19166568? ago

This is a press release, not an article. CNBC didn't author this in particular so an executive there had no reason to be singled out. It looks like a press release that was picked up by a number of wire services, at best. What is the specific connection? Why you gotta misrepresent things as connected that clearly are not connected?

19162800? ago

Since we're allegedly "anon" here, although I'm sure a determined person could still "find me out," I AM A MASTER FREEMASON.

I still don't wanna say much about what happens in "The Meetings," because I promised such.

However I CAN say that anyone reading this...if YOU were in a given meeting we have, I PROMISE you, you would be BORED. TO. TEARS. This doesn't mean I think the Freemasons are guiltless but rather it has to be those few at the very top. The locals are all good people and known to be pillars of the community and just outright decent people. It's a fraternity for adults who aren't criminals, literally, as it's no secret that if you have a criminal record, you cannot become a Mason.

I just wanted to let people know that an insider wonders about such things just like anyone else might. It HAS to be some few at the top; the people I know simply aren't capable of THINKING of doing the things the Masons are allegedly "behind," let alone actually doing them.

So, whatever is going on with the Freemasons....I know they've got the "Home Office" in Washington, D.C. (surprise, surprise) AND please consider/recall that George Washington and most of the Founding Fathers WERE Freemasons, look at our Constitution, and tell me those people were evil. They weren't. So, something funny has to be going on, and it has to be a very small group of "them" in Freemasonry because it's not happening on the local levels. No way. I'd know it from the inside if it was, and if it were, I'd disassociate myself with them simply by not paying my dues.

19167836? ago

People wouldn't go on the internet and just tell lies.

19167680? ago

If FM’s are of such good men then why is it so secret? Secret Clubs are never good for anyone.

19166455? ago

Freemasonry forbids promoting Jesus over other gods. Freemasonry is a trojan horse filled with Satanism. "Good works in the community" lol get the fuck out of here.

19165516? ago

I believe the freemasons were originally founded under wonderful teachings for those looking for personal development and eventual enlightenment.

The danger is it's obsession with secrecy. Any organization founded in secrecy will eventually be taken over at the highest levels by people with nefarious intentions because the cloak of secrecy is the only way for nefarious people to hide their motivations.

I considered joining for a while, then finally decided it would be a bad idea to swear an oath to an organization whose ultimate motivations at the highest levels might be in opposition to what I desire and see as righteousness.

19204070? ago

Does a family advertise its inner workings? As for any oath, to me, it becomes invalid if the pretense is unequivocal lies. They get bad press over a few people...ones at the top. But most organizations are that way b/c of Human Nature

19168872? ago

Ancient mystery religion of Babylon. Luciferian religion. Master masons are ignorant of the higher degrees and the secret societies that exist within the secret societyies. Christ did nothing in secret. The G in the Masonic symbol stands for Gnosticism. Get out while u can. They hate Christians. Skull and bones. Illuminati. Templars. Scottish rite. York rite. Mormons. They all have a public side which is different from their secret side. Don’t be suckered in. Their purpose is to keep you from Christ . They worship Lucifer. Some know that. Others are just ignorant.

19163262? ago

You can look at the Treaty of Paris and realize we were sold out. So your mason rhetoric is counter productive by tying masons to the fore fathers. That document will leave you BORED. TO. TEARS. Regardless of your enthusiasm it’s important in establishing that we are still ruled by a monarchy and that’s why almost all presidents with the most “royal” blood are typically elected (hence the Obama and Bush distant cousin business). The constitution is usurped by admiralty law, but thanks mister mason for your insight.

19164268? ago

at least it has relevance even today. What's discussed in meetings....not so much in a few weeks, let alone centuries. It's civic stuff mainly. I'm not even supposed to say that much, but under the circumstances and times, SOME truth needs to be out there instead of just "conspiracy" stuff. All I'm saying is, as a Mason, I've truthfully never seen anything of it.

19163233? ago

Who are the Shriners? https://voat.co/v/AnonBoard/3140593 The Shriners' Dirty Little Secret - Royal Order of Jesters. Masonic Shriners? Buffalo chapter of the Royal Order of Jesters

19164290? ago

Thanks for the post by an anon from an anon "proving" ANYTHING.

Reminds me of the Global Warming debate I tried to talk some sense into against years ago...he was all excited, patting himself on the back how smart he was by "disproving" me with a meme that SAID AT THE BOTTOM, "Global Warming ART" - as if it's proof! lmao

19162962? ago

You're nobody in the free masons. Do you think the janitor knows how the company works? Name me someone who's 32nd degree?

19164310? ago

And not only that, your asking/demanding me to tells me you know LESS than nothing about the Masons, but I'm not here to argue with strangers. You're factually incorrect but I'll leave you to figure out where hahaha good LUCK

19163152? ago

Even if I did you would never have heard of them...

19162946? ago

Well said! My grandfather, father and brother were all 32nd. Degree Masons. They were a service organization that did good for the community. I was a Rainbow Girl, a Masonic organization for girls. I know what you mean by boring. We learned and served.

19166537? ago

Charles G. Finney, D.D. - “Why I Left Freemasonry,”

“Judging from unquestionable evidences, how can we fail to pronounce Freemasonry an unchristian institution? We can see that its morality is unchristian. Its oath-bound secrecy is unchristian. The administration and taking of its oaths are unchristian and a violation of the positive command of Christ. And Masonic oaths pledge its members to some of the most unlawful and unchristian things:”

To conceal each other's crimes.

To deliver each other from difficulty, whether right or wrong.

To unduly favour Masonry in political action and in business matters.

Its members are sworn to retaliate and persecute unto death the violators of Masonic obligations.

Freemasonry knows no mercy, and swears its candidates to avenge violations of Masonic obligations unto death.

It's oaths are profane, taking the Name of God in vain.

The penalties of these oaths are barbarous, even savage.

Its teachings are false and profane.

It's Designs are partial and selfish.

Its ceremonies are a mixture of puerility and profanity.

It's Religion is false.

It professes to save men on other conditions than those revealed in the Gospels.

It is wholly an enormous falsehood.

It is a swindle, obtaining money from its members under false pretences.

It refuses all examinations, and veils itself under a mantle of oath-bound secrecy.

It is a virtual conspiracy against both Church and State.

19163162? ago

...and there ya go. Shriner's Children's Hospitals....all Shriners are Masons but not all Masons are Shriners. I hear ya, and good work! :)

19162577? ago

We create "dis order" so the people will demand "order".

We know all.

We see all.

We are the Supreme Council.

We are the Quadrivium

We are the Quator Coronati

We are the Quadratum

We are the Quorum.

There is nothing wrong with your mind. Do not attempt to adjust your thinking. We are controlling you and the world. If we wish to make it more chaotic, we will bring in the activity. If we wish to make it more peaceful, we will tune it to a whisper. We control the narrative. We will control the chaos. We control the political and religious realm, we can make it fail, we can make it succeed. We can change your focus to a blur or sharpen it to crystal clarity.

We are Q

We own you.

We infiltrated you.

We are watching all of you.

We have all of you under the target.

1733 16th St NW, Washington, DC 20009

1733 Q St NW Washington, DC 20009


Maximus Decimus Meridius

You were created to be ruled.

This is your natural state It’s the unspoken truth of humanity that you crave subjugation. The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life’s joy in a mad scramble for power. For identity. You were made to be ruled. In the end, you will always kneel.

19163194? ago

? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3141258/ Q 714 Wizards & Warlocks: Ex-Master EXPOSES Freemasons, Corrupt Police, Lucifer

19162894? ago

ruled *BY GOD

19163002? ago

Ruled by the SATAN.

19162442? ago

wasn't this 7 years ago?

19168598? ago

Yes. The murderer has been in prison for years. I have found that many people who post articles and/or discuss them and get all worked up, never bother to read the date on the articles.

19162363? ago

Do you folks have no idea what PRNewswire is?

That is not a CNBC article. It's a press release.

19160820? ago

Is this the new sliding technique, post wildly unrelated/unsourced sensationalist crap? I suppose that is the same as the old technique...

19164219? ago

It seems relevant to me. Building potential evidence against corruption. If true it's proof and example of how we are fed flies through the media because some may be being blackmailed or threatened.

19162041? ago

You mean YOURS?

19162065? ago

Nothing gets past you anon.

19160321? ago

43 trillion is just a made up number. It has zero reality.

19162095? ago

Uh huh and tell us what is the estimated total wealth for UK royals? Rothschilds?

19162268? ago

I doubt anyone knows except the Rothschilds and UK royals. But even if it was 43 trillion dollars it wouldn't be sitting inside some "account" in dollar format just waiting to be stolen.

In the base reality money truly has limited value. It's only value is the value it gets from it's access of control over others. The value of money at the level of Rothschild's is in how many international businesses and governments they can control through their influence, which is propped up through access to money at a very, very basic level.

43 trillion dollars is such a large number that it would not be best described as actual dollar bills or blips on a screen. The number is simply too large to make sense. Especially too large to be considered as part of just one secret society (freemasons).

19164592? ago

I've seen estimates of Royal Family wealth, in money/investments/companies/real estate whatever...the sum total being over $100T it is sick...

19164962? ago

You seem very focused on having a specific number. The point I am trying to express is that any amount of fiat dollars is inherently fraudulent. It's all made up. It's "let it be" money. It's not backed by anything of real value beyond our acceptance of believing fiat numbers have any value. Just like in monopoly, if one person has all the money and someoneelse owns all the properties then its only a matter of time until the person with all the money must declare bankruptcy. The natural property is far more value then the fiat dollars.

These people are not powerful because they have all the money, they are powerful because they have all the influence. The reason they have all the influence is because they have convinced us that the fiat money has value.

This is why the idea of 43 trillion dollars being stolen is ridiculous. It's all fake. It's a spell that's been cast on our minds. The true value of fiat currency is the control it holds over the creation of "energy" (through controlling how people behave in their attempts to obtain this fiat currency).

19204094? ago

When talking about money, you're damned right I'm talking about specific numbers. It represents promises made and in real terms. Whether it is a lie or not is an entirely different conversation.

19165881? ago

Which is why Trump must destroy The Fed, and collapse the current fiat money system globally, and replace it with something better.

He can't defeat The Deep State unless he does this, hence why all the preppers are going hammer and tong getting ready.

You should too. Food, water filtration, solar power, a garden if you have room, guns and ammunition.

Start studying, as much knowledge may be unavailable in the event the internet goes down for any extended period of time.

Get good with God and Jesus Christ. Read The Bible.

That's the only way we have a chance.



19165935? ago

I 100% agree. Thank for you for the conversation.

19174367? ago

You're most welcome Patriot. Peace.


19162913? ago

I just know something's wrong with the world's "system" when half the world's wealth is in the hands of EIGHT FUCKING PEOPLE!


19164252? ago

Yeah. Something is certainly wrong. We're being enslaved in a fraudulent system and most people have no idea.

19164557? ago

I am (only) 50 and I remember when the line was "13 FAMILIES." Now it's eight MEN.

And I can't be the only person to hear "government estimates" going from $X MILLION to $X BILLION to $X TRILLION over the years, and cost estimates going from "$X per year" to "$X over the next TEN YEARS" - to make it somehow more palletable for we dumb masses, right? If you're old enough, you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about....

19162428? ago

The way the Rothschilds get their control is by getting governments and royalty to place curses upon themselves and their people....

19162313? ago

Change Freemasons to luciferians.. We're talking about the seed of satan bloodlines. Very top.

Rothschild has numerous flowers and other things named after them.. Know how much that costs?

19163130? ago

To be a Freemason, you have to believe in "a" god. The ones I know are Christians around here; I'm sure there are a few closet Luciferians in the mix, just as there would be in any large group of people. The power is at the very TOP, however, and Freemasons are just people like any other group is made up of. I think the old "power corrupts" thing is at work. The Masons you may know locally are NOT those people with any power in the organization. Remember, George Washington himself was a Freemason, and so were most of the signers of the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution so that's what has me all wondering. Power concentrated at the top in the hands of a few is hardly a concept held only by Freemasons.

19162480? ago

It likely doesn't even have a real dollar value. Fiat currency is a fraud they push on us. They don't get caught up in their own fraud. In their world everything is converted to influence and power.

19161989? ago

To some it's the only reality they know.

19161981? ago

What about the reality that the nanny was found unconscious and rush to the hospital while being blamed for murdering two children in the bathtub just shortly after the article was posted and then removed?

19162224? ago

I have no opinion on the other elements of this post. I'm merely pointing out that the concept of 43 trillion dollars is so inflated that it would, in reality, destroy the very idea of money if one person was able to "steal" this much.

19160276? ago

No author on the article?

19170280? ago

Thanks faggot, I'll decide if it's legit for myself.

19162466? ago

It's not an article. It's a press release. PRNewswire is a press release service. For about a thousand bucks, I can send this comment or anything else I want to write to every press outlet nationwide.


19162245? ago

The "article" itself is a press release distributed on PRnewswire. Authors are not listed on press releases, only contacts. The contact is listed at the very bottom of the release, as is standard.

19162051? ago

^ Panic.

CNBC published.

Author is by name is not important.

19161038? ago

It's over-the-top evil & control that would look ridiculous in a movie. Real life is stranger than fiction...and unfortunately, much more evil.

19160239? ago

Does $43 TRILLION even exist?

19162884? ago

Great question, since the US gubbmint debt doesn't even count the amount of unfunded liabilities...gotta be over $100T by now. It was like $90T 25 years ago!

19162393? ago

When you make money out of nothing you can write whatever number you like.....

19160418? ago

You should checkout the balance of the "spiritual white boy" trust fund. Audited and all, is that the Vatican?

19159964? ago

What does a TV executive have to do with a CNBC article? Do you have any proof he contributed to the article or this is more FEEEELS over Reals

19160050? ago

Irangate? Tax havens work by concealing beneficiaries.

19160076? ago

Please spell out how these two events are connected.

19161999? ago

Time and dates. Could be nothing though. Seems strange.