368? ago

You mean Quece

19188903? ago

Because we are getting everything we need via Trump's tweets.

19207239? ago

In my view, one big benefit of the Q movement was the depth of digging that was done on every Q drop. Have you ever read Daemon series by Danial Suarez.

The multiplying research power of the Qmunnity, 1000's researching a community topics, reminded me of the Daemon's community. If you haven't read, both Daemon, and the follow on book Freedom, are really good.

Book review: Freedom, by Daniel Suarez Posted January 4, 2010 in Books/Magazines

I recently got to read Freedom, the new book by Daniel Suarez, and can highly recommend it. If you haven’t read Suarez’s earlier book Daemon then you should read that Daemon first. If you have read it, Suarez picks up where the first book ended.

Daemon and Freedom are set in a future tantalizingly close to the present. In Daemon, a software tycoon and game designer named Matthew Sobol is dying. Sobol writes a program called the Daemon that scans news sites on the web for stories about his death. When the Daemon detects (via the web) that Sobol has died, it springs into action.

A wider audience can enjoy Daemon, but computer science and techie folks will especially enjoy how plausible some of the ideas are. For example, the Daemon initially stays below the radar of the government by recruiting from within a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG), which skews toward a younger demographic and not older FBI agents. As someone who has seen weird, emergent behavior like this, I can understand why a bunch of people on the web enjoyed Daemon.

Freedom continues the world of the Daemon, but now we learn that the Daemon might not be all bad; it might just be ruthless in changing the world. Freedom pushes the concepts of Daemon even further: members of the guerrilla resistance fight against copyrighted DNA and for sustainable next-generation energy. They also share a private augmented reality. The new members of the “darknet” also share an interesting reputation system that’s a bit of a cross between Whuffie and PageRank.

You can enjoy Freedom for the action (there’s plenty of that, especially later in the book), but the “idea density” of Freedom will leave you thinking afterwards. Recommended, especially if you like Daemon or other books like The Truth Machine or The Unincorporated Man.

19188994? ago

Yes, Q+ tweets at you every day

19193735? ago

So we are too believe Iran hit the boats

19188875? ago

Much, much work being done.

Silent war... but the public phase looms!

Keep your bag of popcorn ready for the micro

19189010? ago

only idiots eat microwave popcorn, that butter is poison

19190627? ago

What if I put the contents of the microwave bag in a pot with a lid, is that okay??

19190296? ago

true story

19189130? ago

Thank you Betty Crocker, any suggestions?

19188997? ago

fuck that, keep a bag of bullets ready

19189111? ago

How long do you microwave them?

19190661? ago

3-4 minutes or until the popping stops.

19188939? ago

found a way to post thousands over the last 600 days

19188814? ago
