19168754? ago

"The meetings go on past 10 pm. This just does not seem normal." ... This is perfectly normal. Most meetings begin at 7 or 8pm and continue to 10pm or later. Fest of Board (fund raising dinner) occurs after the meetings, so most don't leave until before midnight. You just haven't been paying attention.

"lots of Masons in attendance" ... do you know this, or is it speculation? Lots of lodges allow their premises to be rented out for meetings etc. to third parties when there are no masonic meetings scheduled. I've seen women in hijabs leaving a lodge where they were meeting. I've also seen veteran support groups meeting in lodge buildings.

19160134? ago

I live next to a Scottish Rite temple and there’s been no activity out of the ordinary

19160001? ago

Who are the Shriners? Why symbols of a Moongod and Babylon?? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3130977 The cult runs the world.

19159963? ago

They are fools, many are blind but dumb enough to cause big fires.... Take photos, have a camera recording