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19162800? ago

Since we're allegedly "anon" here, although I'm sure a determined person could still "find me out," I AM A MASTER FREEMASON.

I still don't wanna say much about what happens in "The Meetings," because I promised such.

However I CAN say that anyone reading this...if YOU were in a given meeting we have, I PROMISE you, you would be BORED. TO. TEARS. This doesn't mean I think the Freemasons are guiltless but rather it has to be those few at the very top. The locals are all good people and known to be pillars of the community and just outright decent people. It's a fraternity for adults who aren't criminals, literally, as it's no secret that if you have a criminal record, you cannot become a Mason.

I just wanted to let people know that an insider wonders about such things just like anyone else might. It HAS to be some few at the top; the people I know simply aren't capable of THINKING of doing the things the Masons are allegedly "behind," let alone actually doing them.

So, whatever is going on with the Freemasons....I know they've got the "Home Office" in Washington, D.C. (surprise, surprise) AND please consider/recall that George Washington and most of the Founding Fathers WERE Freemasons, look at our Constitution, and tell me those people were evil. They weren't. So, something funny has to be going on, and it has to be a very small group of "them" in Freemasonry because it's not happening on the local levels. No way. I'd know it from the inside if it was, and if it were, I'd disassociate myself with them simply by not paying my dues.

19163233? ago

Who are the Shriners? The Shriners' Dirty Little Secret - Royal Order of Jesters. Masonic Shriners? Buffalo chapter of the Royal Order of Jesters

19164290? ago

Thanks for the post by an anon from an anon "proving" ANYTHING.

Reminds me of the Global Warming debate I tried to talk some sense into against years ago...he was all excited, patting himself on the back how smart he was by "disproving" me with a meme that SAID AT THE BOTTOM, "Global Warming ART" - as if it's proof! lmao