19292053? ago

She wears the jewel of a Horned Creature? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3131598/17749955 Wait, who is that fat old skank? She looks like the frozen granny from weird science.

19157882? ago

He's a creepy Freemason who got free adverts on tv and free promotion in some global Jew owned magazines, then take away the Babylon MTV money, take away the audio engineering in studio and remove the Alice Copper style makeup all he really is a big, awkward creepy fucking dork who makes very average 'music' that is if you can even call it music.

19157197? ago

Johnny Depp has a matching spiral heart pedo tattoo with Marilyn Manson.

19547367? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3156629/18002848 So Aliens could be good or evil, Angels or Demons?

19159162? ago

and the scream queen groupie girls, the guys who hang around, some people who know something is going on ?? or its all Just a conspiracy, the Woody Allen creeps, Madonna tramps, criminal behavior of Kevin Spacey types in the music industry, linked to Churches, and buildings in Arabia and sometimes Knight by the Queen, who else connects? Facts That You Need To Know | Neon Nettle ? http://www.neonnettle.com/feed/194-8-rothschild-family-facts-that-you-need-to-know Rose and Corey? Marilyn Manson: Howard Radio Jew Shock Jock Stern Interview (2002) https://www.dialogues.org/interview/01/01/2002/marilyn-manson-howard-stern-interview-2002-/1464029712 The hollywood weirdos ring them up for remakes like Conan or the latest re-imagined crap? http://www.metrotimes.com/detroit/conan-the-barbarian/Content?oid=2147556 Jackson Culkin? http://celebrityinsider.org/corey-feldman-casts-doubt-on-leaving-neverland-claims-from-michael-jackson-accusers-253474/ Marilyn Manson Cover Lost Boys Song Cry Little ... the tv shows, the Festivals, Axl Rose, Pink all part of that social club http://sofa-king-cool-magazine.com/entertainment-news/ Can act creepy or is he just a disturbed dorky creep? http://www.providermodule.com/videography/marilyn_manson_acting_credits.php and Alyssa Milano http://nymag.com/thecut/2012/11/vicarious-heartache-of-teen-star-breakups/slideshow/2012/11/12/teen_breakups/89606413_10/ Bieber and Manson http://www.metalinjection.net/tag/marilyn-manson Somebody started these clubs for rent the trafficking, the brothels, why would there be news of someone who spits on Elizabeth Taylor's Grave? Maybe crazy days and nights is not all conspiracy and gossip

19156492? ago

Shock value is shocking

19155950? ago

You should post this to v/pizzagate, they may have already done some digging on him

19159235? ago

Let's not forget the fact that Marilyn Manson and Johnny Depp played a key role in getting the West Memphis Three out of jail. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2163850/10667025 Those three disgusting satanists that brutally raped and murdered three children and were found guilty for the murders as there were no doubt they were behind the horrific murders. Both Marilyn Manson and Johnny Depp are best friends with Damien Echols, who was the ring leader of the West Memphis Three and who is a HUGE admirer of Aleister Crowley. https://www.voat.co/v/pizzagate/1717367 Corey Feldman turns against 4chan in vicious attack https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3267243 Johny Depp signing a Bowie Cover for "Hollywood Vampires" album "Rise". Look at the icon on the YouTube account...

19155937? ago


19157766? ago

I know people were scared of him, some say the fear was just 'hype' but there could be something weird aroud the act, most of the music industry and hollyweird has nasty people around. He is from a Choir boy background? He attended Heritage Christian School from first to 10th grade. In that school, his instructors tried to show children what music they were not supposed to listen to; Warner then fell in love with what he "wasn't supposed to do". Brian Hugh Warner (born January 5, 1969), known by his stage name Marilyn Manson, qs a child, Warner attended his mother's Episcopal church, though his father was a Roman Catholic At its time this was a new sound of rock, heavy trashy metal and goth with a lot of dark mtv shock images. Brian Hugh Warner, known by his stage name Marilyn Manson, is an American singer, songwriter, actor, record producer, visual artist, author, and former music journalist. He is known for his controversial stage personality and image as the lead singer of the band Marilyn Manson, which he co-founded with guitarist Daisy Berkowitz and of which he remains the only constant member. Manson was engaged to actress Rose McGowan from February 1999 to January 2001. McGowan later ended their engagement, citing "lifestyle differences". Manson and burlesque dancer, model, and costume designer Dita Von Teese became a couple in 2001. Manson proposed on March 22, 2004, and they were married in a private, non-denominational ceremony officiated by Chilean film director Alejandro Jodorowsky. Manson was a friend of Anton LaVey, who even inducted him as a minister in the Church of Satan, although Manson downplayed this. Manson is also familiar with the writings of Aleister Crowley and Friedrich Nietzsche. He quotes Crowley throughout his autobiography, including the Thelemic anthem @flyingcuttlefish @DietCokehead1 @salvia_d anyone else get nasty vibes from this shock jock goth faggot? @Conspirologist @madmalloy ... On April 3, 2002, Maria St. John filed a lawsuit in Los Angeles Superior Court accusing Manson of providing her adult daughter, Jennifer Syme, with cocaine and instructing her to drive while under the influence.[104] After attending a party at Manson's house, Syme was given a lift home; Manson claims she was taken home by a designated driver. After she got home, she got behind the wheel of her own vehicle and was killed when she crashed it into three parked cars. Manson is reported to have said there were no alcohol or other drugs at the party; St. John's lawyer disputed this claim. He hung around with Corey Feldman, Rose McGowan in the kool kids drink & drug club? n a civil suit presented by Oakland County, Michigan, Manson was charged with sexual misconduct against another security officer, Joshua Keasler, during a concert in Clarkston, Michigan, on July 30, 2001. Oakland County originally filed assault and battery and criminal sexual misconduct charges, but the judge reduced the latter charge to misdemeanor disorderly conduct. Manson pleaded no contest to the reduced charges, paid a US$4,000 finestage name was formed by combining and juxtaposing the names of two American pop cultural icons of the 1960s: actress Marilyn Monroe and cult mass murder leader criminal Charles Manson.

19157812? ago

You should post this on the PG version of my thread. Great comment.

19155801? ago

Quit getting triggered over music, Christtard. What's next, is Dungeons and Dragons evil?

19156270? ago

I'm a militant atheist, and I find this shit repulsive. The satanic retards in the cabal actually rape and eat the young. Has nothing to do with magic sky daddy. But with moron humans who think Satan is real, and are massive pedos....

19156424? ago

"Atheism" is a logical fallacy.

You can say "I don't believe in God" but it requires evidence to say "God does not exist".

There is probably not a tea cup in the rings of Saturn, but you can't say "there are no tea cups in the rings of Saturn" without checking.

19159283? ago

That's not how this works. You're the one with a ridiculous statement that this magical sky daddy who watches you masturbate, and let's children have cancer and other terrible deaths. You need to prove it. Not us. We simply dont believe in your fairy tales. You cant prove a negative. You cant prove that something doesnt exist.... that's not how this works. Otherwise I can say "Hitler never died, and he actually was God in physical form. You cabt prove that God isnt hitler".

19167904? ago

Let’s just say you believe the Bible is the word of God translated through imperfect unlettered men, who had a strong love for truth and righteousness. Since God has the power to read a persons heart, he would be the best person to pick the men who would write this book. Not to say there aren’t purposely mistranslated Bibles out there, but it is possible to find an accurate translation, if you dig on this like you do politics, you won’t be disappointed. If you hate what goes on in this world that is.

Our forefather Adam made a choice that brought severe consequences to all of his offspring. The apostle Paul wrote: “All creation keeps on groaning together and being in pain together.” (Romans 8:22) God’s remedy is profoundly just, supremely merciful, and elegantly simple. Romans 6:23 explains: “The wages sin pays is death, but the gift God gives is everlasting life by Christ Jesus our Lord.”

The perfect man Jesus lived a sinless life. His death on a torture stake provided the grounds for the release of obedient mankind from the curse of sin and death. We now have the prospect of everlasting life in a world where our sinful tendency to make unwise choices will be gone. People who deliberately make others suffer will also be gone, for “evildoers themselves will be cut off.”​—Psalm 37:9.

19161976? ago

Listen close m'kay.

"I believe x" - Fine.

"I don't believe x" - Good to go.

"X didn't happen" - Need proof.

"X did happen" - Need proof.

19156544? ago

Atheists are usually just agnosticus who dont know the difference

19155933? ago

Dungeons and dragons is evil actually

19156138? ago

How is Dungeons and Dragons evil?

19156499? ago

Here’s a “60 minutes” 1985 clip that shows you how evil it is . Educate yourself . https://youtu.be/yShqF1YSfDs

19165053? ago

Lol, I knew you were just a boomer calling things evil simply because you don't understand them. Unfortunate.

19155961? ago

Quit sucking Jesus cock.

19155823? ago

Faggot pedo

19155689? ago


19157822? ago

Hollyweird, Madonna, the gay boy bands, the MTV shows .... the Pyramid https://voat.co/v/QRV/3119984 'Sabrina' and Satanists Reach Amicable Settlement in Baphomet Statue Lawsuit. .... all part of the same club?

19156250? ago

Goes the liberal.